Flutter Release APK is not displaying content properly whereas Debug APK is working perfectly - flutter

When I'm exporting the APK or AAB of Flutter app, debug version is working great on all devices. But the release version is not working properly. It doesn't display any of the elements properly except images. I have attached a screenshot for reference.
I have tried multiple ways to figure this out.
I have tried with exporting apk with --no-shrink, filtered out x86 version for AAB, enabled internet permission also in Manifest file but it's still not fixed.
Please help.
Here is the app link on PlayStore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theneondesign.flikko
Release version screenshot
Debug version screenshot
Update 22nd November 2022:
I figured out the exact issue but not the solution.
The issue is, I'm using height and width in some of the elements.
I'm getting the height and size from Get.context!.height and Get.context!.width
Get.context is not working in release and only works in debug.
Can you help me a way to resolve this?
I have already tried with Mediaquery but as the height and width are in a separate class, I cannot use BuildContext. I tried window size also, but it doesn't work as well. I'm new to Flutter, so I couldn't figure out any other way.


Flutter webview is not showing image even thou it's so simple html

I am making a Flutter app, and I am using webview here.
It all goes fine but when it comes to image, it just fails.
Other text contents are all fine.
I tried several things but all failed.
You can replicate the test by this url
It appears fine from the browser but images never appaer only in flutter webview
This is my flutter code for the webview
I found the answer by myself. It was because the image source was referred as "http:". I just put the following tag and it solved like a charm

Why local package widgets not showing up time to time?

I have a ui package, this package simply contains some(10+) widgets and they are all just a widgets. None of them some complex controller or etc so when I use them, I can't miss the something like initializers or etc.
So my problem is, after the installation an app(which is contains a lot of witget from that package) everything working correctly like the image.
But if I change the current app on android/real device(and without debug mode), like switching the chrome and spend some time at the browser, after returning the app, all widgets showing off, they are simply dissappering. Like the image;
So my question is simple, why can it be happen? By the way, the divider as shown the middle of the page,is not part of the package, it is located in app/lib folder.
and lastly, I don't give any change but I have 57 svg file in the package but I am not call all of them at same time and their total size just 833,5kb, but maybe it can be related?
I don't have any native knowledge but if anyone can point me some tips, I will be glad.
Not really sure if it's a bug related to the new version of Flutter (3.0.2) but upgrading ext.kotlin_version inside android/build.gradle to 1.7.0 do the trick.

Flutter model_viewer plugin for iOS not showing anything

I tried to build an AR app using Flutter and model_viewer plugin. It works just fine in Android but when I tried to test it using iOS it is just showing a blank page. I tried to follow the documentation provided in https://pub.dev/packages/model_viewer by adding :
but nothing has changed. Can you explain why?
Did you try to insert YES instead of true, beetwen a balise string like?

Modify existing plugins in Nativescript app

Hi I would like to make small modifications to an existing plugin (Nativescript-BitmapFactory) because rotating in ios rotates the image out of view. I modified the code in the mode_modules\nativescript-BitmapFactory directory but when i run to ios the original file gets pulled from "https://registry.npmjs.org... Please advise.
I changed the rotate-function in the BitmapFactory plugin and this works perfectly !!!! alse the resize plugin was altered.
The rotate function in the NativeScript-Bitmapfactory does not work for me. So i put the bitmap-factory plugin in my project and changed the require statements to include the correct path... works like a dream !

Image zooming issue on Ionic

I am trying to implement image zooming for image in Ionic app.
It has been implemented here
and works flawlessly on the original project created with Ionic V 1.0.0 but doesn't seem to work all that good in Ionic V 1.3.0.
On V 1.1.0 this
($ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('scrollHandle' +
logs a json like this
But in V 1.3.0 it logs it as
Also on chrome it shows warning like this:
Delegate for handle "scrollHandle0" could not find a corresponding
element with delegate-handle="scrollHandle0"! getScrollPosition() was
not called! Possible cause: If you are calling getScrollPosition()
immediately, and your element with delegate-handle="scrollHandle0" is
a child of your controller, then your element may not be compiled yet.
Put a $timeout around your call to getScrollPosition() and try again.
This is still working on devices (tested both on iOS and Android) but not smooth at all. It is very laggy.
Any thoughts or workarounds?
So the issue had nothing to do with Ionic version which I realised after more debugging. It was due to
In my usecase I was not using ng-repeat so was using
But this was not working and causing the above mentioned issues. So fix was to add 0 as index with it. In my case this solved it.
In other cases use case may be different so but if using ng-repeat this would work
and if not this should do the trick