passing data to a new scree nusing builder (flutter) - flutter

I'm tryng to pass data from grid view builder to a materialpageroute component to a new screen, I already pass movies index, but can't seem to give it to the new screen

In the first screenshot, you are trying to assign title as a parameter in onTap function. You cannot do that in onTap.
I think you want to pass the title to DetailPage, you can get the title in movies[index], so you don't have to declare a title.
In the second screenshot, if you want to show the title of your movie in the AppBar, you must do it using title parameter.
title: Text(movies[index].original_title),
And you cannot give just one widget to Column's children parameter. It must be a list.
children: [
), // put your widget inside list
If you have one widget, you don't need to use Column.
Lastly, you get just one movie, so that you don't have to use ListView. You can use a single widget like Container. And if you want your view can be scrollable, you can wrap the Column with SingleChildScrollView, like this:
child: Column(
children: [
Edit: You didn't declare movies at the top:
class DetailPage extends StatelessWidget {
final Movie? movies; // declare this first
const DetailPage {...} // your constructor


SliverList setState to Affect Only Selected Item Flutter

I have a button on every item on my SliverList. When I click a specific list item button, I wish it change to a different widget by using setState. Only that specific item button should change to a different widget while the rest on the list retains its own item button.
Example below. The problem of course is that when I click any button on the list, all buttons on every item on the list changes. What is needed so that it affects only the specific item on the list whose button was pressed?
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((BuildContext context, int index) {
final item = gd[index];
return Container(
child: Column(
children: [
? item.newwidget(context)
: RaisedButton(
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
child: const Text('Press Me'),
Figured this out.
I believe the approach is to add to the existing list an object key to represent whether widget1 or widget2 to render, eg. tag: 'normal' or tag: 'clicked'. Depending on index.tag, either widget1 or widget2 will be displayed. So for a widget with a button wherein the tag is normal, the button will have a function when clicked changes the index.tag of the item from normal to clicked. When the Sliverlist sees this new value, it automatically renders the corresponding widget.

How to add items to a Row object at runtime in Flutter?

The most amazing part of Flutter is that every widget is an object. But, when I try to make an object from a Row and add a List of widgets to its children, I get this error on runtime:
Cannot add to an unmodifiable list
I'm currently creating my Row like this:
Row rowStar = Row();
Is this wrong? If so, what's the correct way?
1. Why it won't work
If all you want to do is add a list to a Row, you should create the list and then initialize the Row with it. You cannot add the list afterwards because Flutter's widgets typically have final fields/properties, which are not modifiable at runtime.
2. The Flutter Way
However, what you could do to dynamically modify the list is pass a function that builds your list internally at runtime. And that's exactly what the ListView.builder() constructor of ListView does.
For example, this the docs example for dynamically creating a List of Containers based on the the Lists entries and colorCodes.
final List<String> entries = <String>['A', 'B', 'C'];
final List<int> colorCodes = <int>[600, 500, 100];
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
itemCount: entries.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return Container(
height: 50,
color: Colors.amber[colorCodes[index]],
child: Center(child: Text('Entry ${entries[index]}')),
You could add a button to .add, say, the letter D and the colorCode 400, to the respective Lists, and Flutter would render the respective Containers dynamically on the screen.
I'm not sure if I get it right, but what you're trying to do doesn't make sense. If you want to reuse a Row with widgets and information you can just build it once and save the whole thing as widget.
Try it like this:
Build a Row.
Create widgets for your children.
Display them as widgets of the row.
children: <Widget>[
Your custom widgets are the content of the Row then.
Hope it helps.
In my case, I can make a Row from a previously created List<Widget>:
Row calculateListOfStars(ranking) {
final List<Widget> rowList = [];
// make my custom widget
final Row rowStars = Row(
children: rowList,
return rowStars;
Use Listview:
children: rowStar((data) {
return ListTile();

Is that possible to cache widget to resue?

I am using getbody() method to get app body and the getbody() return a Widget If i change the variable ct count the the getbody() will return different widget and each widget is stroied in Listqueue<MyPage()> if i set variable ct value 1 it return widget from my list at position 1 and if i set variable ct 2 then it will return corresponding widget .
But the problem is in each widget i am doing an api call but when i reuse that widget it is again calling the API call and why this is calling after first time nd how to stop calling api when i am reusing the widget
ListQueue<Page> page1, page2, page3, page4;
_AppFramePageState() {
page1 = ListQueue();
page1.add(Page(widget: AppHomePage(), title: "Home Page"));
page2 = ListQueue();
Page(widget: TemplesListing(), title: "Temple listing"));
page3 = ListQueue();
page3.add(Page(widget: AppCommunities(), title: "Communities"));
page4 = ListQueue();
page4.add(Page(widget: AppVideos(), title: "Media"));
If user click on cart button from toolbar then i will add more value to page1 list and if user click on back button then i will remove last item from page1 list
Widget getBody() {
//This code is solved my 50% issue but renaming 50% is there. How to solve this issue?
return IndexedStack(
index: _selectedIndex,
children: <Widget>[
//This is the code i used first time
switch (_selectedIndex) {
case 0:
return page1.last.widget;
case 1:
return page2.last.widget;
case 2:
return page3.last.widget;
case 3:
return page4.last.widget;
class Page{
Widget widget;
String title;
Note: All widgets are StatefulWidget
In general, it's not possible to reuse the widgets.
You can manually reuse the cache widget by comparing old and new state of the widgets. Which is very lengthy and i don't think you should follow it.
There are many State management architecture patterns like Provider, BLOC, MOBX etc. to manage your app in a great way. They are used to improve your app performance and decrease widget re-renders, manage data flow across the whole app etc.
One more thing you can do to make your Stateful widgets more impactive by using the const keyword whenever possible.
like for following widget ,
children: <Widget>[
// Widget 1
Center(child: Text(dynamic_value),),
// Widget 2
child: const Center(
child: const Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
child: Text("Hello"),
In above example for Widget 1, you can't use "const keyword" as it depends on "dynamic_value".
While for Widget 2, you can use the "const keyword" which will be useful if your build method gets called again then "Center", "Padding" & "Text" widgets will be not called again as they are declared as constant widgets.

I need to make this layout but I am confused as to what should I use how to place them like in the image I have posted below

Since i want this to be my layout i was trying to implement it with a showModalBottomSheet but the problem is that this widget only works on the button click as it is showing me error when i am trying to call the method as it is in the initState method. So then I started to work with bottomSheet value present in the scaffold but then the background is being displayed only upto the starting of the bottom sheet creating the distance between the model sheet and the background whereas I want it to overlap like in the image..How should I prepare this layout.
There is no such parameter as "bottomSheet" in Scaffold, there is one called bottomAppBar, which is used for making Bottom Bars like the one on the Youtube Android App. So this should help you make the basic structure.
Use a Stack widget to put widgets on top of each other, in first layer, add the image using the NetworkImage widget, then in the second layer, make a Column, like this:
Widget build() => Scaffold(
body: _body(),
_body() => Stack(
children: <Widget>[
children: <Widget>[
Then create 2 new methods after the _body method like this:
_body() => Stack(...);
_basicDetailsPage() => Container();
_guidePanel() => Container();
Create your layout in these 2 methods. Comment if you need more help :)
For additional help, please join the Facebook Group "Let's Flutter With Dart"

How to dynamically add Children to Scaffold Widget

Let's say, I have a chat screen that looks like this.
Now, when the user clicks the "Press when ready" button, the method fetchNewQuestion() is called.
My intention is that this will make a HTTP request, and display the result using
But, the problem is that this return must be made inside the current scaffold's widget as a child under the existing children, so that it is built at the bottom with the previous ones still there. The result would be like this:
You can find my complete code here.
Is this possible to be done pro-grammatically? Or do I have to change the concept of how I do this?
[Update, I now understand that my approach above is wrong and I have to use a listview builder. CurrentStatus below shows my progress towards achieving that goal.]
Current status:
I have built a list of Widgets:
List<Widget> chatScreenWidgets = [];
And on setState, I am updating that with a new Widget using this:
setState(() { chatScreenWidgets.add(_buildUsersReply("I think there were 35 humans and one horse.")); });
Now at this point, I am not sure how to pass the widget inside the scaffold. I have written some code that does not work. For instance, I tried this:
Code in the image below and in the gist here:
Just for future reference, here is what I really needed to do:
1. Create a list of widgets
List<Widget> chatScreenWidgets = [];
2. Inside my method, I needed to use a setState in order to add elements to that list. Every widget I add to this will be displayed on ths Scaffold.
`setState(() {
chatScreenWidgets.add(_buildUsersReply("Some Text"));
3. And then, load that inside my Scaffold, I used an itemBuilder in order to return a list of widgets to my ListView. I already had that ListView (where I was manually adding children). Now this just returns them through the setState method inside my business logic method (in this case, fetchNewQuestion()).
body: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 0),
child: new ListView.builder(
physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 25),
itemCount: chatScreenWidgets.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int itemCount) {
return chatScreenWidgets[itemCount];
I hope this helps future flutter engineers!
forget about the scaffold the idea is about what you really want to change, lets say it is
a list and your getting the data from an array if you update the array, then the list will update,if it is another type widgets then you can handle it in a different way i will edit this answer if you clarify what each part does in your widget as i cant read your full code.
first you have to create an object with two attributes one is the type of the row(if it is a user replay or other messages) and the second attribute is the string or the text.
now create a global list in the listview class from the above object, so you get the data from the user or even as a news and you create a new object from the above class and add your data to it and add it to the list.
item builder returns a widget so according to the the widget that you return the row will be set , so according to the data in the object call one of your functions that return the views like _buildUsersReply(string text).
if you have any other question you can ask :) if this what you need please mark it as the answer.