Texkive downloading error: No such file or directory - tex-live

my friend has a little problem with TexLive downloading:
We try reload computer but nothing happened


Unrecognized font family 'FontAwesome5Free-Solid'

This happened out of nowhere, and I have no idea what happened.
I started to run my app and got this error:
I believe that it's coming from react-native-vector-icons.
I've tried switching to an older version of react-native-vector-icons, and I still receive the same result.
I've also tried to uninstall react-native-vector-icons, and, when I do, I receive a compiling error.
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/lukeschoenberger/Documents/Programming/news-
icons/RNVectorIconsManager/RNVectorIconsManager.m normal x86_64
objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
(1 failure)
I'm pretty stuck at this point.
After I linked react-native-vector-desing and cleared the build folder, I received this error:
Build system information
error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/lukeschoenberger/Documents/Programming/news-arg/test6/ios/build/test6/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/test6.app/AntDesign.ttf':
1) Target 'test6' (project 'test6') has copy command from
arg/test6/node_modules/native-base/Fonts/AntDesign.ttf' to
2) Target 'test6' (project 'test6') has copy command from
arg/test6/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/AntDesign.ttf' to
Icon module does not appear to be properly linked.
You can try react-native link react-native-vector-icons
If this is not a workaround,
Delete all items in the build folder under the iOS folder. Then rebuild the project with react-native run-ios.
Regular, Solid, and Brand Icons TTF File import android and ios directory

Visual Studio Code macOS: error loading OmniSharp: spawn EACCES

I'm having no luck in trying to make the C# extension work in macOS. When loading the sln file everything seems to load just fine other than OmniSharp. This makes it hard or impossible to work with Visual Studio Code.
Here's the error I get:
Starting OmniSharp server at 2018-5-4 13:51:51
Target: /PATH/TO/PROJECT/Project.sln
[ERROR] Error: spawn EACCES
Which tells very little about what's wrong.
I followed all instructions found here, including installing Mono SDK but OmniSharp keeps giving this error. I also tried
to install the extension from a vsix file
to overwrite the omnisharp folder content with what I found here
All leading to the same error.
When the extension is freshly installed, it automatically downloads the OmniSharp package and successfully installs it.
Installing C# dependencies...
Platform: darwin, x86_64
Downloading package 'OmniSharp for OSX' (24026 KB) .................... Done!
Downloading package '.NET Core Debugger (macOS / x64)' (44057 KB) .................... Done!
Installing package 'OmniSharp for OSX'
Installing package '.NET Core Debugger (macOS / x64)'
Someone suggests to add a+x permissions recursively to the whole project folder (as found in this official thread) but is this really necessary? All files in extensions belong to the same staff group as all files in the project do.
I tried this anyway but still [ERROR] Error: spawn EACCES
I'm using Visual Studio Code 1.23.0 and the OmniSharp's version is 1.14.0.
I should also say that all projects I am trying to open are generated by Unity 3D and I have the Unity Debug extension installed.
I don't know where else to go from here. Would someone be able to give advice on this?

I'm getting an error message I get when attempting to Install CL-PNG in Emacs using Quicklisp

I hope the answers I get can help others in installing Lisp Packages in general. I installed libpng with the setup.exe (at this link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/libpng/1.2.37/libpng-1.2.37-setup.exe/download?use_mirror=iweb)...I didn't do it manually....I'm using Sbcl for my Lisp Implemaenation. I tried to run (ql:quickload "png")in Emacs but I keep getting this error Message when I do:
External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/opt/local/include" "-I/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.1.4/site/cffi/" "-o" "D:\Users\W\AppData\Local\common-lisp\cache\sbcl-1.1.4-win-x86\D\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\cl-png-0.6\grovel.exe" "D:\Users\W\AppData\Local\common-lisp\cache\sbcl-1.1.4-win-x86\D\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\cl-png-0.6\grovel.c"
Output was:
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
Other things I tried:
I took all the dll files from the D:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32 (folder where libpng is installed), all the dll files pertaining to libpng that is, and copied them to my SBCL\1.14 folder as is common practice for dll files so SBCL can access them. but still got above error:
I'm in Windows 8 - I added D:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\ (folder where libpng is installed) to my path enviornment variable because libpng setup.exe didn't seem to add an enviornment variable , but no luck still get same\above error in Emacs ....Any help would be appreciated
You probably found the solution within the past 5 months, but this blog shows the answer and is a nice reference for future readers, I think.
Citing (and shortening) the original author:
you have to copy the files ffi.h and ffitarget.h and the gsl folder from the include folder of your libffi installation and paste them into the include folder of your MinGW installation.

unable to open mkb files in windows

Am getting an error while opening .mkb files of marmalade in windows.
It shows the following error while trying to open the sample applications .mkb file :
Building project: c:/Marmalade/6.2/examples/IwGx/IwGxBasicLighting.mkb
Executing: 'c:\marmalade\6.2\s3e\bin\mdev.bat update'
Downloading: http://source.madewithmarmalade.com/packages/6.2/Packages
error: error downloading url: http://source.madewithmarmalade.com/packages/6.2/Packages (<urlopen error (10060, 'Operation timed out')>)
c:/marmalade/6.2/modules/iwutil/iwutil.mkf(19) :
error: Executing 'c:\marmalade\6.2\s3e\bin\mdev.bat update' failed. (return code 1)
FAILED (error code=3)*
You need to have any active internet connection to open the mkb. Marmalade needs to download certain update files for license check and module updates to work correctly. Since you might be running marmalade for the first time, it throws the error.

Xcode Error When Building

Whenever I compile something in Xcode, I get 3 errors. One is under "Checking dependencies" and says "Unable to create directory /var/folders/zZ/string of letters/more directories/more letters." What is wrong with Xcode/my computer? I switched to the Xcode 4 preview and that works fine, but is not stable. Yes, I have tried restarting. This has been going on for weeks. Thanks for the help.
I had a similar issue, which showed up after switching to xcode 4. The error was:
error: unable to create '/build' (Permission denied)
The solution was to change '/build' to 'build' in the project configuration under Intermediate Build File Path.
In your case I would guess the pch file has a path that starts with '/'.