Emacs bad font rendering under Windows - emacs

After some googling I found, that people recomment font Inconsolata for programming in Emacs. I installed it on Windows and Linux from here:
Here are the screenshots of the same text 1 - Linux, 2 - Windows XP SP3:
Under Windows the font is thin, unclear and is uncomfortable for reading. Is it possible to make it render it as well as on Linux?

Download and install Inconsolata.ttf font and install it instead of otf:
It will be rendered smoothly on Windows.

Just use Consolas, it's hands down the best monospace font to use on Windows (screenshot).
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 115 :family "Consolas")

My favorite is Source Code Pro (https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/releases/tag/1.017R) - again make sure to use ttf.

You can run the Cygwin version, using X11. It should give you the exact same output as under GNU/Linux in this respect.


Netbeans 12.1 menu fonts too small, --fontsize no longer works in /etc/netbeans.conf for Ubuntu 20.04

Netbeans 12.1 no longer respects the --fontsize directive in the /etc/netbeans.conf config file.
The menu fonts are way too small on a large screen.
Yet setting Preferences->LXQt Settings->Font->Point size in the Ubuntu control menu, which is normally respected by most Unix app windows, does not carry through either.
And although Netbeans's
Tools->Options->Fonts & Colors->Profile: NetBeans->Syntax->All Languages->Default -> Font
setting changes the font for the code itself inside the editor, it doesn't change the IDE menus.
You would think, after all these years, that there would be a command inside the Options to change the menu font size, but it's still not there yet.
And now editing config to change the --fontsize startup option is no longer respected.
How best to change the size of all the system fonts in the Netbeans IDE display environment?
The best solution I've found so far is to change the Look & Feel.
Invoking aptitude install netbeans currently (Sept '20) gives version 10, which breaks with a jcraft/jsch error, also "could not successfully run the /usr/bin/g++ compiler" on my system even though g++ is perfectly fine and protections cleared, also "Build Host not connected", after C++ is installed from the 8.2 repository. Tastes like some kind of jdk error (I've got /usr/lib/jvm both 8 and 11 jdks installed, hard to believe it can't find them). But if the install doesn't work right out of the box, it's a bad sign. So I tried snap install netbeans --classic . This gets version 12.
Netbeans version 12 comes with the Metal Look & Feel configured by default. Changing this to the GTK+ look and feel, using Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel->GTK+ with a restart, finally got the menus to the correct system size.
Unfortunately, the Help->About popup still does not respect this, having minuscule fonts. Perhaps there is a better way?
Although "Look and Feel" is an improvement, I would still like to see direct control of the IDE menu fonts. From the Options Fonts & Colors menu.
Running netbeans from commandline with an additional argument --fontsize 12 works for me. Open a console and go the bin directory of netbeans and use the command ./netbeans --fontsize 12. Change the font size to whatever suits you.
In Netbeans in Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel, I could solve the problem.
But in my case, the selected option already was GTK+. Changing to Metal solved it.
Install Netbeans 13.
It should help

fish shell prompt not showing symbols correctly

I've installed fish, and the agnoster theme througth oh-my-fish;
Now I have the prompt not showing correctly symbols;
Can someone explain what's wrong?
I was using a font not supporting powerline symbols;
after installing them, everything's all right;
I've used this guide to install powerline fonts:

Use Inconsolata font in emacs (centos)

I have read through tons of questions about setting up the fonts in emacs but I have not been able to get it to work so far. Is there a step by step guide for changing the emacs default font to this (including font installation directions?) This is over ssh so I can't use a solution that involves the gui version of emacs.
This is over ssh so I can't use a solution that involves the gui version of emacs.
Since you are connecting over SSH and using the terminal version of Emacs, you'll have to set up Inconsolata on your local machine, and configure your terminal or SSH client to use that font.
Emacs in the terminal has no concept of fonts; it simply uses whatever fonts the containing terminal uses.

Emacs can't work with ibus to input chinese

My Emacs editor can't work with ibus chinese input method, ibus shows "No input window" when cursor is on Emacs.
I run Emacs with alias like LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" emacs, It actually works before, but I have no idea why it doesn't work now, maybe some system update I think.
About my system: Gentoo Linux with Gnome3, I installed Emacs23 and Emacs24, and both of them can't work with ibus now.
PS: Ibus works on other programs, Emacs can display chinese characters well.
It seems the problem only happen on Gentoo. Because system update clear up some fonts. The solution is to install the missing fonts:
emerge media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi x11-apps/bdftopcf media-fonts/font-alias media-fonts/font-util
Then after logout and re-login, I can use input method again.
I solve this problem via installing ibus.el and this seems like emacs GTK UI's problem.
make sure that ibus is configured correctly by opening the default text editor for your distribution (Mousepad, Leafpad...?), typing control-space and seeing if you can enter Chinese. If you cant you may have to install a Chinese input method or add an input method in the ibus settings.
next make sure you have the emacs, ibus mode installed. If you are using a Debian based distribution, the package you want to install will be listed as 'ibus-el'.
After installing ibus-el usually control-space will activate and allow you to cycle through your input methods; however, on some of my machines I have to help emacs to get ibus mode started by typing M-x ibus-mode.

Does Emacs 23.2 support DDE, OLE, COM or DCOM?

Does Emacs 23.2 support DDE, OLE, COM or DCOM?
In other words, under Windows, can it integrate seamlessly with Eclipse as an in-place editor?
No, you can't do that. Eclipse has Emacs key bindings built in though, you can change them in preferences - they work quite well.