Flutter Camera plugin (auto zoom) - flutter

first of all sorry my english
I'm developing a flutter application using the camera flutter plugin, after capturing the images I upload to amazon's S3
everything works fine, but users have begun to complain that the images taken on my app and the camera's native app look very different
in my app the image looks like I've been zoomed in by cropping the sides and top
in the native app the area that the camera captures is much larger
I would like my app to take photos like the native app (same area)
it is possible?
I already searched and found nothing related to it, I already changed the
changed the size of my cameraPreview
Any help is welcome

I was able to resolve by updating the plugin version
I was using the camera: ^ 0.5.6
now I'm with
camera: ^ 0.5.7 + 3


Flutter Camera plugin zoomed in

I am developing a document scanner app in flutter, however of all the flutter apps I have seen, they are using the camera plugin which has a main issue that I found out here:
I want to have a full resolution preview(for taking photos) rather than the video preview of the camera(which is also a little zoomed in). Any ideas?

How to draw lines from browser on remote mobile AR app?

I am looking for a solution to share the screen from a mobile AR app (ARKit or Unity AR Foundation).
The screen needs to be shared to a browser on the desktop and it should be possible to draw lines on the screen from the browser using the mouse in the AR environment that can be seen on the mobile app which is sharing the screen.
After some investigation there does not seem to be a viable solution to truly share the same AR instance with browser/mobile as you can do with 2 mobile devices.
There should however be some sort of work around possible as it can be done with Vuforia Chalk AR.
Here is a GIF showing how it works:
AR Drawing demo
Sharing a video seems to be possible
Specifically trying to figure out how the line is drawn from the browser and then displayed on the mobile AR app
How can you achieve the same functionality with open source alternatives or Unity and custom code (No Vuforia is possible)?
Looking for a tutorial or some directions to how this can be implemented.

Google VR SDK stuck in portrait mode

I've built the app and compiled it with VR enabled and cardboard selected as my VR device. I can install and run it on my phone (Samsung S8) BUT the in game camera is stuck in portrait mode and the yew is inverted (turning my head left turns the camera right). I have scoured the internet but still can't find a way to fix this.
I've enabled VR in playersettings and added google cardboard as my VR.
I've also disabled portrait views under orientation.
I've set the camera as both a child and parent object.
I've built the app with both cardboard and daydream selected as the VR (and each individually) but still the same issue.
I've tried forcing different higher levels of API requirement
I have added and removed GvrEditorEmulator from the project and the GvrControllerMain and no luck.
I've even flipped the camera manually by a 180 degrees and this made the view be in landscape but in this case the pitch was inverted (when I look up the camera looks down) and I haven't found a way to resolve this.
In the editor view the screen looks fine, but every time I run it on my Android phone it force starts in portrait mode and the pitch or yew is inverted.
Is there a hidden option I need to switch, does anybody have more suggestions that I could try?
You can see what the app looks like when I hold the phone i portrait mode on the link bellow (the image breaks when I try to add it to the post for some reason).
Its worth mentioning that I'm working with Unity version 2019 2.0b2 because any other version I tried would not detect my installed Android SDK and would not let me build the project. I've tried on multiple machines and always had that problem so I'm afraid of attempting an upgrade to a newer version would break my build ability.
This seems to be a known and reported issue for Google VR SDK for unity. Its been reported on their github page.
The only possible fix is reverting back to Unity 2018.3.14f1. I did this by exporting my v2019 project, then creating a new 2018.3.14f1 version project and importing the original into it. This rebuilds the project and should avoid conflicts if you're lucky.

How to remove unity build-in loading screen in Facebook instant game?

I am working Facebook instant game using unity2017.2. I deployed build for Facebook and uploaded it on Facebook. Everything is fine but when instant game start there is unity loading bar appears which take 8,9 seconds even if you have just one scene with one button in your game. So how can i remove that build-in unity loading screen. Please help. Thanks
It is not possible to skip the whole loading screen. As mentioned in the comments you can modify your UnityLoader.js - you can find this script in the Build folder of your build.
To read the code I recommend this beautifier
I just opend my build and found the object Progress in line 1849. Perhaps you have a different version and it is at a different line. Search for Progress
Here you can see what Unity is doing. In the Progress.update they are updating the ProgressBar.
At all it is not easy to read.
The easy way to customize you loading screen is to replace the graphics under TemplateData - here you can copy your own pictures. The names have to be the same as the original filenames: (default is light)
I think this could be a solution for you?
Yup, it's a little bit frustrating to see a logo for a long time. I've worked on Unity version 2018.31f, and there, it's easily removable if you are using Unity Pro.
To remove the logo in Unity Pro, open your Unity WebGL project, Go to File -> Build Settings -> Player settings. You'll see settings for WebGL and a Splash Image column in that window, as shown in this picture.
As you can see in Splash Image settings, show splash screen column is inaccessible for me to tick/untick. The same goes with Show Unity Logo. This is because I'm currently using a free version of Unity. But in the Unity Pro version, you can untick this option and make that Unity Logo screen hidden.
If you are using the Unity free version, ensure a minimum Logo Duration of 2-sec, at least in the accessible version of Unity.

Image rendering on HTML5 canvas on iPhone 5 running iOS 7

canvasOn a web page in a mobile web application I am developing, I have a fileinput control that is used to take a picture with a mobile device camera. The image from the camera is then drawn onto an HTML5 canvas object on the same page.
The issue I am having is that if the web application is run on an iPhone 5 running iOS 7 (in the Safari web browser), the image appears extremely distorted. Specifically, the image appears to be vertically squished when drawn on the canvas. If the same web application is run on an Android device, no distortion is seen.
In previous versions of iOS and on iOS devices prior to iPhone 5, some vertical squishing was seen (although not as bad as this), and a jquery plugin named megapixel-image.js could be used to correct the vertical squishing. This tool unfortunately is not compatible with iOS 7.
Is this related to image subsampling in Safari or something else? What can be done to correct this? I obviously cannot have my users see this distorted image. Any mobile web app developer who wants to use the camera and HTML5 canvas is going to run into this, so a solution is mandatory.
megapixel-image.js does handle this correctly. I found I was passing some parameters to the plugin incorrectly, causing it not to work. My thanks to Ray Nicholus for his assistance with this issue.