why is my GitHub pages not working after installing vite? - github

Working on a 3d globe using threejs, I have the deployment running on GitHub pages, I had to install vite.js to facilitate the use of importing .glsl files for 3d stuff, after installing vite and trying to run GitHub pages I get the error "Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'pages build and deployment # main' exists" and every git push I have made after that has resulted in the error "docker pull failed with exit code 1" what does this mean?
the first screenshot is the list of failed deployments to GitHub pages.
the middle screenshot is the initial error.
the last screenshot is the error I've been getting ever since the initial one.
I have even made a new repository and still getting the same error which makes me think not has nothing to do with vite but something is wrong with GitHub.
Any advice would be appreciated.


In Github, Actions stopped working at deploy stage while pushing and the error " Error: Process completed with exit code 1" was executed

I pushed my files to github (.github.io) repo. Everything was going smoothly but, suddenly "Actions" stopped working in deploy stage
showing the error
Error: Process completed with exit code 1
I'm not quite sure what the exact reason behind this is. Any help is much appreciated.
The error message
Github issue page link: Issue description
Please note, I was using Jekyll-chirpy theme for the website -shaeekh.github.io and was hoping to be hosted by github.

GitHub pages build Error: No uploaded artifact was found! Please check if there are any errors at build step

I am trying to deploy a github.io app and it has been working so far, but now I am having an issue with build and deployment. I can build the files without any issue on local server, but when I try to publish it on github server by pushing it, it throws a build and deployment error saying:
Error: Error: No uploaded artifact was found! Please check if there are any errors at build step.
I tried to remove the repo and create it again, but still get the same error.
I am very new to this and I have no idea what to do. I have seen some references to empty submodules after cloning, but I didn't clone it.
Any suggestions what else I can check?

"Site has not yet been deployed" after netlify deployment

I already tried a million times and not able to figure out where I am going wrong. I tried simple static website repo. I even added parcel bundler. I just get same error message.
I even forked netlify's own demo repo. And I got same message. Why I am not able to deploy the site?
I looked at forums, blogs and even answer in this forum and I am not finding clue to this exact message. I didn't have netlify.toml file. I added that file too and I don't see any change in deployment status.
Initially I was trying to just create site online by connecting to GitHub repo. When I tried Netlify-CLI I could see some deploy action happen. But server was not render. Found a guide here: https://github.com/Tanu-N-Prabhu/Multiplication-Table-App
Followed last 3 steps under Deployment section:
Go to your Netlify Dashboard to the project. Click on Site has not yet been Deployed. Again click on Deploy Preview this will unlock the Preview Deploy which is a temporary URL.
After viewing the Preview, click on Publish deploy option to deploy your project.
Now your project is live and deployed on the internet.
These steps worked. But Javascript files were not rendering. I wonder why the whole process is so cumbersome when they advertise everything is taken care by Netlify automatically? There is no document for Site has not yet been deployed on their site and google search only leads me to Page not found forum page.
You must add the --prod.
The command should look like this: netlify deploy --prod.
This fixed it for me.

How to deploy Publish site to GitHub Pages

I'm developing a static site using John Sundell's Publish framework. I've got the site mostly working, and I want to deploy it to my GitHub Pages repo. Publish includes a publishing step called .deploy(using: .gitHub("githubusername/githubusername.github.io", useSSH: false)) (to be clear, I did use my actual username). However, when I ran it the first time I received a pop-up authentication window, which I entered and it said incorrect password. Since then, whenever I run it, it just shows an error and doesn't offer any password window:
publish deploy
Fatal error: Error raised at top level: Publish encountered an error:
[step] Deploy using Git (https://github.com/githubusername/githubusername.github.io.git)
[path] GitDeploy
[info] Failed to create folder: file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/swiftlang/swiftlang-1103.8.25.8/swift/stdlib/public/core/ErrorType.swift, line 200
/bin/bash: line 1: 9577 Illegal instruction: 4 swift run RyanBudishSite --deploy
❌ ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 132
Message: "Fatal error: Error raised at top level: Publish encountered an error:
[step] Deploy using Git (https://github.com/githubusername/githubusername.github.io.git)
[path] GitDeploy
[info] Failed to create folder: file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/swiftlang/swiftlang-1103.8.25.8/swift/stdlib/public/core/ErrorType.swift, line 200
/bin/bash: line 1: 9577 Illegal instruction: 4 swift run RyanBudishSite --deploy"
Output: ""
Does anyone have any experience getting Publish to deploy to GitHub Pages? Any tips/ideas/suggestions would be very useful
I have deployed my site in GutHub Pages using the built in .gitHub publishing step.
To deploy to GitHub Pages, Publish clones your githubusername/githubusername.github.io project into <YourProjcet>/.publish/GitDeploy. I am new to Swift and Publish, but by the looks of your error, it was unable to create the GitDeploy folder or clone your pages project there.
Run deploy once, after it fails go to the above location and see what is wrong. If there's some issue with pushing/fetching the GitHub Pages repo, resolve it manually and try running the publish deploy again.
If GitDeploy folder is not created, maybe creating one manually will fix it.

"page build failed" when pushing a new blog post to github

I've got a blog hosted on github using jekyll bootstrap. It's been working for a while now, but the last new times I've tried to post a new blog page it's failed the pushed to github:
The page build failed with the following error:
page build failed
For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see
If you have any questions please contact GitHub Support.
I've tried deleting the recent posts I've added so that I'm consistent with the "live" version, and I've run jekyll --safe locally (no issues). I can run jekyll --server and run the site locally and all is fine, but when I push it, no joy. I've removed my jekyll gems and its dependencies, and re-added using the versions that match the versions being used by github, and no joy there either.
Before I revert to deleting the entire blog and starting it again, can anyone suggest something else to try?
Fixed it.
For some reason my categories in my posts were surrounded in square brackets which represents a collection - this is not supported any more (likely it was never supported but just let me get away with it). Changed this and all is working now.