VSCode Remove White File Menu on Linux - visual-studio-code

My Question
I've been searching around and can't find a good answer to this question. Forgive me if I've missed it somewhere.
Does anyone know how to remove the white file menu in VSCode for Linux and make it black like it is by default on Windows?
This is what I am referring to on Linux
Conversely, this is what I see on Windows
For reference, here is information regarding the software I am running:
OS Information: Windows 10 2004 Build 19041.450
VSCode Information:
OS Information: Debian 10 Stable, KDE Plasma Version 5.14.5
VSCode Information:

Just found an answer to this thanks to this post
In the File menu, select File -> Preferences -> Settings
Search for window.titlebarstyle
Change Window: Title Bar Style to custom


VS code markdown text wrapping issue

I am using using visual studio code on arch linux, with official compiled version download from arch linux aur source (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/visual-studio-code-bin). However, I found that the text wrapping in markdown mode does not work well.
The under screenshot was taken from my linux desktop computer.
Linux Screenshot
As we can see that, in the last 2 line, part of words are hidden due to incorrect word wrapping.
This screenshot is taken from my windows desktop, which is what I want to have on linux desktop.
Windows Screenshot
Background information related to my Linux desktop:
System: Archlinux
System version: all of software are updated to latest version
VS Code Version: 1.75.1-1
Windows Manager: awesome wm(with Xorg)
What I have tried:
reinstall vs code, and removing all of add-on/extensions installed, does't work.
try to use code-oss, which is compiled by arch linux community, does't work.
clean all of user settings, does't work.

Netbeans 12.1 menu fonts too small, --fontsize no longer works in /etc/netbeans.conf for Ubuntu 20.04

Netbeans 12.1 no longer respects the --fontsize directive in the /etc/netbeans.conf config file.
The menu fonts are way too small on a large screen.
Yet setting Preferences->LXQt Settings->Font->Point size in the Ubuntu control menu, which is normally respected by most Unix app windows, does not carry through either.
And although Netbeans's
Tools->Options->Fonts & Colors->Profile: NetBeans->Syntax->All Languages->Default -> Font
setting changes the font for the code itself inside the editor, it doesn't change the IDE menus.
You would think, after all these years, that there would be a command inside the Options to change the menu font size, but it's still not there yet.
And now editing config to change the --fontsize startup option is no longer respected.
How best to change the size of all the system fonts in the Netbeans IDE display environment?
The best solution I've found so far is to change the Look & Feel.
Invoking aptitude install netbeans currently (Sept '20) gives version 10, which breaks with a jcraft/jsch error, also "could not successfully run the /usr/bin/g++ compiler" on my system even though g++ is perfectly fine and protections cleared, also "Build Host not connected", after C++ is installed from the 8.2 repository. Tastes like some kind of jdk error (I've got /usr/lib/jvm both 8 and 11 jdks installed, hard to believe it can't find them). But if the install doesn't work right out of the box, it's a bad sign. So I tried snap install netbeans --classic . This gets version 12.
Netbeans version 12 comes with the Metal Look & Feel configured by default. Changing this to the GTK+ look and feel, using Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel->GTK+ with a restart, finally got the menus to the correct system size.
Unfortunately, the Help->About popup still does not respect this, having minuscule fonts. Perhaps there is a better way?
Although "Look and Feel" is an improvement, I would still like to see direct control of the IDE menu fonts. From the Options Fonts & Colors menu.
Running netbeans from commandline with an additional argument --fontsize 12 works for me. Open a console and go the bin directory of netbeans and use the command ./netbeans --fontsize 12. Change the font size to whatever suits you.
In Netbeans in Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel, I could solve the problem.
But in my case, the selected option already was GTK+. Changing to Metal solved it.
Install Netbeans 13.
It should help

Visual Studio Code - Add option(s) in 'select default shell' list on Windows?

I want to use various shells in VSCode terminal, eg. Git Bash. I can set it in settings.json with terminal.integrated.shell.windows, but if I select CMD as default subsequently, that setting will get replaced. And if I add another terminal.integrated.shell.windows to bash.exe, I'm stuck with bash, can't change default shell, seems logical anyway if VSCode only replaces the 1st setting, but read the last same setting value.
The problem is there's no Bash existed in the "select default shell" list, and my question is how to add that?
I have installed latest (2.22.0) 64-bit version of Git for Windows, and hoped it would add the necessary env/reg etc for that, but no.
Even though this should be version independent, nevertheless here's my VSCode About:
Version: 1.35.1 (user setup)
Commit: c7d83e57cd18f18026a8162d042843bda1bcf21f
Date: 2019-06-12T14:30:02.622Z
Electron: 3.1.8
Chrome: 66.0.3359.181
Node.js: 10.2.0
V8: 6.6.346.32
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.10240
Please. I know there are similar questions, but they don't really solve my problem. However, the correct answer to my question will solve theirs.
If your question is how to add more terminal shells to Terminal:Select Default Shell, I dont think thats easily possible.
But you can use Shell Launcher plugin to add more shells and launch them in your integrated terminal. Below is a screen shot where I added Julia to the list.
Go to Extensions and add Shell launcher.
Go to settings(Ctrl+,) and search for Shell Launcher and edit for your platform.
Add your shell to the list
You can launch this by F1(Command Pallete) -> Shell Launcher
My alternative solution is to use the "terminal.external.windowsExec" setting for non-default Windows shell. But you can only have one such setting!
I have this same question, and have looked through all of the documentation, and every article I can find on the subject, and haven't found the answer. I found a terminal launcher extension, but that creates a separate menu. There must be a json file somewhere that has the list of choices for the Select Default Shell menu. Does anyone know how to update that menu?
I did some more testing on this. On the Mac version (and I assume the linux version), there is a file called /etc/shells that is used to determine what to put in the menu. If there is a similar file on Windows, I'm not sure what it would be called or where it would be.
For anyone on Linux who cannot seem to find the option at all, uninstall VS Code and reinstall the latest version from the website.
I spent so much time with the same issue but the reason was that I had installed it from the pop shop on my pop OS (Linux).
The Select Default Shell command just list the shells that can be found from your %PATH% environment variable. Add the shell and restart VSCode to see it.
Here is to add a new path.
Remember that you can always start a shell from another one. Just type bash from inside CMD.

How to Access Linux Files in a WSL distro from Windows 10?

Recently I updated my Windows 10 Pro with May Update (version 1903, build 18362.116). Then for my existing distros: OpenSuse Leap 15 and Ubuntu (installed from MS Store), I wanted to open a linux directory by using Explorer and I'm getting this message:
[susedis#mypc ~]$ explorer.exe .
If 'explorer.exe' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf explorer.exe
This problem happens also with VSC (code) and VSC-Insiders (code-insiders).
I've read this article and ...
OPTION 1: my current problem
OPTION 2: icon LINUX does not exist in tree view
OPTION 3: it works
Supposedly options 1 and 2 should exist and work, even more with the latest update. What's wrong? Thanks in advance.
PS1: I've found these articles Run Visual Studio Code for Linux from WSL and Using Visual Studio Code with Windows Subsystem for Linux, they talk about installing xserver and more stuff on side linux. But many other articles and videos don't talk about it, it's like it was a built-in feature of Windows. This is so dark.
I just found what is the root of my problem: the distro.
explorer, code, code-insiders commands ONLY work through UBUNTU and I was using OpenSuse.
This warning is lacking in every article on Web I read, including on VSC site (example: Developing in WSL). This is a disadvantage for other distros. Very bad.
PS1: The solution can be found here.

How can I disable GPU rendering in Visual Studio Code

I'm with bad rendering issues... Seems that the Visual Studio Code window do not clean a screen area before redraw it. The same thing happens here with chrome browser, but in chrome I can start it with " --disable-gpu-rendering " and it goes well.
How can I disable GPU rendering in Visual Studio Code ?
I'm thinking it's a hardware specific problem, and I'm looking for a other way to solve it too.
May be useful know my hardware:
Machine: Notebook dell vostro 3500 (intel chipset)
CPU: Intel i5
linux kernel: 4.0
video graphics: intel i915 (latest)
X -version: X.Org X Server 1.14.0
Note that VSCode 1.40 (Oct. 2019) proposes an alternative to the parameter/flag --disable-gpu:
Disable GPU acceleration
We have heard issue reports from users that seem related to how the GPU is used to render VS Code's UI.
These users have a much better experience when running VS Code with the additional --disable-gpu command-line argument.
Running with this argument will disable the GPU hardware acceleration and fall back to a software renderer.
To make life easier, you can add this flag as a setting so that it does not have to be passed on the command line each time.
To add this flag:
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Run the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command.
This command will open a argv.json file to configure runtime arguments.
You might see some default arguments there already.
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true
Restart VS Code.
Note: Do not use this setting unless you are seeing issues!
Note that Gilbert points out in the comments to "How To Fix Screen Flickering Issue On Mac, MacBook, And iMac" from Preeti Seth.
Gilbert adds:
I fixed the problem by disabling automatic graphics switching on my macbook pro.
The setting is located in system preferences -> battery.
It worked!
Under Windows, I can confirm that launching VSCode with --disable-gpu does not create a GPU process:
C:\Users\alex\AppData\Local\Code\app-0.1.0>Code.exe --disable-gpu
Perhaps the same flag works on Linux too?
On Ubuntu, the file to edit is /usr/share/applications/code.desktop.
Exec=/usr/share/code/code --unity-launch %F
Exec=/usr/share/code/code --disable-gpu --unity-launch %F
For Windows users
Visual studio code is based on chrome, to make it work you'll have to disable hardware acceleration.
Add --disable-gpu --disable-gpu-compositing to the vs code shortcut on your desktop.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --disable-gpu --disable-gpu-compositing
Inside settings.json you can write this:-
"terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration": "off"
on Mac running in virtualbox you can edit the file in ~/.vscode/argv.json
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true
macOS users can try the following commands in the terminal :
Goto Applications folder :
cd Applications
Open VS Code with GPU Disabled :
Visual\ Studio\ Code.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron --disable-gpu
Note : You might need to supply sudo with second command.
On Linux Mint I had to right click the lower left mint button, then choose configure, then press the menu button. Then press the "Open Menu Editor" button and find Visual Studio Code in the programming group. Click properties and find the command field. There you can set the --disable-gpu option.
If environment variables are mapped correctly, you can simply use cmd.exe to start an instance of code with --disable-gpu . See the screenshot. enter image description here
Sometimes the problem is caused by automatic graphic switching as the computer tries to save energy.
In my case my macbook pro has battery problems so they manifested as the screen flickering whenever I ran an intensive application like vscode.
To disable automatic graphic switching, go to system preferences -> battery and untick Automatic graphic switching.
Refer to this guide: https://wethegeek.com/how-to-fix-screen-flickering-issue-on-mac-macbook-and-imac/