How to draw while screen recording is going on in Flutter using Canvas - flutter

I'm doing screen recording in Flutter using the below Plugin
Now I'm trying to draw something over the mobile screen instead of within in the app, using Canvas while screen recording is going on. Can someone suggest some plugin or some working example of using canvas to draw on top of device screen in Flutter.


Flutter Camera plugin zoomed in

I am developing a document scanner app in flutter, however of all the flutter apps I have seen, they are using the camera plugin which has a main issue that I found out here:
I want to have a full resolution preview(for taking photos) rather than the video preview of the camera(which is also a little zoomed in). Any ideas?

Flutter agora change icon color and pin remote user on larger display

i am using agora sdk and would like to change the color of the icons in the smaller screen. also, is there a way for me to pin the remote user on a bigger screen whenever a call initiates? additionally, is there a way for audio to come out of the ear speaker instead of loud speaker?

Edit Youtube Player Flutter - Custom - Flutter

I use youtube_player_flutte, YouTube API for mobile app.
How can I remove the red circles on the main screen player of my app (as you can see in the photo below ) or is there another way I can do this?

Flutter Camera plugin (auto zoom)

first of all sorry my english
I'm developing a flutter application using the camera flutter plugin, after capturing the images I upload to amazon's S3
everything works fine, but users have begun to complain that the images taken on my app and the camera's native app look very different
in my app the image looks like I've been zoomed in by cropping the sides and top
in the native app the area that the camera captures is much larger
I would like my app to take photos like the native app (same area)
it is possible?
I already searched and found nothing related to it, I already changed the
changed the size of my cameraPreview
Any help is welcome
I was able to resolve by updating the plugin version
I was using the camera: ^ 0.5.6
now I'm with
camera: ^ 0.5.7 + 3

How to place a android webview in the real world using google tango?

Android webview can be used as a UI element in Android, how do I render the whole webview at a specific place using Google Tango? Currently, one can place 3D objects, sprites.
It is possible but not with normal Android UI out of the box
If you build your tango application using unity you can use for example this!/content/82379 to render the web view as part of the 3d space