JFrog CLI is giving me a "Wrong number of arguments" error using the Artifactory Maven build step in Azure DevOps (VSTS) - azure-devops

I'm new to Azure DevOps (VSTS) and I'm attempting to set up a new Pipeline build using the Artifactory Maven build step. When running the build I get the following error:
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0861829Z ##[error]Error: Command failed: D:\a_jfrog\1.19.1\jfrog.exe rt mvn "install -f D:\a\1\s\pom.xml" D:\a\1\s\config --build-name="SomeProject-Maven-CI" --build-number="20180912.6"
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0988256Z [Error] Wrong number of arguments. You can read the documentation at https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/JFrog+CLI
I found this info on GitHub: https://github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/issues/165
Its a similar error but not quite the same. I'm not sure how to edit the command that Azure Pipeline is running or even if I can.

I figured out my issue. I had a space included in my build name and it apparently the JFrog Cli didn't like that. When I removed the space the error went away. Other errors came up but that's off-topic from this question.

Can you please report the errors your encountered in Artifactory VSTS extension's GitHub repository?
We'll really appreciate it.
Update: A pull request opened to target this issue. You can track it here.
Update 2: Fixed in latest release 1.4.0.


nuget pack task in Azure Dev ops pipeline gives error

Hi i'm a newbie to azure devops CID and pipelining.
the azure devops is on premise, my pipeline looks as below however it fails at nuget pack command (2nd from bottom)
the error i get is ##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Error NU5012: Unable to find 'C:\AzureDevOpsAgents\Agent#1_work\4\s\Code\MyCompany.Core\bin\release\net472\MyCompany.Core.dll'. Make sure the project has been built.
I went into the azure agents directory and the dll is located C:\AzureDevOpsAgents\Agent#1_work\4\s\Code\MyCompany.Core\bin\x64\Release\net472\MyCompany.Core.dll
the difference being the x64, so how i can i get nuget pack to take into consideration the architecture as part of the pack path
ok i as usual every time i post a question on here, despite struggling for hours i manage to solve it.
I've added $(BuildPlatform)\ in front of the default $(BuildConfiguration) for the configuration to package and i can see a package in the location

Azure DevOps YAML build pipeline: error NU1301 after upgrade to .NET 6.0

I updated the Target Framework of all the Projects in my solution from 5.0 to 6.0.
I also had to Upgrade the Target Framework of 2 dependency NuGet packages that I own which are imported from a Releases source in Azure.
After doing this, and adding a step in the Build pipeline to load the correct version of the SDK, I started getting the following error repeated for every project when a step tries to build and run the tests:
F:\BuildAgents\_work\286\s\[Proj Name]\[Proj Name] : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/[redacted]/_packaging/Releases/nuget/v3/index.json.
Failed to restore F:\BuildAgents\_work\286\s\[Proj Name]\ [Proj Name] (in 18.5 sec).
Does anyone know what could be causing this? The error code suggests the source is not available but the build step prior successfully adds the source!
The NuGet source:
The updated dependency artifacts which I believe the source uses:
The Pipeline:
The BUILD step BEFORE the error:
This turned out to be some sort of authentication error for the NuGet source.
Why? No idea. The password being stored was correct.
The fix was deleting the password variables in Azure and re-adding them from scratch for each pipeline.

Why is the Azure DevOps Build Pipeline fails to download the source code with an error?

I am using Azure DevOps Server 2020 and the TFVC repo.
I have a build pipeline and it is currently failing at the Get Sources task while downloading the code. It download half and fails with the error "_Proc should be null. (Parameter '_proc)" (screenshot below for reference)
Can anyone help me on how to resolve this issue?

'Can not determine workspaces' error -> Azure DevOps Services and Build Agent on VM

I'm trying to set Build Server machine in way that Build Agent is configured on it, and is targeting Azure DevOps Service (Cloud) collection, or organization as it is named like that for now. There is established connection but problem that I'm faced with is regarding workspaces.
When I try to run build definition, checkout step fails due to "Can not determine workspace..." error. As I run the advised command
tf workspaces /collection:<collection_url>
on Build Server, I can build given project, but, when try another project, the same story. I have to run the mentioned command again (new workspace is appeared in the list) and then I'm able to build that project.
Can someone point me on right way in diagnostic or tell the cause/solution if faced with this already?
According to the description and this thread which i assume is also posted by you,seems the agent in Azure DevOps is the one you used in TFS which is called as migration.
As I run the advised command
tf workspaces /collection:<collection_url>
on Build Server, I can build given project, but, when try another project, the same story.
It looks like the build definition requires a specific workspace which you managed by manual command.
What about create a new agent in Azure DevOps which is quite simple see if the problem can be resolved.

Teamcity "git repository" error

After migrating a project from "subversion" to "githhub" successfully,
I am trying to build it by hitting "run" in "teamcity" but getting the following
How can i solve it?
This is expecting to be inside an actual Git repository so it can generate the GitVersion correctly.
You'll need to install git on your build agents and ensure that code is checked out on the agent. Further information as to why this needs to be done can be found in the TeamCity Checkout Mode Documentation
Hope this helps