Google Services Framework Identifier (gsfid) How to get it with Flutter - flutter

I am a beginner in flutter and would like your help.
I want to get the Google Services Frameword Identifier (gsfid) in a flutter app, but i can't find any plugin for that. I found a fairly old post on how to do it using java, but I couldn't get it to work, as flutter, if I understood correctly, uses kotlin and unfortunately I'm neither a java nor kotlin expert.
I read all the stuff about deviceID and Android_id, which is confusing enough on its own without starting to mention other "unique" ids (e.g. ad id etc).
I have concluded that what suits me for use in the particular application I have designed is the gsf id.
So if anyone knows the subject and is kind enough to help me, I will be grateful and thank you in advance.
I tried to convert the java code I found se kotlin and connect it (methodChannel) to my flutter application, but without any luck


Manatee.Trello: Simple CRUD App for Updating Cards

I need to develop a simple CRUD console app to update a list of Trello cards from a CSV file. I'll run the app in TaskScheduler every night. I've installed #gregsdennis Manatee.Trello packages (impressive code!) but cannot find a single (complete example) of anything like this anywhere. All I've managed to do is auth in with app key and tokedn.
Is there a resource out there that shows simple (full) examples of how to get started? #gregsdennis—the C# libraries are extensive and obviously well thought out—I just need a jump start to get me going. Thanks to all in advance!
Here's the documentation site:

How to create API with Dart?

I am currently creating a Flutter plugin, but I'm stuck in creating API.
This is an API that I want to create. (Java Example)
PeterWorks.UserProperties userProperties = new PeterWorks.UserProperties();
userProperties.setAttrs("user_nick", "peterPark")
Can you give me a sample that how to create that API with Dart?
You should check the types of topics that are normally allowed here, as this is borderline and others my outright flag it. In general, you should be posting specific questions showing what you've actually tried and not "build it for me" questions.
That said, here is a link (no affiliation) I referenced a while ago that focuses on building a basic backend server using Dart. See the second example.

Internet of Things Platform Starter-error BXNUI0005E

Getting error BXNUI0005E while creating a new device at Internet of Things Platform Starter at IBM Bluemix. Please help. Also i am unable to find my previous made device. Help
As amadain mentioned in the comments - That error is normally seen when creating an application whose name is not unique. Changing the application name to something unique should resolve the issue.

Programs and downloads for a serverside mongo-dart DB

I have been programming with dart for a while now and after I tried LocalStorage, I wanted to start with a server-side mongo-dart app. So my question is:
What do I need as far as programs and downloads beside the Darteditor and Chromium?
I would be very happy about an answer.
Thanks in advance!
There is no official MongoDB driver for Dart language mentiond on MongoDB site
However you can find a driver on GitHub by vadimtsushko:
He also wrote tutorial
Hope it gives you something to start with.
Here is a blog post I wrote awhile back that does a full stack example using mongodb and dart
The server side is still light, I'd suggest experimenting stream from rikulo Might be a cleaner solution then rolling your own web server.
Have fun!

How can I do Junit tests for Google Maps in Android?

I am using the Google Maps API in an Android project and now I need to test it using JUnit if possible. (I am somewhat new to both JUnit and Google Maps.) I have been scouring the internet but was unable to find anything.
The map view has dots/pins for stations and when I tap one I get a balloon popup with the name and other info. Then when I tap the balloon I get a new view with information about the location and actions to perform such as navigate.
What I want to know is, is it possible to write a JUnit test case that finds all these dots/pins, taps them, and verifies information on the new view that pops up? Additionally, I would like to change/mock the location that the GPS has and see what happens if I try to, say navigate overseas or something like that.
I do have a list view of the same locations which I will test as well, but I would like to know if there is a way to test the map view.
I would prefer an automated test script like what JUnit provides. If this is not possible with JUnit what is the best alternative?
I am working with Android 4.0 and using Eclipse.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In case anyone wants to know after much searching I finally found something that can test Google Maps. Things such as zoom level and I believe tap pin (method is called tapMapMarkerItem()) are supported. I have not tested the pin tap yet tho.
Apparently the awesome Robotium does not support map testing by itself. Nicholas Albion was nice enough to create an extension to provides testing support for maps on Android. Thank you so much Nicholas!
So here it is:
1. Download the Robotium jars from (I found this helpful - by Lars Vogel)
2. Download the extension from