Flutter agora change icon color and pin remote user on larger display - flutter

i am using agora sdk and would like to change the color of the icons in the smaller screen. also, is there a way for me to pin the remote user on a bigger screen whenever a call initiates? additionally, is there a way for audio to come out of the ear speaker instead of loud speaker?


How to draw while screen recording is going on in Flutter using Canvas

I'm doing screen recording in Flutter using the below Plugin
Now I'm trying to draw something over the mobile screen instead of within in the app, using Canvas while screen recording is going on. Can someone suggest some plugin or some working example of using canvas to draw on top of device screen in Flutter.

Is there any way to capture screenshot of home screen in Flutter, not the app screen

I'm using a screen recording plugin here. I want to add a functionality to capture screenshot of the device's home screen or whatever the user is doing, and I've used different packages, but none of them worked as I wanted.

Flutter API to record video

Flutter has no way to record video of the Flutter App.
I tried all the following, all have majors drawbacks that brings to ask this question
Using repaintBoundary
This method has 2 major drawbacks:
It draws blank white boxes on PlatformViews and WebViews (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/25306 and Update 30 June https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/83856 it is in progress this quarter)
Bitmaps need to be sent back to the Native platform for encoding into mp4. (Using OpenGL)
Using native platform
Flutter exposes the getBitmap API that is meant be used on the Native Platform to capture a screenshot of the Running hosted Flutter App but this has 2 major drawbacks
It must run on UIThread so the FlutterApp is blocked, so the video is recording a blocked UI
This method is very slow. Sometimes up to 100 ms per frame depending on the screen content.
Recording the entire screen?
Using MediaRecorder that's possible but we want to:
Record the app only, not the entire screen
Recording the entire screen requires special permission from user
Drawing a canvas of the FlutterView in the Native platform?
This draws black screen because FlutterView is a SurfaceView and bitmap cannot be obtained as it was drawn on the different thread.
Use PixelCopy?
This API is only availabe on >= API 24
Does FLutter Expose an API to record Bitmaps continuously in the background not on the Main UI thread . (Or a video recording API but that's too much to ask)
Keywords: getBitmap, screenshot, bitmap, uithread, background, record, recording, screen shot, main thread, flutterview, surfaceview, video, mp4, mediarecorder, opengl, mediamuxer, mediaencoder

How to make my app interact with Android home screen?

I am building an app that uses frontal camera to track where user is looking at the screen. When user blinks, smartphone registers that as a tap. Currently it works "inside" my app. I have a few dots around the screen, when i look at one of them and blink, it changes color.
But how can I make it work on the home screen/with other apps? Say if user looked at the facebook app, blinked, it would open.
I was thinking of a pop up window like Skype. I could design it as a cursor and it would be displayed above the home screen and all apps. But if i would blink(tap) it would perform an action inside that popup/widget and not click "through" it.
Are there any codes that can make my app interact with other apps. Maybe Accessibility services?
There is a similar app that can create a mouse on the homescreen, when user waves his hand (no physical touch) it registers that as a tap. How can I recreate that?
Picture attached...

running Video Recorder in background in iOS 4 iphone?

i am developing an application which requires recording a video in the background while the user is listening to music player in the application?? is it possible to run video recorder of iphone in the background mode automatically without prompting the user to press the record button??
No, that is not possible. Apple provides very few APIs for background services only, such as location services and audio playback. Recording video is not amongst the approved tasks.
Have a look at the new AV Foundation framework in iOS 4.0, this framework provides (low-level) access to capturing video from the camera(s).
The main class you'll need to uses is AVCaptureSession and you'll have set the output to either to AVCaptureMovieFileOutputor AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
More info: AV Foundation Programming Guide
I haven't been able to find a background recorder ios 4 yet, although there are a few close possibilities:
1. turn the screen black with minimum brightness which effectively shows nothing if there's enough light out
2. turn off your screen with screendimmer, it will turn back on if you touch it
3. get Camcorder which has a "secret" recording option which fakes the unlock screen while it records, when you swipe it to unlock it goes back to camera mode.
As far as I understand it's not possible to record video on background due to ios restrictions
Get the 'NO Video' app. http://itunes.apple.com/my/app/no-video/id430204140?mt=8
Download iPhone Explorer. http://www.macroplant.com/iphoneexplorer/
With the 'NO Video' app installed, connect your iPhone to your computer with the USB port, and launch iPhone Explorer.
Go to Apps/NO Video/NO Video.app/images and copy 1.jpg to your desktop.
With an image-editing software such as Photoshop, change the 1.jpg to a plain black image without changing the size and save it.
Now copy the plain black image back to the Apps/NO Video/NO Video.app/images folder and replace the 1.jpg in the folder.
Restart your iPhone.
Launch the 'NO Video' app, click the red icon at the bottom to start recording, then flick to the left to reveal a plain black image while still recording video.