Access Is Denied error pushing package into my azure devops artifacts nuget feed - azure-devops

In my question here I managed to push one package to my feed, however I now get an Access is denied error.
According to this question I should be prompted for user name and password. This did occur for the package I managed to push, but it no longer occurs.
What do I need to do?
Studying the docs
this issue on Git is relevant
Something strange has happened to my folder.
I get the error if I just type Nuget at the dos prompt.
If I create a new folder and extract into it, then run Nuget I don't get the error
the cli reference
push reference
configuring nuget behaviour

Starting over again with a new installation of credentialsprovider solved the problem.
I accidentally cause the problem again by pasting in a command that started with the directory name
(a cut and paste boo booo)


Azure Devops clone This is not a valid source path in source tree

I have managed to finally add my devops account in sourcetree using the path
Now I am having issues cloning the repository
I am using the path that devops gives me
but I get an error saying
This is not a valid source
The details reveal authentication issues... Yet it authenticated fine when adding the account.
What is going on? Does the azure account have to be the default account?
I managed to fix this by changing from the sourcetree embedded git to my system git Tools>Options>Git>Git Version>Select System. Afterwards when trying again it prompted me to login on my organization domain with 2 factor as if logging in on the devops web app directly.
My system Git is using manager-core for the credential management which is probably not the same system which the embedded version used.
I tried the above solutions (and more) but for me what in the end solved the problem was that the git-password I first wrongly entered when I tried to access the repo had been saved in Keychain (MacOS) and when I tried again this password was used without giving me the option to type it in again. I deleted the password to the Azure DevOps project in Keychain and then got prompted to enter the password again whereafter I pasted the Personal Access Token (!!) generated in Azure Devops and it finally worked!
It could happen when you entered wrong credentials and you don't get asked again, try this:
Go to : Sourtree->Preferences->Advance (tab)
Under: "Default usernames for URLs which do not include one:" delete your wrong credentials.
Try accessing your repo again with right credentials.
This is not the issue which caused by Azure devops. No matter, or the URL which like, they should all available git source.
For me, I just try with multi different git URLs, and found the few of URLs are failed with same error with you. But it prompt This is a git repository after I exit the SourceTree and re-configure the clone with same URL which encountered the error previously.
This seems be the most common Sourcetree problem which encountered by many users, not just the URL of azure devops that you occurred.
Check this thread, and try with its recommend way:
Open source tree, Tools -> Options -> Click on Git Tab -> Update
Embedded Git.
Or, consider the method I used: exit the Sourcetree, and re-configure the clone with same URL. (Not recommend since this can not permanently solve this issue)

publish a nuget package from a copy

It seems my team mates have turned off their nuget server and gone on holidays.
I need a temporary work around so that my Azure Dev Ops build does not fail when restoring the nuget packages.
I have a local copy of the package at
Which I want to publish to a temporary feed.
I read the instructions on publishing a package from the command line but am confused about step 6
Surely I dont need to set up the Project and restore packages as I already have the .nupkg
I tried the command
c:\nuget\nuget.exe push -Source "TempFeed" -ApiKey az mypackagetemp.nupkg
but got an error
unable to load the service index for source
When I repeat the command I get a request for credentials
When I put in the credentials I connect to Azure Dev Ops with they do not work.
I was prompted for credentials.. reading up on it... so confusing.
I upgraded nuget.exe from to the latest version This time I got a UI to log in and the message
Your package was pushed
However when the devops pipeline build runs I het a message
unable to load the service index for source
I guess I need to create an index.json file somehow.
My project is using a mynuget.config that has the following in the packagesources
<add key="TempPackage" value="" />
I changed mynuget.config to have
<add key="TempPackage" value="" />
Now the dev ops build shows the message
Failed to retrieve information about 'Serilog.Enrichers.Thread'
from remote source
response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).)
My solution does use Serilog. I don't think the 3rd party package uses it.
The next time I built I got a different error looking for WindowsAzure.Storage
I seem to get a different file causing the error each time I build the pipeline.
My project artifacts does have 2 feeds. The needed files are in the unselected feed.
I tried editing mynuget.config to use index.json however I get a build error
The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Unable to load
the service index for source
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found - The
feed with ID 'MyFeed' doesn't exist
Because the new feed was project based I edited mynuget.config to have
<add key="TempPackage" value="" />
Now it works!
In Azure Devops web portal, for your current project, go Artifacts tab and make sure your packages like mypackagetemp.nupkg are available there.
For me, I have custom LibraryCore.nupkg pushed there. Now let's click the Connect to feed settings, choose nuget.exe and you can see:
Copy exactly same content to your own mynuget.config file. Then your build pipeline can access your published mypackagetemp.nupkg.
Failed to retrieve information about 'Serilog.Enrichers.Thread' from
remote source
response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).)
The next time I built I got a different error looking for
These packages(Serilog.Enrichers.Thread,WindowsAzure.Storage and ...) are all available in, so you should also make sure you've add as package source in your config file:
In addition:
According to your description, you only need to use your custom devops feed and other packages from, apart from using your mynuget.config, you could configure your nuget restore task like this:
Choose devops feed directly(second red line) by Feeds I select here instead of Feeds in my Nuget.config. And check the Use packages from checkbox. Then you can access the packages in custom feed and during build.

"dotnet restore --interactive" doesn't work with Azure Artifacts

I have a newly installed Windows 10 machine with the .NET Core SDK 3.0.100. I have a project with it's nuget.config file containing (among other reference) a reference to an Azure Artifacts nuget feed, and i'd like to access credentials to this feed interactively. It's worth to point out that i'd like to use command line to achieve this. My IDE of choice is Jetbrains Rider and not Visual Studio (for this particular question i'm not sure that matters though).
I have downloaded the Azure Artifacts Credential Provider by running a powershell command (Invoke-WebRequest...) and installed it - what seems - successfully. Now I have a nuget plugin on my computer that's supposed to help me retrieve credentials for azure artifact feeds.
What i do expect to work is that running dotnet restore --interactive should prompt me to enter credentials, but it doesnt. It doesnt prompt at all, and just complains that it cannot find the packages.
I've tried this other times too, both on MacOS and Windows with my colleagues, and it always seem to be some problems related to this. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
There is another option in case you cannot make dotnet restore --interactive work out of the box when you add the nuget.config file to your project.
You can clear all the nuget local caches.
The easiest way of doing this is using the following command:
dotnet nuget locals all --clear
After some time, when all caches are cleared, you can run dotnet restore --interactive again, and hopefully the Azure Artifacts Credential Provider should show you instructions for authentication through device code.
I'll answer my own question as it might help someone else.
When I tried dotnet restore --configfile .\.nuget\NuGet.Config --interactive it did prompt me. I could login in and everything worked!
I'm not sure why, but it seems that just running dotnet restore --interactive doesn't pick the correct nuget sources - or at least not the ones I have defined in .\.nuget\NuGet.Config in my local project. And therefore the credential provider (obviously) won't prompt me for anything. I haven't found any details on whether this is the expected behaviour or a bug.
With the option posted by #Robson Rocha about clear all the nuget local caches, I could got the credential instructions but nevertheless after authentication I kept getting the error:
warn : The plugin credential provider could not acquire credentials. ...
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
I solved the problem in my Windows dev environment creating an Azure Personal Access Token with permissions “Scopes: Custom defined, Packaging: Read” and setting it in the %AppData% Nuget folder:
nuget.config reference - packageSourceCredentials
<add key="Username" value="myUserName" />
<add key="ClearTextPassword" value="TheAzurePersonalAccessToken" />
Because the %AppData% Nuget folder is per user and it is outside of the repo folder, the credentials are kept secure per user and we avoid committing them into the repo.
You may need to install then you will be able to use dotnet restore --interactive
As of January 2023 "dotnet restore --interactive" in many cases will not actually show the prompt and silently wait for 90 seconds, then fail to restore. Presumably showing the prompt is done at wrong logging level and hence do not show up on the console.
Workaround: add --verbosity minimal
dotnet restore --interactive --verbosity minimal
Solution obtained from the corresponding issue reported in 2021 -

Nuget with Artifactory. Key not valid for use in specified state

I am using Artifactory as NuGet repository to store all the nuget packages.
When we use this Artifactory link as source, the package Manager in Visual Studio prompts for credentials and worked very fine.
As soon as we moved to build machine (with out VS) and try to build application it is throwing error :
.nuget\NuGet.targets(100,9): error : Key not valid for use in
specified state.
I added source with -user -password and put config at local user location. I tried with ClearText password and encrypted password both are throwing same error.
Am I missing anything here? Please advice.
I believe the error isn't related to Artifactory.
The issue NuGet reports is related with encrypting/decrypting user credentials in nuget.config files.
I encountered the error when I tried to set apiKey for a repo:
NuGet setapikey user:pwd -Config .\NuGet.test.Config -Source .\packages
NuGet reported "Key not valid for use in specified state".
I had NuGet.config file located near NuGet.test.Config. That nuget.config contained packageSourceCredentials section with credentials of other user (than one which was passed to setapikey).
After I remove that credentials from nuget.config the error gone.
Please check Nuget.Config in %AppData%\NuGet
You may want re-create it in order to resolve the issue.
FYI, I had the same problem with my build agent, the issue is resolved by removing "nuget.config" in "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\NuGet"
I encountered the same error when I logged into Windows using a new user account (story: our network admin at our company had removed our users due to an infection by a ransomware and created a new user account for each of us).
We have a local nuget server at our company (created using free Nuget Server).
As #Jinsoo stated, I needed to remove the nuget settings in Nuget.Config (at %AppData%/Roaming/Nuget folder) and set again the apikey for our nuget source using such a command:
nuget setApiKey abcdefghijklmn -Source
After that I was able again to issue 'nuget push' commands.
Got this issue in TeamCity after adding a global nuget config to the build servers.
Had to change to a newer version of nuget.exe in the build configs, as the old version probably could not cope with some setting in the nuget config.
I had the same problem.
For me the problem could be resolved by simply putting a dotnet restore task in front of the dotnet build task.
In the dotnet restore task I could then specify my feed. With just the dotnet build task it tried to restore nugets with the NuGet.conf file and the local logins, which is more error prone.
It seems that NuGet setapikey encrypts the credentials using the currently-logged-on-user's private key. Therefore, only that user can use these encrypted credentials. If a different user (a service account for CI/CD etc.) tries, they get Key not valid for use in specified state.

Private NuGet gallery not publishing

I have set up a NuGet Gallery for use inside my company as per the lengthy instructions at However I when I push a package to the server it doesn't seem to recognize it even though nuget.exe reports no errors
NuGet.exe push -source http://myserver/NuGet-services/FeedService.svc/ publish\mypackage.0.1.nupkg
Pushing MyPackage 0.1 to 'http://myserver/NuGet-services/FeedService.svc/'...
Pushing: 100%
The API key is set to what my user has listed on its profile page. I have turned up the logging in the service to DEBUG but nothing at all is printed to the log. I have checked that the service has the ability to write to its data directory and to the database. The packages table in the database is empty as is the directory to which the packages look like they should be published (App_Data/Packages). If anybody has a suggestion short of attaching a debugger to this thing I would be most interested in your help.
You're pushing to the wrong url. You don't push to the feedservice.svc. The source should be the root (so http://myserver/NuGet-services/ in your case).