Amazon Lex - Enabling responses from Slack mentions - chatbot

I am creating an Amazon Lex bot as a POC to see what it can do. I have a version of the bot working where I can direct message it and receive responses back. The logging for both Lex and Lambda shows the conversations that are occurring.
I decided to move forward and attempt the same conversation by inviting my bot to a public channel I created. In doing so, I added app_mentions:read, channels:history, chat:write, and chat:write.customize permission to my bot via the OAuth scopes in the app configurations.
When trying to mention my app, the amazon lex logs do not show a conversation is occurring nor is the lambda function executing. It appears that slack is either not receiving the request or the request never calls lex, to begin with.
Does anyone know what is required for slack configurations to at minimum have it call Lex? I don't know if it is reading the mentions though I would think so because it has permissions.


What could be the reason for a Google Action with external endpoint (API) to work on the Actions Console Simulator, but not as deployed?

I am new to the whole creation-process of Google Actions.
I created an Action with the new Action Console.
It has an fulfillment endpoint to my server (as example:
For testing purposes it has no authentification, so it generates a public API response.
Said API generates a simple JSON response based on a send event handler.
In short: Action onEnter sends handler to API, API queries SQL database and sends the response back to my Google Action that then "speaks" the SQL result.
The result with the Actions Console Simulator is:
Testing with "Smart Display device: everything works.
Testing with "Speaker (e.g. Google Home): everything works.
Testing with "Phone": main intent is invoked and text is shown but does not get spoken.
So i tested the command "Hey Google, talk to the unicorn app" directly on my smartphone.
Here **everything works fine ** as said smartphone has the same e-mail like the one on my Action Console account: it recognizes the main invocation command and when i ask by voice to get the data, the data is received from my server and spoken.
So something is wrong with the "Phone" device in the simulator. This has been confirmed by me from other users saying that they often have trouble with the simulator function correctly.
I then deployed my Action.
It was reviewed and approved.
A few seconds later i received an auto-email saying that there were too many errors with my app, asking me to check its health status. I did so and in the Health tab, i can see that it has an error but it does not show me what the error is.
They helped me a lot into the right direction but could not go deeper into the problem as my connection (the endpoint API) is outside of their servers.
So i ended with their tip on checking the Google Cloud Logging Console.
As said Logging Console is also new for me, i learned on how to query my results but:
How can i query for the so called "is_health_check" flag?
I am asking this because the Google Expert recommended me to search for said flag but i do not know on how to query it.
Sorry for this ultra-long entry but i am trying to be as transparent to you as possible, as i have been trying this out for several days now.
Thanks in advance for your time, ppl!
So the error is simple once that you know how Google handles the external webhooks. Thanks to the help of 2 Actions-On-Google Experts i was informed that Google pings your external Webhook from time to time.
As soon as they get an error as result from said ping, the Action will be deactivated from the Assistant until a new ping response sends that everything is fine again.
My problem was that after deploying the action and while it was under reviews, i continued to work on the code on my server. While coding, the Google server pinged and received an error code.
My fault, but at least i learned the thing about pinging your action!

Hangouts Chat Service Account issues

I am working on setting up a few new bots for Hangouts Chat. Part of the effort involves using Hubot, which is working well. Another use case requires posting to user spaces based on external functions, which is done via a python command script. I have a project and separate service account setup for each bot, and the permissions for the bot service account appear to be the same. None of the bots have corresponding domain-wide delegation at the GSuite Security level.
We obtain the spaceid for each user via one Hubot that saves their spaceid to a database, and the python script can then lookup the user and obtain that id.
However, only one of the 5 projects appears to be able to post a message to a user space. All others get a 403 error and fail to post. The same python script is used for any of the 'bots' with the only difference being the json file used for authentication.
Not sure this is enough information. But, I wonder what could be causing this problem if not permissions?
I figured it out. The spaceid I was registering via another bot is not the same as the spaceid associated with the bot/user communication for any other bot. In other words, it appears that the spaceid a bot sees for a user is unique to its communication with the user. I will need to have users register with the bot that needs to send the message instead of a common registration bot

Hangouts Chat bot to post timed message

I can see from this, that a bot can send a message in chat, and if supplied a thread ID that does not exist, will start a new thread and post there. I am wondering if there is a way, given the current REST API or any other compatible with Hangouts, to send a message to a room at a given time of day, rather than when the bot is called or interacted with.
I am working in NodeJS, deploying my project in the GCP.
My apologies for the ambiguity of my question, I am trying to wrap my mind around the GCP environment.
In the bots documentation there are described the three ways in which a bot can send a message to a room. Those are:
Every time the bot is mentioned.
When the bot enters a room for the first time.
When the bot is taken out of the room.
Unfortunately, none of them is a daily message at a given time. If you still have questions, please ask them freely.
We have a working bot (NodeJS based) which sends messages freely. Just use this endpoint .
Your bot must be invited to the particular space/room for this. You can create threads as well with new and subsequent messages.
We also have bots written in Google Apps Script and there it is also possible.

Facebook bot not receiving messaging_game_plays webhook events even though webhook is subscribed to those events

I'm testing a facebook instant games app and want my bot to collect messaging_game_plays events to log user data at the end of a play session.
I've set up an app page, app, and uploaded a build that I have moved to the testing stage. I also have a bot with a public webhook that I have successfully verified. The webhook is currently subscribed to messaging_game_plays as well as messages. I have simple echo functionality built into the bot and can spin up the messenger app on my phone, message the page, and receive an echo perfectly.
The problem arises when I go to the games section of my messenger app, play the game, and then exit the game. I expect my bot to receive a messaging_game_plays event per, but I don't receive any indication in the logs of the bot server that anything has called the webhook (even after waiting a significant amount of time).
So my question is/questions are: am I missing something that is required for the messaging_game_plays to be sent to my bot? Is there anything that I need to add to my app-build specifically for this event to trigger? Is launching the game on my phone and exiting the game sufficient for testing this event?
I've searched forums and documentation with no luck but maybe I've missed something along the way. I have checked this question: Facebook Messenger webhook setup, but not triggered, and that helped me successfully trigger messages events which I am getting, I just can't seem to collect messaging_game_plays events.
I am rather new to this process so I may be missing something small, any help would be greatly appreciated!
For reference:
app webhook subscriptions
What does your fbapp-config.json file say? If your bot opt-in parameter is 'opt_in_dev' or 'opt_in_public' you will need to call the subscribeBotAsync method to subscribe your user to the bot before any webhooks will be sent.
Messenger bots will need to be opt-in only from January 19th (see here:
We're making this change to ensure a better player experience.
If you want to transfer player data without requiring the bot to be opted-in, you can use standard JavaScript fetch/XMLHttpRequest with getSignedPlayerInfoAsync to avoid tampering.

In which format I should send http POST to Bot Builder?

I was trying to built a bot which interacts with multiple users.
The Microsoft Bot Builder seems nice to me.
I followed their examples and tried them out.
Bot Builder Restify and so on
There are few things which are not clear to me.
How can I post a message to bot rest endpoint?
The emulator seems to have been taking care of such details. But in a real application, in which format i should sent a message?
How does the bot interacts with multiple users? In the emulator, there is only one user, what happens if there are several persons talk to the bot at the same time in a real application?
I think "chatconnector" somehow doing the job, but I am not sure.
I hope someone could point out examples or give answers below to clarify these to me.
Thanks in advance!
1) Messages are sent using industry-standard REST and JSON over HTTPS. Although you can call the bot's endpoint directly, this would bypass channels and security. In the Microsoft Bot Framework architecture, clients communicate with a channel connector and the channel connector calls the bot. When the bot responds, it sends a message to the channel connector and the connector calls the client. The channel connectors transform messages from the channel's specific schema to the Bot Framework's generic activity schema and back. They also verify that callers are authorized using JWT tokens.
This documentation on Authentication might help clear things up some:
2) Group conversations are handled differently, depending on the channel. This sample demonstrates some of the group conversation features in the Bot Builder Node sdk: