Why local package widgets not showing up time to time? - flutter

I have a ui package, this package simply contains some(10+) widgets and they are all just a widgets. None of them some complex controller or etc so when I use them, I can't miss the something like initializers or etc.
So my problem is, after the installation an app(which is contains a lot of witget from that package) everything working correctly like the image.
But if I change the current app on android/real device(and without debug mode), like switching the chrome and spend some time at the browser, after returning the app, all widgets showing off, they are simply dissappering. Like the image;
So my question is simple, why can it be happen? By the way, the divider as shown the middle of the page,is not part of the package, it is located in app/lib folder.
and lastly, I don't give any change but I have 57 svg file in the package but I am not call all of them at same time and their total size just 833,5kb, but maybe it can be related?
I don't have any native knowledge but if anyone can point me some tips, I will be glad.

Not really sure if it's a bug related to the new version of Flutter (3.0.2) but upgrading ext.kotlin_version inside android/build.gradle to 1.7.0 do the trick.


Flutter Release APK is not displaying content properly whereas Debug APK is working perfectly

When I'm exporting the APK or AAB of Flutter app, debug version is working great on all devices. But the release version is not working properly. It doesn't display any of the elements properly except images. I have attached a screenshot for reference.
I have tried multiple ways to figure this out.
I have tried with exporting apk with --no-shrink, filtered out x86 version for AAB, enabled internet permission also in Manifest file but it's still not fixed.
Please help.
Here is the app link on PlayStore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theneondesign.flikko
Release version screenshot
Debug version screenshot
Update 22nd November 2022:
I figured out the exact issue but not the solution.
The issue is, I'm using height and width in some of the elements.
I'm getting the height and size from Get.context!.height and Get.context!.width
Get.context is not working in release and only works in debug.
Can you help me a way to resolve this?
I have already tried with Mediaquery but as the height and width are in a separate class, I cannot use BuildContext. I tried window size also, but it doesn't work as well. I'm new to Flutter, so I couldn't figure out any other way.

How to modify flutter app code automatically

Is it possible that we ship the android app, which just loads a file(like /data/data/com.example/files/data.txt) into the memory, like we load fonts dynamically with loadFontFronList, which can be manually updated by the app automatically.
Thanking you...
Well, it's not possible like you said. but there're plugins by which you can achieve dynamic code at some level.
e.g. : Dynamic Widget , Json Dynamic Widget

Unity WebGL Mobile browser workaround and keyboard input fix?

Hey everyone so I read that unity doesn't really support mobile browsers for WebGL games. im using 2020.1.4.And sure enough, the game gets a bit distorted by not being scaled properly. it's like the camera is bigger so it shows on the screen that blue color. I tried some things, setting width and height to auto or removing config.devicePixelRatio = 1; as suggested by a friend but nope! still looks horrible! And if that wasn't enough the keyboard doesn't show up when clicking on form fields. i tried this one
which displayed an error when pressed on and this one
https://github.com/dantasulisses/WebMobileInputFix which just didn't even compile!
Any ideas, please?
I did my research and tried every plugin I could find. I used Unity 2020.3.28f1 and tested both on Android-phone and iPhone.Here is my report.
These plugins don't work:
This plugin works, but you should use different settings for IOS and Android on same input field game object. If you use "prompt", it works for IOS only, and "overlay" works for Android only. Look for documentation in page:
And this plugin works best at the moment. Yes, it is a bit ugly though, but it works.
And there is a fix for Unity 2021 for it:
There's a keyboard that overlays, when using it you just need to tap the notification to access it and then click the "back" button to hide it https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishstix.gameboard
I made this project that simply recreates a keyboard using buttons in unity.
I implemented it in a WebGL build successfully.
I would recommend using the native js window.prompt() fields as of writing. They have great cross-platform support, allow for extra features like special characters, emojis, copy and paste etc. and are pretty easy to set up. Once (or honestly if ever) Unity adds their own reliable implementation you can easily remove this lightweight implementation.
Create a .jslib file that has a function opening a window.prompt(description, currentText)
Return the result at the end of that function back to a unity object with a recipient script
Make a derivation from Unity's event system overwriting the OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) function (leaving it empty), to fix a sneaky Chrome Android bug.
That's it. The result should look something like in this demo: https://pop.demo.neoludic.games
If you want to save some development time on a feature that really should just be native in Unity, you can also check out my plugin based on the method above. https://neoludic-games.itch.io/pop-input
I also need to enable mobile virtual keyboard for running webgl on mobile device.
I've tried the code from your mentioned url. It gives you some idea on how to do
it, but the code are totally buggy and unusable. Now I am trying to implement it
by myself.

ion-datetime scroll inertia / momentum too high

On a physical device (iOS) the picker does not stop as expected at slow scroll speeds, it seems to have too much inertia. It is subtle but is different to the native iOS time picker. I am using ionic 4.1
e.g. if you try to set an alarm on an iOS device. It scrolls a little too long at low speeds and makes it more error-prone to pick the correct time.
Does anyone know of a way to change the behavior of this control to match the native one on iOS?
I know it is not good practice to change code in the node_modules folder, however, I found the variables I think I need to change here: \node_modules#ionic\core\dist\collection\components\picker-column\picker-column.js
const PICKER_OPT_SELECTED = 'picker-opt-selected';
const MAX_PICKER_SPEED = 90;
But changing them (or even commenting out the whole file) does not seem to do anything.
My code is similar to the following:
These snippets are the uncompiled version of Ionic Core.
I think to get changes to these constants to be recognised in a running app you will need to rebuild your copy of Ionic Core.
If you look in the repositories contributing.md it shows how to build it, which is a pretty standard process.
I think what you need to do is:
Edit the const lines that you want inside your node_module
Follow the contributing.md guide to install and build that copy of Ionic Core in the project
As we discussed over on Facebook, this is not a perfect solution. Editing core files is not recommended as it will be overwritten the next time you upgrade.

Modify existing plugins in Nativescript app

Hi I would like to make small modifications to an existing plugin (Nativescript-BitmapFactory) because rotating in ios rotates the image out of view. I modified the code in the mode_modules\nativescript-BitmapFactory directory but when i run to ios the original file gets pulled from "https://registry.npmjs.org... Please advise.
I changed the rotate-function in the BitmapFactory plugin and this works perfectly !!!! alse the resize plugin was altered.
The rotate function in the NativeScript-Bitmapfactory does not work for me. So i put the bitmap-factory plugin in my project and changed the require statements to include the correct path... works like a dream !