syncing users with LDAP in keycloak - keycloak

Hello I'm trying to connect my openLdap to keycloak
the configuration via user Federation seems to be ok (facing no errors with test Connection and athentication)
but still, when i'm trying to Synchronize all users I have :
(Success! Sync of users finished successfully. 0 imported users, 0 updated users)
did I miss something during the configuration?
Thank you

You areusing the wrong Attribute-Names. You should try "Other" as "Vendor" in your config.


Keycloak development instance: broken authentication configuration

I'm running a local h2 based development instance of keycloak (quarks one). I've been trying to add another custom means of login and I seem to have broken it.
I've changed the First Broker Login Flow and disabled the Review Profile(review profile config). I cannot login anymore. I get his error in the keycloak instance console when going into the login screen:
WARN [org.keycloak.authentication.DefaultAuthenticationFlow] (executor-thread-12) REQUIRED and ALTERNATIVE elements at same level! Those alternative executions will be ignored: [auth-cookie, null]
2022-09-25 10:50:38,131 WARN [] (executor-thread-12) KC-SERVICES0013: Failed authentication: org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationFlowException
Is there a way to revert this change through some config file / h2? Or do I just have to delete keycloak and start from scratch?
Thanks in advance
You can delete h2 related files from data/h2 directory. Though you will lose the configuration which you have done.

Weblogic Server contains NONE value during session ID generation

We have setup weblogic clustered environment with 2 nodes in a cluster. We use session ID as part of authentication mechanism to log our user session info to the database. When both managed servers are up, the server generates this session ID:
When we tried to test session replication, by bringing down the server that currently serves the HTTP request, we have noticed that the session ID has changed and contains NONE as part of the generated ID.
This has caused session replication inconsistency. Has anyone encountered the same issue and how did you resolve it? Your inputs are highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Enable the Debug Flags to Track Session Replication Failures
To gather more logging information about session replication failures, you should enable the flags DebugCluster, DebugClusterAnnouncements, DebugFailOver, DebugReplication, and DebugReplicationDetails.
To Enable:
In WebLogic Server 9.x and higher, the reccommended approach is to use the admin console. For each server in the domain, navigate to Servers -> -> Debug and enable the desired flag(s).
You can use the weblogic.Admin command line utility to dynamically turn the debug options on and off.
For example, to turn on DebugCluster on all administration instances of ServerDebug Mbean (i.e., Admin Server or a Managed Server):
java weblogic.Admin -url t3://localhost:7001 -username system -password weblogic SET -type ServerDebug -property DebugCluster true
Alternatively, you can edit the config.xml and the Mbean element in the stanza for each server that you want to debug and set the value to "true" to enable or "false" to disable. Then you must restart the Admin Server. Managed Servers will reconnect to the Admin Server and the debug flags will then dynamically take effect. Example:
At the end, with all the flags set, in your config.xml the ServerDebug tag would like below:
Make sure the stdOutSeverity level of the server is INFO and StdoutDebugEnabled is set to "true". The debug information will be logged into the server log as well as to the standard out.
Validate the Weblogic.xml entries
Make sure weblogic.xml has all the parameters that need to be set for each Session Replication type. For example, when using in-memory replication the sample weblogic.xml would look like:

Presto 313 password-authenticator. properties doesn't work with file

I'm running presto in K8s and I'm trying to enable file based authentication for the service (using this as a guide However, as the application is starting up I get an error saying:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Password authenticator file is not registered
The rest of the config looks perfectly sane so does anybody know what I might have missed here?
Password file authentication was added in version 327, so you need to upgrade it.
Security Changes
Add Password File Authentication. (#797)
You can get the latest version from
Also, you can join the community Slack.

SIP extention created by FusionPBX can not login into softphone

I have a FreeSWITCH v1.6.13 on my Debian 8( From git) and it is OK.
After that i installed the last FusionPBX to manage my PBX telephony FS.
But it gives me error : 403 You must define a domain called x.x.x.x in your directory...
Both i installed by FusionPBX guid in their web site.
FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX.
Im going crazy cause about 4 days i Am working and not a good result yet.
I know Fusion store data in DB and i give him a Pgsql user name and password.( not the default one it suggest after ./install command) and also FS with --enable-core-pgsql-supprt in ./configureaiton with -C.
And i searched a lot, and all says as this link.
But when i go to sip status from FusionPBX, it says that my ip is correct, and also i did what they say but no success.
Just one time it worked! and i did not why it work.
And after it does not work and again says 403 you must ....
And after that i create an extention, i go to FS terminal and type user_exist 101 (user i created in fusionpbx)it return me false.
Can it be DB issue?
I do not know why just one time it worked and after i after that again gave me 403 error.
Cause i did changed a lot i could not understand what was the cause to work it.
Is it a bug?
What exactly i am doing wrong??
Really any help will appreciate.
EDIT 1 :
My softphone is android zoiper for test the created extention in fusion.
Make sure you are using the "Extension" number as the username in zoiper. Also go to the extension's settings page to see the current password for that extension. I have used Zoiper on my android phone with FusionPBX. So I know it will work.
Zoiper account settings will be:
Account Name: Any name.
Hostname: ip/hostname of FusionPBX
Username: extension number
Password: extension password.
One thing that confused me a lot when I first tried fusionpbx is the "Users" vs "Extensions". From what I can tell "Users" are only for logging into the web UI of FusionPBX, for things like checking voicemail and managing other features. The "Users" are not SIP users.

sybase external login for proxy table

kindly note I have created an external login and a remote login as following:
sp_addremotelogin remoteserver,locallogin1, remotelogin1
sp_addexternallogin remoteserver,locallogin1, remotelogin1
and I log in by user locallogin1 to the localserver to the database localdb and try to create proxy table from remotedb1 on remoteserver but still get the login failed error, any body know why??
kindly note there is localuser1 aliased to locallogin1 , i.e there is no user 'locallogin1' (direct mapping) on the database localdb where I try to create proxy table, rather there is a user localuser1 is alias to locallogin1, is this related to the problem??
please advice
It looks like you are mixing some things up.For creating a proxy table, you do not need a 'remote login' as created by sp_remotelogin. You need the external login however, which should mao to an actual login in the remote server.
For more advice, you should post the exact steps taken plus the error output.
kindly note that the problem is solved, the case was the password, the passwords for local login and remote login are different, so I add the remote password to sp_addexternallogin as follow:
exec sp_addexternlogin [remoteserver], [locallogin], [remotelogin], [remotepassword]
and every thing is well