fish shell prompt not showing symbols correctly - fish

I've installed fish, and the agnoster theme througth oh-my-fish;
Now I have the prompt not showing correctly symbols;
Can someone explain what's wrong?

I was using a font not supporting powerline symbols;
after installing them, everything's all right;
I've used this guide to install powerline fonts:


Why does VS code shows output with weird symbols?

i think this became a problem after installing extensions but i'm not sure[enter image description here]
i tried reinstalling vscode and removing sync of any settings but it didn't workyour text
In settings under Terminal > Integrated: Renderer Type, it defaults to "auto" which in my case selects the "canvas" setting. If you switch this to "dom" it will fix the jumbled letters in the integrated terminal.
Also i'd recommend double-checking your language packs that are installed in windows and either reinstall them or make sure you have installed correctly.
Hope this helps.

VS Code Integrated Terminal Not Displaying Special Characters

My VS Code integrated terminal doesn't recognize the git branch symbols, or the forward arrow character, shown in the first screenshot, which displays correctly in iTerm windows and IntelliJ's integrated terminal.
These characters are coming from iTerm, using the terminal setup steps I went through here:
What I want to see in VS Code integrated terminal:
What I currently see in VS Code integrated terminal:
I did come across a solution to add this to my VS Code settings.json, but this setting has since been deprecated as it has been integrated as the default setting in newer vs updates.
"terminal.integrated.experimentalTextureCachingStrategy": "dynamic"
It's not a pressing issue, but personalizing the VS Code terminal with more git info and aesthetics would be really nice using special characters.
Install a powerline/nerdfont font to your system if you haven't already, and then specify that font in the terminal.integrated.fontFamily setting in your settings.json file.
Quoting from the VS Code docs:
Powerline fonts are special patched fonts that contain additional characters that can be used in the terminal. VS Code's terminal renders some of the Powerline symbols without needing to configure a font, but if more glyphs are desired, configure a Powerline font with the font family setting. Powerline fonts typically end in " for Powerline", the following setting is an example of how to configure a DejaVu Sans Mono that has been patched:
"editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline'"
Nerd Fonts work the same and typically have a " NF" suffix, the following is an example of how to configure Hack's nerd fonts variant:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'Hack NF'"

Missing icons in budspencer theme on fish shell

I'm trying to install the budspencer theme for the fish shell. I install the theme using Oh-My-Fish with command
omf install budspencer
And although I installed the powerline fonts from using the provided script (./, I'm still seeing missing icons from the prompt.
Any idea what I need to do fix this?
Looks like I needed to set the font in iTerm 2 manually. This fixed it

Emacs can't work with ibus to input chinese

My Emacs editor can't work with ibus chinese input method, ibus shows "No input window" when cursor is on Emacs.
I run Emacs with alias like LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" emacs, It actually works before, but I have no idea why it doesn't work now, maybe some system update I think.
About my system: Gentoo Linux with Gnome3, I installed Emacs23 and Emacs24, and both of them can't work with ibus now.
PS: Ibus works on other programs, Emacs can display chinese characters well.
It seems the problem only happen on Gentoo. Because system update clear up some fonts. The solution is to install the missing fonts:
emerge media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi x11-apps/bdftopcf media-fonts/font-alias media-fonts/font-util
Then after logout and re-login, I can use input method again.
I solve this problem via installing ibus.el and this seems like emacs GTK UI's problem.
make sure that ibus is configured correctly by opening the default text editor for your distribution (Mousepad, Leafpad...?), typing control-space and seeing if you can enter Chinese. If you cant you may have to install a Chinese input method or add an input method in the ibus settings.
next make sure you have the emacs, ibus mode installed. If you are using a Debian based distribution, the package you want to install will be listed as 'ibus-el'.
After installing ibus-el usually control-space will activate and allow you to cycle through your input methods; however, on some of my machines I have to help emacs to get ibus mode started by typing M-x ibus-mode.

Color themes are strange/incorrect in terminal emulator

I'm running emacs-nox 23.3 in Konsole (from kde) emulator, the most color themes have strange colors.
For example, i like the Solarized Theme. I expect the theme should look like this:
However, this is what I get:
Broken Solarized Theme
Most of themes that comes in emacs-color-theme package have similar behavior. I tried to change the Konsole color settings - no result. I also tried to replace my .Xresources with this one, with no success.
You need 256 colors in your terminal for most color themes to have decent appearance. Try adding this to your .bashrc (or .zshrc):
After you've sourced the setting (source .bashrc), start again emacs and hopefully the themes will be looking much better.
No, do not put this line
to .Xresources. Try to run emacs with this command:
TERM=xterm-256color emacs
and if everything is ok, put this line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:
alias emacs='TERM=xterm-256color emacs'
After that your can execute emacs with usual 'emacs' cmd and get the normal colors in editor.