How to place a android webview in the real world using google tango? - unity3d

Android webview can be used as a UI element in Android, how do I render the whole webview at a specific place using Google Tango? Currently, one can place 3D objects, sprites.

It is possible but not with normal Android UI out of the box
If you build your tango application using unity you can use for example this!/content/82379 to render the web view as part of the 3d space


Flutter and Unity integration apps are too big in size

I embedded a Unity 3D app inside a Flutter app using flutter_unity_widget package. Everything works fine, but now the problem is that the apk file generated by flutter is a very big size (370mb). While I have only one 3D scene containing a single cube without script and a single page at flutter level. Please how can i downsize my apk?
Thanks for the good understanding.

How to move the google maps camera only with one fingers?

I am developing google map with flutter web.
The problem that occurred to me is that when I load the web I made into a webview of android or ios, I have to move the map with two fingers.
How do I move the map using one finger?

Flutter Camera plugin zoomed in

I am developing a document scanner app in flutter, however of all the flutter apps I have seen, they are using the camera plugin which has a main issue that I found out here:
I want to have a full resolution preview(for taking photos) rather than the video preview of the camera(which is also a little zoomed in). Any ideas?

How to draw lines from browser on remote mobile AR app?

I am looking for a solution to share the screen from a mobile AR app (ARKit or Unity AR Foundation).
The screen needs to be shared to a browser on the desktop and it should be possible to draw lines on the screen from the browser using the mouse in the AR environment that can be seen on the mobile app which is sharing the screen.
After some investigation there does not seem to be a viable solution to truly share the same AR instance with browser/mobile as you can do with 2 mobile devices.
There should however be some sort of work around possible as it can be done with Vuforia Chalk AR.
Here is a GIF showing how it works:
AR Drawing demo
Sharing a video seems to be possible
Specifically trying to figure out how the line is drawn from the browser and then displayed on the mobile AR app
How can you achieve the same functionality with open source alternatives or Unity and custom code (No Vuforia is possible)?
Looking for a tutorial or some directions to how this can be implemented.

how to use the cardboard sdk for pc vr game?

so I want to create a vr game using unity3d and cardboard sdk for PC(windows), which I'll stream to my phone screen using kinoConsol. I created a simple scene when I build it for android,it works fine , I mean it shows the dual sbs camera(screen), but a windows build shows only one normal camera(screen).. is there a way I can use the cardboard sdk to show the sbs camera(screen) in a windows build ?? if not is there any thing else available to achieve this ?
Side by side is easy, just place two cameras where the eyes should be and change their viewport rect to half width. Now you have a side by side stereo renderer without any external library. Cardboard also adds some distortion to the lenses, but it is not that important to use it in your case.
Your second, and much bigger problem is the gyroscope - you have to somehow communicate the position of your headset to your unity app on your pc. This is not trivial and probably will require finding or building an persistent service on your android device that will send the orientation data to your desktop app.