Flutter webview is not showing image even thou it's so simple html - flutter

I am making a Flutter app, and I am using webview here.
It all goes fine but when it comes to image, it just fails.
Other text contents are all fine.
I tried several things but all failed.
You can replicate the test by this url
It appears fine from the browser but images never appaer only in flutter webview
This is my flutter code for the webview

I found the answer by myself. It was because the image source was referred as "http:". I just put the following tag and it solved like a charm


ImageCache is reset to zero when I open iOS plugin by MethodChannel

I am trying to use iOS image picker plugin in my Flutter using MethodChannel.
But I found that if I open and close the image picker(My Image Picker button), ImageCache is reset to zero.
So NetworkImage gets loading again like it has never been downloaded before.
On the other hand, Flutter's image picker(Flutter Image Picker button) doesn't reset ImageCache to zero so it is fine.
Why is this happening? Did I miss something?
I have tried overriding ImageCache size like below but the problem is not solved:
overriding image cache in Flutter
Please help me...
my app home tab
my app image tab
flutter image picker
I recommend to use flutter package to make developer easier to code and even the package also use MethodChannel, inside code is also coded pretty well such as error handler etc. It is also works for IOS and Android, which is this is the function of Flutter that make developer easier to deploy IOS and Android apps.
You can explore more about this:

Flutter web, recording session with smartlook or hotjar showing blanck screen

I've created a web langing page using flutter, the page is shown on browser as expected.
Inside the html code, i've added the scripts to integrate screen recording with hotjar and smartlook.
In the smrtlook and the hotjar consoles, i can see the recording of the sessions but, these are complete blank.
All the records are white screens, whith only the tap/click/swipe gestures.
I've added inside the tag in the app html this line
as described (by smartlook) here without solving my problem.
Do i placed this tag in the wrong position?
Does the app needs to be built with renderer canvaskit rather than html?
Is there something else i'm not considering?

WKWebView does not load http URL in iOS 10 and above, html pages are not rendered

I am trying to load a http URL in WKWebView, the page loads perfectly fine on enabling NSAllowsArbitraryLoads and NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent in info.plist file. But during navigating the Application, html pages are not loaded completely and my custom spinner doesn't disappear.
I have tried to NSExceptionDomains but no luck.
Everything works fine when I tried to load url with https://myurl
Please suggest
I found answer to my above question
history.back() was not working on HTML back button in iOS 11. Adding history.go(-1) worked for me.

Jquery-mobile messes up css background images on the iphone browser and UIWebView

When I add the jquery-mobile javascript to my site some of the background css images fail to load until I go to a different page and come back to the home page.
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.1/jquery.mobile-1.1.1.min.js"></script>
The second I delete the import line, the images load fine. What might be the issue?
This issue only appears on the ios safari browser and a UIWebView. Works fine in a PC browser.
Seems like it was a jquery-mobile bug. Switching to the latest beta version did the trick for me:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-beta.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-beta.1.min.js"></script>

PDF doesn't show in UIWebView after Renamed App

I have an App that displays a PDF in a UIWebView that is stored in the App itself.
All working fine! Until I renamed my App. The App started off being called PDFApp, then I changed it to Micro PDF, and again all worked fine.
the client then changed their minds and wanted it to be called "MIC Flooring", but when i do this the PDF does not load in the UIWebView. Very weird! everything else works as expected. If I changed the named back to Micro PDF then it works fine again.
Does anyone know why this may be happening?
I found that you cannot have a space in your Project name - this was making the App not work properly.
instead change the Project Name to be something like - "MyAppName"
and change the 'Bundle display name' in the plist