How to open particular flutter route from kotlin(android) with arguments(custom data) - flutter

Hi i want to open a flutter page from kotlin code with custom arguments when app is in terminated state but i dont have any idea how it works. please help regarding this.
Sorry i am still noob.


Google Services Framework Identifier (gsfid) How to get it with Flutter

I am a beginner in flutter and would like your help.
I want to get the Google Services Frameword Identifier (gsfid) in a flutter app, but i can't find any plugin for that. I found a fairly old post on how to do it using java, but I couldn't get it to work, as flutter, if I understood correctly, uses kotlin and unfortunately I'm neither a java nor kotlin expert.
I read all the stuff about deviceID and Android_id, which is confusing enough on its own without starting to mention other "unique" ids (e.g. ad id etc).
I have concluded that what suits me for use in the particular application I have designed is the gsf id.
So if anyone knows the subject and is kind enough to help me, I will be grateful and thank you in advance.
I tried to convert the java code I found se kotlin and connect it (methodChannel) to my flutter application, but without any luck

Can we convert flutter code into kivymd code?

I want to make a shopping-like app. I have found some flutter code so I was just wondering that is it possible to convert flutter code into kivymd code ?
Yes it is possible, maybe nobody has done it before but it is possible, someone could create a function or algorithm that may be capable to do so, for example, creating the equivalent code into equivalent syntax for kivymd.
If you could share parts of the code then I can help you converting the code from flutter to the equivalent in kivymd, if you can add images it will be great

How do I detect user screenshots, without screenshot_callback [no duplicate]

I asked this question before but I got closed. Because it is a duplicate, but it isn't. I don't want to disable screenshots I only want to detect screenshots. So this question is not a duplicate of  Flutter: disable screenshot capture for app
I currently run into a problem I tried to detect if a user is taking a screenshot. So I found this package screenshot_callback, but it didn't work, I used the example file of the package and nothing happened when taking a screenshot. I tried it on my android emulator and on my phone, it didn't work on both of them So I wrote an issue report on git but no one answered.
So I was wondering is there any way to detect a user screenshot without using this package, I couldn't find any way to do so, but maybe someone else knows the answer.
I use Flutter/Dart.
try this package
import 'package:screen_capture_event/screen_capture_event.dart';
listenScreenShot() {
screenListener.addScreenShotListener((filePath) {
print("fresh screenshot!");

Get info from QR code detecting with flutter

I'm making an app which scan a QR code and get the version and error correcting level info of it.
How to deal with it.
I tried multiple plugins but i didn't found effective one that can get the version and the error corecting level of the code at the same time.
Please see these links to get you started.
Building Flutter QR Code Generator, Scanner, and Sharing App
QRCode Flutter
There are many other links available. It's always better to try something first then post your problems here.
The version and error correcting level info are what i asked for..

Converting 'Current Location' Languages OR passing lon/lat

To whoever that can help,
My question comes from another topic # Open Maps app from Code - Where/How to find the "Current Location"?.
Did anyone successfully use the source code from martip # with the ‘’ file?
I've been trying but I'm not sure where I should place the example codes & how to 'call' the strings. I'm sorry for posting such newbie question but I have no where else to go~
I’ve been trying to work with it but I’m kinda lost. I’m not sure how to ‘call’ the localized string and use the ‘example usage’. I apologize for asking such a newbie question.
Please help me out here as I’m scratching my head over this matter. Anyone? Please~
Thanks in advance!^^
P/S: I'm actually trying to open iPhone maps from my app with directions from 'Current Location'. I know there are 2 ways of doing it; by CoreLocation (pass lon/lat) and replacing 'Current Location' with Strings BUT as I mention I'm a real beginner here and would appreciate it if anyone can advise & instruct me on which way is better & how to accomplish it. Btw, I'm using jquery and phonegap.
I have just completed the same task for current location. I came to know that, probably u also know that, we can't get current location in simulator. For just checking that is ur app working for location, u can add .gpx file and set ur current static location.
This is what I know...:)