Unrecognized font family 'FontAwesome5Free-Solid' - swift

This happened out of nowhere, and I have no idea what happened.
I started to run my app and got this error:
I believe that it's coming from react-native-vector-icons.
I've tried switching to an older version of react-native-vector-icons, and I still receive the same result.
I've also tried to uninstall react-native-vector-icons, and, when I do, I receive a compiling error.
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/lukeschoenberger/Documents/Programming/news-
icons/RNVectorIconsManager/RNVectorIconsManager.m normal x86_64
objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
(1 failure)
I'm pretty stuck at this point.
After I linked react-native-vector-desing and cleared the build folder, I received this error:
Build system information
error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/lukeschoenberger/Documents/Programming/news-arg/test6/ios/build/test6/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/test6.app/AntDesign.ttf':
1) Target 'test6' (project 'test6') has copy command from
arg/test6/node_modules/native-base/Fonts/AntDesign.ttf' to
2) Target 'test6' (project 'test6') has copy command from
arg/test6/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/AntDesign.ttf' to

Icon module does not appear to be properly linked.
You can try react-native link react-native-vector-icons
If this is not a workaround,
Delete all items in the build folder under the iOS folder. Then rebuild the project with react-native run-ios.

Regular, Solid, and Brand Icons TTF File import android and ios directory


Xcode 13.3 Build Failed because of Cycle in Dependencies between targets libsignal-protocol-swift

After updating to Xcode 13.3 facing Build failed issues with libsignal-protocol-swift library.
This is happening while building second time while after cleaning and building for first time it is working fine. Also, Xcode 13.2.1 has no such errors.
Xcode Error as below :
Cycle inside libsignal-protocol-swift iOS; building could produce unreliable results. This usually can be resolved by moving the target's Headers build phase before Compile Sources.
Cycle details:
→ Target 'libsignal-protocol-swift iOS' has link command with output '/Users/ankitkhanna/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BlueSecures-brawgzawheasvqbvhxxglfnlvdlw/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/SignalProtocol.framework/SignalProtocol'
○ Target 'libsignal-protocol-swift iOS' has compile command for Swift source files
○ Target 'libsignal-protocol-swift iOS' has copy command from '/Users/ankitkhanna/Documents/Project-Files/Desk-Factors-Project-Files/BlueChats-IOS-master/libsignal-protocol-swift-master/libsignal-protocol-swift/SignalProtocol.h' to '/Users/ankitkhanna/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BlueSecures-brawgzawheasvqbvhxxglfnlvdlw/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/SignalProtocol.framework/Headers/SignalProtocol.h'
After struggling for sometime the solution was actually the same as mentioned in Xcode suggestions.
i.e. to Move the Headers in project Target -> Build Phases on top Compiled sources.
Drag and move Headers above Compile Sources fixed the error.
Please see the image for reference.
I've faced the same issue after updating to Xcode 13.3; however, in my case, I didn't have Headers in Build Phases.
I've followed these steps to solve it:
Precondition: Xcode must be closed.
Delete the DerivedData folder:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
In the Terminal, type the following command:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCBuild EnableSwiftBuildSystemIntegration 1

Error Module 'flutter_secure_storage' not found when try Product ->Build for -> Profiling

well this error occurs to me when I try to make my app in production.
The app is created with flutter and I was able to create the apk for android, but when I try to do it for ios it won't let me.
The file that I am opening is Runner.xcworkspace and the problem is the import of a flutter library, it seems to me that I have to make some kind of connection with the pods.
here is the error, I want to tell you that I do not want to run the app, but to make an installer
The error that occurs when building a release (ie. flutter build ipa) and not when running a debug build is:
/[REDACTED]/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:48:9: fatal error: module
'flutter_secure_storage' not found
#import flutter_secure_storage;
1 error generated.
note: Using new build system
For me regenerating Podfile in the following way solved the issue:
rm ios/Podfile && flutter build ios
See Closed [ios][release] GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m Module not found

Tried archiving flutter project with no disc space left, can't fix errors

Question upfront: How can I thoroughly clean/repair my flutter project to allow it to run/build again?
I had been building and archiving (in Xcode) flutter projects without issue until just now.
My computer ran out of disc space mid archive and forced it to stop with "nonzero exit code".
I deleted a bunch of things on the computer to make space, and now it says there is >100gb left.
I was due for a flutter upgrade, so I ran flutter upgrade, which completed without error.
I closed android studio and Xcode and restarted my computer.
I ran flutter clean as well as clean within Xcode.
I can no longer run the app within flutter or run/archive within Xcode.
The exact errors seem variable, but here are some of them that I see:
Running from Xcode:
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:292:13: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h:54:38: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/in_app_purchase-0.3.1+2/ios/Classes/FIAPReceiptManager.m:13:9: Could not build module 'Flutter'
Running from Flutter (I can't paste all of the errors... way too long):
While building module 'Flutter' imported from .../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.h:5:
In file included from :1:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/Flutter.h:54:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterAppDelegate.h:11:
.../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:395:11: note: 'FlutterPluginRegistry' declared here
#protocol FlutterPluginRegistry
3 errors generated.
In file included from .../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.m:5:
.../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.h:5:9: fatal error: could not build module 'Flutter'
4 errors generated.
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Well this is a bummer because I can't find a clean solution, but for now I did fix it with the following:
Create a new flutter project
Copied over the lib files
Copied over other setup in random places (i.e. google services, android changes)
Copied over pubspec.yaml and ran packages get
It now works again. Clearly something went wrong in the Flutter-managed files that I don't understand. If someone else can think of a better solution to effectively reset the project, please share.

Flutter speech_recognition swift build error

I'm getting a build error using the flutter speech_recognition package. Try to build for iOS right now. Haven't tested Android.
I followed the installation guide. The package seem to load after modifying the .yaml file. I'm using the Visual Studio IDE on a MacBook Pro.
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone Xʀ in debug mode...
Xcode build done. 9.8s
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
Xcode's output:
=== BUILD TARGET speech_recognition OF PROJECT Pods WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
/Users/abcdefg/Development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/speech_recognition-0.3.0+1/ios/Classes/SpeechRecognitionPlugin.m:2:9: fatal error: 'speech_recognition/speech_recognition-Swift.h' file not found
#import <speech_recognition/speech_recognition-Swift.h>
1 error generated.
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone Xʀ.
From my dev directory. I can find speech_recognition directories, but the .h file is not anywhere to be found.
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$ !find
find . -name speech_recognition
./learning_fluter/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/speech_recognition
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$ find . -name speech_recognition-Swift.h
abcdefg-MacBook-Pro:Development abcdefg$
Any help would be appreciated!!
Make sure that the project has been created with the -i command as shown below: futter create -i swift [your_project_name].
after doing this verify that you are using in the properties of the runner SWIFT_VERSION = 4.2. since previous versions could cause this error.
And finally add below in podfile:
target 'Runner' do

Why do i get this error message when trying to add a new framework using carthage?

I want to add a FrameWork to this app I'm working on. It converts latitude and longitude coordinates to UTM coordinates.
I added this to the cartfile:
github "peterringset/UTMConversion" ~> 1.1
But when i run this code in the terminal to clone the framework:
carthage update --platform iOS
I get this error message:
A shell task (/usr/bin/env git clone --bare --quiet https://github.com/peterringset/UTMConversion.git /Users/Fallet/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/dependencies/UTMConversion) failed with exit code 128:
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled
I've used other external frameworks like this, and it used to work just fine.. Any idea how I can fix this?
The problem occurs due to a change in username by the publisher of his GitHub account. If you notice the link to the repository is https://github.com/wtw-software/UTMConversion while the Carthage reference is "peterringset/UTMConversion". I was able to solve it by changing the Carthage reference to "wtw-software/UTMConversion". But then you will get this error if you are on Swift 3 or below and Xcode 8 or below.
Task failed with exit code 65.....This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details
So I digged into the logs and found this:
Check dependencies
“Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. Use the [Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…] menu to choose a Swift version or use the Build Settings editor to configure the build setting directly.
I googled around this error and it looks like the project is developed with Swift 4 and with Xcode 9.