GitHub pages build Error: No uploaded artifact was found! Please check if there are any errors at build step - deployment

I am trying to deploy a app and it has been working so far, but now I am having an issue with build and deployment. I can build the files without any issue on local server, but when I try to publish it on github server by pushing it, it throws a build and deployment error saying:
Error: Error: No uploaded artifact was found! Please check if there are any errors at build step.
I tried to remove the repo and create it again, but still get the same error.
I am very new to this and I have no idea what to do. I have seen some references to empty submodules after cloning, but I didn't clone it.
Any suggestions what else I can check?


why is my GitHub pages not working after installing vite?

Working on a 3d globe using threejs, I have the deployment running on GitHub pages, I had to install vite.js to facilitate the use of importing .glsl files for 3d stuff, after installing vite and trying to run GitHub pages I get the error "Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'pages build and deployment # main' exists" and every git push I have made after that has resulted in the error "docker pull failed with exit code 1" what does this mean?
the first screenshot is the list of failed deployments to GitHub pages.
the middle screenshot is the initial error.
the last screenshot is the error I've been getting ever since the initial one.
I have even made a new repository and still getting the same error which makes me think not has nothing to do with vite but something is wrong with GitHub.
Any advice would be appreciated.

How to deploy Publish site to GitHub Pages

I'm developing a static site using John Sundell's Publish framework. I've got the site mostly working, and I want to deploy it to my GitHub Pages repo. Publish includes a publishing step called .deploy(using: .gitHub("githubusername/", useSSH: false)) (to be clear, I did use my actual username). However, when I ran it the first time I received a pop-up authentication window, which I entered and it said incorrect password. Since then, whenever I run it, it just shows an error and doesn't offer any password window:
publish deploy
Fatal error: Error raised at top level: Publish encountered an error:
[step] Deploy using Git (
[path] GitDeploy
[info] Failed to create folder: file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 200
/bin/bash: line 1: 9577 Illegal instruction: 4 swift run RyanBudishSite --deploy
❌ ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 132
Message: "Fatal error: Error raised at top level: Publish encountered an error:
[step] Deploy using Git (
[path] GitDeploy
[info] Failed to create folder: file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 200
/bin/bash: line 1: 9577 Illegal instruction: 4 swift run RyanBudishSite --deploy"
Output: ""
Does anyone have any experience getting Publish to deploy to GitHub Pages? Any tips/ideas/suggestions would be very useful
I have deployed my site in GutHub Pages using the built in .gitHub publishing step.
To deploy to GitHub Pages, Publish clones your githubusername/ project into <YourProjcet>/.publish/GitDeploy. I am new to Swift and Publish, but by the looks of your error, it was unable to create the GitDeploy folder or clone your pages project there.
Run deploy once, after it fails go to the above location and see what is wrong. If there's some issue with pushing/fetching the GitHub Pages repo, resolve it manually and try running the publish deploy again.
If GitDeploy folder is not created, maybe creating one manually will fix it.

Access Is Denied error pushing package into my azure devops artifacts nuget feed

In my question here I managed to push one package to my feed, however I now get an Access is denied error.
According to this question I should be prompted for user name and password. This did occur for the package I managed to push, but it no longer occurs.
What do I need to do?
Studying the docs
this issue on Git is relevant
Something strange has happened to my folder.
I get the error if I just type Nuget at the dos prompt.
If I create a new folder and extract into it, then run Nuget I don't get the error
the cli reference
push reference
configuring nuget behaviour
Starting over again with a new installation of credentialsprovider solved the problem.
I accidentally cause the problem again by pasting in a command that started with the directory name
(a cut and paste boo booo)

JFrog CLI is giving me a "Wrong number of arguments" error using the Artifactory Maven build step in Azure DevOps (VSTS)

I'm new to Azure DevOps (VSTS) and I'm attempting to set up a new Pipeline build using the Artifactory Maven build step. When running the build I get the following error:
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0861829Z ##[error]Error: Command failed: D:\a_jfrog\1.19.1\jfrog.exe rt mvn "install -f D:\a\1\s\pom.xml" D:\a\1\s\config --build-name="SomeProject-Maven-CI" --build-number="20180912.6"
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0988256Z [Error] Wrong number of arguments. You can read the documentation at
I found this info on GitHub:
Its a similar error but not quite the same. I'm not sure how to edit the command that Azure Pipeline is running or even if I can.
I figured out my issue. I had a space included in my build name and it apparently the JFrog Cli didn't like that. When I removed the space the error went away. Other errors came up but that's off-topic from this question.
Can you please report the errors your encountered in Artifactory VSTS extension's GitHub repository?
We'll really appreciate it.
Update: A pull request opened to target this issue. You can track it here.
Update 2: Fixed in latest release 1.4.0.

Teamcity "git repository" error

After migrating a project from "subversion" to "githhub" successfully,
I am trying to build it by hitting "run" in "teamcity" but getting the following
How can i solve it?
This is expecting to be inside an actual Git repository so it can generate the GitVersion correctly.
You'll need to install git on your build agents and ensure that code is checked out on the agent. Further information as to why this needs to be done can be found in the TeamCity Checkout Mode Documentation
Hope this helps