Uninstall TrueType Fonts from Linux Mint - linux-mint

I am trying to uninstall/purge ms truetype fonts from my system, but nothing is working. Any body have a solution? I tried this article, but with no luck: https://askubuntu.com/questions/57735/how-to-remove-ttf-mscorefonts-completely


VS code markdown text wrapping issue

I am using using visual studio code on arch linux, with official compiled version download from arch linux aur source (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/visual-studio-code-bin). However, I found that the text wrapping in markdown mode does not work well.
The under screenshot was taken from my linux desktop computer.
Linux Screenshot
As we can see that, in the last 2 line, part of words are hidden due to incorrect word wrapping.
This screenshot is taken from my windows desktop, which is what I want to have on linux desktop.
Windows Screenshot
Background information related to my Linux desktop:
System: Archlinux
System version: all of software are updated to latest version
VS Code Version: 1.75.1-1
Windows Manager: awesome wm(with Xorg)
What I have tried:
reinstall vs code, and removing all of add-on/extensions installed, does't work.
try to use code-oss, which is compiled by arch linux community, does't work.
clean all of user settings, does't work.

VS Code Integrated Terminal Not Displaying Special Characters

My VS Code integrated terminal doesn't recognize the git branch symbols, or the forward arrow character, shown in the first screenshot, which displays correctly in iTerm windows and IntelliJ's integrated terminal.
These characters are coming from iTerm, using the terminal setup steps I went through here: https://medium.com/#Clovis_app/configuration-of-a-beautiful-efficient-terminal-and-prompt-on-osx-in-7-minutes-827c29391961
What I want to see in VS Code integrated terminal:
What I currently see in VS Code integrated terminal:
I did come across a solution to add this to my VS Code settings.json, but this setting has since been deprecated as it has been integrated as the default setting in newer vs updates.
"terminal.integrated.experimentalTextureCachingStrategy": "dynamic"
It's not a pressing issue, but personalizing the VS Code terminal with more git info and aesthetics would be really nice using special characters.
Install a powerline/nerdfont font to your system if you haven't already, and then specify that font in the terminal.integrated.fontFamily setting in your settings.json file.
Quoting from the VS Code docs:
Powerline fonts are special patched fonts that contain additional characters that can be used in the terminal. VS Code's terminal renders some of the Powerline symbols without needing to configure a font, but if more glyphs are desired, configure a Powerline font with the font family setting. Powerline fonts typically end in " for Powerline", the following setting is an example of how to configure a DejaVu Sans Mono that has been patched:
"editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline'"
Nerd Fonts work the same and typically have a " NF" suffix, the following is an example of how to configure Hack's nerd fonts variant:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'Hack NF'"

VSCode Remove White File Menu on Linux

My Question
I've been searching around and can't find a good answer to this question. Forgive me if I've missed it somewhere.
Does anyone know how to remove the white file menu in VSCode for Linux and make it black like it is by default on Windows?
This is what I am referring to on Linux
Conversely, this is what I see on Windows
For reference, here is information regarding the software I am running:
OS Information: Windows 10 2004 Build 19041.450
VSCode Information:
OS Information: Debian 10 Stable, KDE Plasma Version 5.14.5
VSCode Information:
Just found an answer to this thanks to this post
In the File menu, select File -> Preferences -> Settings
Search for window.titlebarstyle
Change Window: Title Bar Style to custom

fish shell prompt not showing symbols correctly

I've installed fish, and the agnoster theme througth oh-my-fish;
Now I have the prompt not showing correctly symbols;
Can someone explain what's wrong?
I was using a font not supporting powerline symbols;
after installing them, everything's all right;
I've used this guide to install powerline fonts:

Emacs bad font rendering under Windows

After some googling I found, that people recomment font Inconsolata for programming in Emacs. I installed it on Windows and Linux from here:
Here are the screenshots of the same text 1 - Linux, 2 - Windows XP SP3:
Under Windows the font is thin, unclear and is uncomfortable for reading. Is it possible to make it render it as well as on Linux?
Download and install Inconsolata.ttf font and install it instead of otf:
It will be rendered smoothly on Windows.
Just use Consolas, it's hands down the best monospace font to use on Windows (screenshot).
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 115 :family "Consolas")
My favorite is Source Code Pro (https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/releases/tag/1.017R) - again make sure to use ttf.
You can run the Cygwin version, using X11. It should give you the exact same output as under GNU/Linux in this respect.