Can't get Google Chat messages with Gmail API - chat

What are the details of your problem?
Until recently, in my own web application, I used the Gmail API to retrieve Google Chat messages as follows.
I was able to get it from "Label: CHAT" by executing as follows.
(1) Acquisition of thread ID belonging to CHAT label
(2) Get message information from thread ID[Thread ID]
However, it seems that it has been impossible to obtain it since around December 2022, and when I searched for "in: chats" in Gmail, the messages after December 10th were not displayed.
Any method is fine, so I would like to be able to get Google Chat messages as before.
Anyone know the cause and solution?
Please check.
I also tried using the Google Chat API to see if it was possible to get messages, but I could only get messages in the space, and I couldn't get direct messages, so I wasn't able to use it.
I checked all the messages in the labels that can be obtained at "", but it seems that chat messages are not included.
Also, in another answer, there was a description that the state included in the Gmail API was a bug, so it is possible that this bug was adapted and it was not displayed, but in that case, there is another way to deal with it. Are you there?
Access CHATS label with Gmail API


Hangouts Chat bot to post timed message

I can see from this, that a bot can send a message in chat, and if supplied a thread ID that does not exist, will start a new thread and post there. I am wondering if there is a way, given the current REST API or any other compatible with Hangouts, to send a message to a room at a given time of day, rather than when the bot is called or interacted with.
I am working in NodeJS, deploying my project in the GCP.
My apologies for the ambiguity of my question, I am trying to wrap my mind around the GCP environment.
In the bots documentation there are described the three ways in which a bot can send a message to a room. Those are:
Every time the bot is mentioned.
When the bot enters a room for the first time.
When the bot is taken out of the room.
Unfortunately, none of them is a daily message at a given time. If you still have questions, please ask them freely.
We have a working bot (NodeJS based) which sends messages freely. Just use this endpoint .
Your bot must be invited to the particular space/room for this. You can create threads as well with new and subsequent messages.
We also have bots written in Google Apps Script and there it is also possible.

Facebook bot get rid of default message

I am following tutorial from
I am getting this message "The Default answer block is your bot’s default response to any input from a user. Create messages in this block that will guide your users. You can add buttons that lead users to other blocks. Remember, you also can use “AI Setup” to choose what blocks to show based on users' input." everytime I write anything random in messenger
This response is generated automatically by chatfuel. Check to see if you have linked chatfuel to your bot. If you intentionally used chatfuel you can change its default response from the dashboard. If you were like me, I setup chatfuel initially but decided it wasn't robust enough for what I wanted to do, and then I used Howdy botkit, but the chatfuel ai was still linked so I got the chatfuel default message + howdy botkit responses. I had to delete the chatfuel link so that I could only get responses from Howdy.

Not getting attachments from Nearby Messages API

I am using Nearby messages API for android. I was getting the attachments using API before, till end of January. However, it has abruptly stopped working. I can see the request calls my app making in the google cloud console. However, I am not getting any attachment. Is there anything that has been changed on the API end?
I work on the Nearby team. We've recently discovered and fixed a problem with the default message filter, which might be what's affecting you (e.g. if you don't provide a message filter at all). The fix is rolling out within the next day or two. Apologies!

Facebook real time inbox messages with Graph API v2

Does anyone know a way to fetch a user/page inbox messages in real time?
I've found this link, but there is no mention about inbox messages.
The Real-time updates are about... -updates-. That means you will only get notified about changes in the fields described in that link (not regarding the Payments API, that's a different case).
So, you can't get real-time inbox messages.
You can subscribe to the notifications, but I'm not really sure if Messages notifications are included in those...

GAE channel API chat

Currently im trouble shooting some code that I wrote to create a chat room. I will include the code if necessary but for now I just wanted to hear some possibilities for the problem im having. So basically I have client1 that is listening to a channel and then when clien2 sends a message to the server the message is then sent from the server to all available users. What is happening is that client 2 will send the message and it will be displayed on his browser but client 1 will not receive the message until he refreshes the page or types in a message of his own. So I would think that user presence is being detected fine since the message eventually gets sent to all available users but im not sure? Thoughts?
The Google App Engine blog has a nice case study that talks about how to do this.
They store a list of channel ID's in memcache and send update messages to each of them. They mention that race conditions make memcache not ideal, but it worked well enough for their demo.