SIP extention created by FusionPBX can not login into softphone - postgresql

I have a FreeSWITCH v1.6.13 on my Debian 8( From git) and it is OK.
After that i installed the last FusionPBX to manage my PBX telephony FS.
But it gives me error : 403 You must define a domain called x.x.x.x in your directory...
Both i installed by FusionPBX guid in their web site.
FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX.
Im going crazy cause about 4 days i Am working and not a good result yet.
I know Fusion store data in DB and i give him a Pgsql user name and password.( not the default one it suggest after ./install command) and also FS with --enable-core-pgsql-supprt in ./configureaiton with -C.
And i searched a lot, and all says as this link.
But when i go to sip status from FusionPBX, it says that my ip is correct, and also i did what they say but no success.
Just one time it worked! and i did not why it work.
And after it does not work and again says 403 you must ....
And after that i create an extention, i go to FS terminal and type user_exist 101 (user i created in fusionpbx)it return me false.
Can it be DB issue?
I do not know why just one time it worked and after i after that again gave me 403 error.
Cause i did changed a lot i could not understand what was the cause to work it.
Is it a bug?
What exactly i am doing wrong??
Really any help will appreciate.
EDIT 1 :
My softphone is android zoiper for test the created extention in fusion.

Make sure you are using the "Extension" number as the username in zoiper. Also go to the extension's settings page to see the current password for that extension. I have used Zoiper on my android phone with FusionPBX. So I know it will work.
Zoiper account settings will be:
Account Name: Any name.
Hostname: ip/hostname of FusionPBX
Username: extension number
Password: extension password.
One thing that confused me a lot when I first tried fusionpbx is the "Users" vs "Extensions". From what I can tell "Users" are only for logging into the web UI of FusionPBX, for things like checking voicemail and managing other features. The "Users" are not SIP users.


Flutter CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED in nix shell, where all other SSL users work without issues // where does flutter look for the ca-bundle by default?

I'm having a strange issue when running a flutter app in a nix-shell (with an FHS environment).
Specifically, the app throws a CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(
(Some history in this post, which was never really solved.)
The https address I am contacting is LetsEncrypt signed, and works for all other clients, also e.g. with curl executed in the same nix-shell. (So this other issue doesn't provide valid solutions for the issue, because the case is different.)
So the question: where does the default flutter https-connection instance look for the system's ca-bundle.crt if apparently not under /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt.
It also apparently doesn't use the SSL_CERT_FILE, at least setting it to a valid bundle location doesn't have any effect.
(Obviously one could put some explicit cert-loading functionality in the flutter app e.g. like suggested here, but that should be beside the point, since sensible system defaults should work out of the box.)

Getting Started With PeerJS

I am trying the simplest example I can, pulled directly from their website. Here is my entire html file, with code taken exactly from
<script src=""></script>
var peer = new Peer();
var conn = peer.connect('another-peers-id');
// on open will be launch when you successfully connect to PeerServer
conn.on('open', function(){
// here you have
In Chrome and Edge I get this in the console:
peerjs.min.js:64 GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
In Firefox I get this:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
What am I doing wrong?
#reyad has requested "a full trace of requests and responses". Here's what I see in my network tab in Firefox:
And here's Chrome:
And a tiny bit more Chrome:
[Note: It would have been better if you could provide a full trace of requests and responses. This problem may occur for several reasons. I'll state two solutions. So, try those. If those doesn't work, provide full trace of requests and responses.]
1. First Solution:
Sometimes, this type of error occurs because of self-signed certificate. To solve this problem, open developer tools/options, then go to network tab. You'll see a list of requests. Select the request which was failed because of CORS(i.e. which gave you this Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Open it(i.e. click it). If your problem is related to cert you'll see the following error message:
To solve this problem, go to url that is the reason of this problem and accept the certificate manually.
2. Second solution:
Check the request(which is the reason of CORS) in the network tab of developers tools/options(same as described in 1. First Solution). You'll find a Transferred column. See, what's written in the Transferred column of the failed request. If it is written Blocked By Some Ad-Blocker, then disable the Ad-Blocker. Your request will work fine.
[P.S.]: These solutions are proposed on assumptions. Hope these works. If these two do not work, then please provide more info about requests and responses. And also check this.
3. Third and final solution:
[Note: This solution may not solve your problem directly, but it'll give you alternative solution and also insight about what your problem is and how to work around it]
Before reading the solution below, read this to understand how Access-Control-Allow-Origin works(it is the reason for CORS error).
Let me first explain how peerjs works:
PEERJS works based on PEER ID. So, you've to get some PEER ID either from the PEERJS CLOUD SERVER or you've to provide yourself one in the PEER CONSTRUCTOR i.e. new Peer("some-peer-id"). Peer id has to be unique, cause its necessary to detect all the users uniquely. And, peerjs uses this PEER ID to send and receive data from user to user.
Now, you should know that, you're using PEERJS CLOUD SERVER to get/generate unique peer id which is the default server PEERJS uses unless you specified some other server to use.
Now let me explain why you're facing this problem:
As you already know how CORS works, you may have already guessed, that downloaded js file) is calling to retrieve/generate new unique PEER ID. But, this request by does not have Access-Control-Allow-Origin access for some reason, it may also be a middleware problem. So, its difficult to tell where the problem is actually occuring. But one thing for sure, it's not your fault of writing code :D.
I hope all the concepts is clear to you I've stated above.
Now, to solutions:
Alternative-appraoch-1 (Using PEERJS CLOUD SERVER AND Your own provided id):
In this approach you've to generate your own unique PEER ID. So, "" does not have to call "" for unique peer id. [Note: make your peer id large enough so that its always unique, at least 64 chars long]
In this way, you can avoid the CORS problem.
I just saw an new issue in github, which says the public peerjs cloud server is now unstable or does not work properly. It just gives error like: Firefox cannot establish a connection with the server at the address wss:// and in Chrome: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. For details check here. So, its better, you use your own server(see the next approach).
Alternative-appraoch-2 (Using your own peerjs server):
You can host your own peerjs server instead of PEERJS CLOUD SERVER. In this way, you can allow access to anyone/any website you want. If you want know how to host a peerjs server, you may visit here.
[P.S.]: I have studied pearjs issues in github. After reading all those issues, it seems, it is better to use your own server rather than using pearjs cloud. There are a lot of various problems with each new release of peerjs. And mostly related with connection with peerjs cloud and also peerjs cloud is not stable I guess. They were hosting it in before(not secure). But now in
I haven't use peerjs before nor set up peerjs server. If you want to set up one, I hope the community would be able help you on how to do that properly.
What I understand from your question is that there is an issue of (CORS => Cross-origin resource sharing ), Maybe what I am suggesting is not very intuitive.
First : download the "" in your local directory . and then incklude the local javascript code to the html.
like: <script src="./peerjs.min.js"></script>
Second :
you are using var peer = new Peer();
but please provide an extra unique id from your side. for example, I just created a random id and provided it.
StackOverflow link:,to%20under%20Create%20a%20peer.
var a_random_id = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(2, 10);
var peer = new Peer(a_random_id, {key: 'myapikey'});
Third : the best option is to run PeerServer: A server for PeerJS of your own.
If you don't want to develop anything, just enter a few commands below.
Install the package globally:
$ npm install peer -g
Run the server:
$ peerjs --port 9000 --key peerjs --path /myapp
Started PeerServer on ::, port: 9000, path: /myapp (v. 0.3.2)
Check it: It should return JSON with name, description, and website fields.

InternalServiceFault when trying to connect SPGo to SP Online in VS Code

I'm trying to connect the SPGo plugin in Visual Studio Code to a Sharepoint Online site. There are lots of guides for this, for instance this one:
In short, I'm doing it like this:
Open VS Code
Open a local, empty folder)
SPGO: Configure workspace (follow guide, ending up with spgo.json
looking like the one I pasted)
SPGO: Populate local workspace (asking me for credentials and I plot
it in O365 style (email and password).
Statusbar says "Populating workspace"
After about 10 seconds I get the pasted error in the output window (spgo)
I'm using newest versions:
Visual Studio Code 1.37.1
SPGo 1.4.3
I have tried various sites in my tenant and I know they are up. I am Site Collection Administrator for the sites. I know the credentials are correct, of course. the remoteFolders and publishingScope doesn't affect anything, when changed. I assume authenticationType should be "Digest".
"sourceDirectory": "src",
"sharePointSiteUrl": "",
"publishingScope": "Major",
"authenticationType": "Digest",
"remoteFolders": [
I don't get any files in the local folder, instead I get an error in the output:
================================ ERROR ================================
<s:Value xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</s:Value>
<s:Text xml:lang="en-US">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</s:Text>
Error Detail:
Sorry I missed this post for so long. First- thanks for the detailed write-up. This is the first time I've seen this specific issue with SPGo, so I do not know for sure what is the root cause.
Couple questions:
Are you using ADFS Authentication with your Office 365/SharePoint Online instance?
Are you able to use Addin-Only Authentication on this SP Site?
SPGo should be able to automatically work with ADFS in SharePoint Online but, as a fall-back, you could use Addin-Only Authentication. In this scenario you would create a ClientId and ClientSecret pair for the SharePoint Site Collection you are accessing and authenticate using those credentials. The ClientId would act as your UserName, and the ClientSecret would be your password.
Under the covers, I am using the node-sp-auth package for user authentication. Sergei (s-KaiNet on Github) has a great write-up on how to enable Addin-Only Authentication in SharePoint Online on his site, which you can find here.
Thanks for using SPGo!

New webhoster redirecting me to cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi

It's the first time that I am using a web host, and my problem is that the website redirects me to a default website page. Here is the link :
How could I fix that within CPanel ?
Do you have full on access to your server? If so try uploading some files and see if you can access them. Your host name is the IP address you've got, your username and password should've been provided to you by your host.
If that still does not work I would recommend heeding the advice as seen on the page:
"If you are the owner of this website and were not expecting to see this page, please contact your hosting provider."
But again, it looks normal to me, try uploading an index.html file and see if that works.

Setting moodle online

Good day everyone, I have been trying to put my moodle online so pcs from internet can access it, but until now, no luck at all. (Im using moodle 2.3.2 on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7).
I tried to configure the moodle file config.php, setting the directive $CFG -> wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle". Then, when I access to moodel from the server, I can access it by "http://my-public-ip/moodle", when I try to access via localhost, it sends an error which it is OK.
But the funny part comes when I try to access the server from an outside pc. When I type "http://my-public-ip/moodle" it simply cant "see" the configuration I made to the config.php file (it says: This server cna only be accessed via localhost/moodle) it looks like the outside pcs are either ignoring it, or searching for another configuration file. I dont know what the hell is happening, this is very odd.
Any ideas?? tnx!!!
Change the following file:
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 3);
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 0);
I realise this is an old question, but it's also worth pointing out you may need to also run the database search and replace script, at:
as referenced in Method 2 here.
This is required if you change the name of the site once you have installed it. If you were already using Moodle under "localhost", then there will be a number of references to the old localhost address stored in the database that need to be updated to the new IP-based address.
It might be because the http:// part is missing?
$CFG->wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle"
should be
$CFG->wwwroot = "http://my-public-ip/moodle"