Flutter model_viewer plugin for iOS not showing anything - flutter

I tried to build an AR app using Flutter and model_viewer plugin. It works just fine in Android but when I tried to test it using iOS it is just showing a blank page. I tried to follow the documentation provided in https://pub.dev/packages/model_viewer by adding :
but nothing has changed. Can you explain why?

Did you try to insert YES instead of true, beetwen a balise string like?


Flutter Release APK is not displaying content properly whereas Debug APK is working perfectly

When I'm exporting the APK or AAB of Flutter app, debug version is working great on all devices. But the release version is not working properly. It doesn't display any of the elements properly except images. I have attached a screenshot for reference.
I have tried multiple ways to figure this out.
I have tried with exporting apk with --no-shrink, filtered out x86 version for AAB, enabled internet permission also in Manifest file but it's still not fixed.
Please help.
Here is the app link on PlayStore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theneondesign.flikko
Release version screenshot
Debug version screenshot
Update 22nd November 2022:
I figured out the exact issue but not the solution.
The issue is, I'm using height and width in some of the elements.
I'm getting the height and size from Get.context!.height and Get.context!.width
Get.context is not working in release and only works in debug.
Can you help me a way to resolve this?
I have already tried with Mediaquery but as the height and width are in a separate class, I cannot use BuildContext. I tried window size also, but it doesn't work as well. I'm new to Flutter, so I couldn't figure out any other way.

Flutter (2.5) - A splash screen was provided to Flutter, but this is deprecated

I am new to flutter and recently tried to develop a test app for learning sake with latest version Flutter 2.5. By looking at some tutorial online, I have added flutter_native_splash: ^1.2.3 package for splash screen. And works fine.
However, when I launch app for the first time, it shows following debug message
W/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(18569): A splash screen was provided to Flutter, but this is deprecated. See flutter.dev/go/android-splash-migration for migration steps.
After visiting the above link, I am not able to understand much what is supposed to be done.
Code in pubspec.yaml
color: "#FFFFFF"
color_dark: "#000000"
image: assets/images/splash_720.png
android: true
ios: true
android12: true
Also, compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion is set to 31 in build.gradle
Please help. Thanks in advance.
To avoid that warning you just need to remove that API usage from your project.
Remove these lines of code from the AndroidManifest.xml file.
Previously, Android Flutter apps would either set io.flutter.embedding.android.SplashScreenDrawable in their application manifest, or implement provideSplashScreen within their Flutter Activity. This would be shown momentarily in between the time after the Android launch screen is shown and when Flutter has drawn the first frame. This is no longer needed and is deprecated – Flutter now automatically keeps the Android launch screen displayed until Flutter has drawn the first frame. Developers should instead remove the usage of these APIs. - source
As per the flutter 2.8.0 update, The newly created project doesn't have this warning.
They removed unused API from Androidmanifest.yml but still have belove mentioned code.
Remove the below lines from the android manifest file. It's no longer used

Flutter show app icon badge on push notification

I'm looking for a way to show an app icon badge when a user receives a push notification.
I'm using the Firebase_messaging plugin for flutter for the handling of the push notifications and flutter_app_badger for the app icon badges.
But I want to combine the two so that the number is set on the icon without opening the app. Is it possible to make this happen? Or am I overlooking something obvious from the firebase_messaging plugin?
Sorry for the horrible explanation. I hope someone can help me with this issue.
App icon badge depends on the Application Launcher
Some of the Android Application Launcher includes this functionality by default, You can check this on Settings->Apps->Notification
Attached image
How to show notification count on app icon like Facebook?
How does Facebook add badge numbers on app icon in Android?
adding notification badge on app icon in android
My suspicion is that you have an icon that isn't compatible with the icon guidelines in your device. I suggest trying https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons to make icons for your device.
I think you try to create stream when run app to real time listen doc changes in Firestore. Read here How to listen for document changes in Cloud Firestore using Flutter?
And the icon can be update in background but without opening app is impossible I think.
I don't have a direct answer because I haven't encountered this issue before, but this might fix your problem
Ensure that you have defined the icon for your application properly - for flutter, here are the steps you should have:
Import the package into your pubsec.yaml file - it should be called flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.8.0" and imported under the dev-dependencies section of the pubspec.yaml file.
After the dev-dependencies section, add a new section for flutter icons as so:
ios: true
android: true
image_path_ios: "{Icon File Path}"
image_path_android: "{Icon File Path}"
Hopefully this helps, and good luck with fixing your issue!
Using https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_messaging for notifications ,
for Android Background notifications you can add this in your AndroidManifest.xml file in your application tag. And make sure you have androidlogo.png (this is example name) present in your drawable folder.
android:resource="#drawable/androidlogo" />
In case of foreground notifications, you must be using Flutter Local Notifications, so you can provide the same while initializing like
var initializationSettingsAndroid = new AndroidInitializationSettings('androidlogo');
flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings, onSelectNotification: onNotificationClicked);
And for application icon you can use this library https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons which is also suggested by answers above.
In case of iOS, your launcher icon will your notification icon.
And for display of badge icon you can use https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_app_badger. (For supported phones).
So using all this you will get both app icon with badge and notification icon as your app icon (or specified by you).
You can control the badge count from the notification payload.
If you send a notification manually from Firebase Console, you can set the badge count on Additional options step:
If you send it programmatically, add this payload (iOS example):
{"aps":{"alert":"Enter your message","badge":1,"sound":"default"}}
For more payload options, check out FCM documentation

Has the iOS9 update caused C# codes not work properly?

I have a piece of code which is not working after the iOS9 update on devices, specifically Safari browser (Both iphone and ipad). It works fine in Chrome on the device using iOS9 but Safari is having sme kind of issue which I'm unable to debug. There was no issues in both the browsers on the device till iOS8.
Basically the functionality is a person needs to select 2 images from a set of images and click the GO button. If the images match with the ones saved at backend(DB) then he gets navigated to the next screen, else it shows a Cross symbol and refreshed the page asking the User to select the images again.
Please help and thanks.
Below is the piece of code which I feel is having the issue :
string cbref = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this,
"arg", "fnGetOutputFromServer", "context");
string cbScr = string.Format("function fnCallServerMethod(arg," +
" context) {{ {0}; }} ", cbref);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "fnCallServerMethod", cbScr, true);
I put an alert within fnGetOutputFromServer but that never showed up in the device Safari browser. Please help me as I feel totally confused as to why it is not working. Also, I'm okay if I have to change the whole line to put a work around to this or by directly calling the function or something.
Note : This works fine in Chrome on an iOS9 device but does not work in Safari and the same works fine while emulating as iphone/ipad on the PC
Thanks again in advance.
This fixed it !!! :)
I had to get the latest AppleWebkit version for iOS9 and got it updated in the configuration file which resolved the issue

cordova 2.2 mapkit - map is not showing up

I am trying to put mapkit in my phonegap (Cordova 2.2) application. I am following all the instructions but when I build the application then I get the white screen with the buttons "show,hide,shrink,zoom,clear" in the bottom of my simulator screen.
Can anyone please help me to how to show the map?
I was having same issue, problem was that I have not entered the plugin name mapkitview in the phonegap.plist file
Also in the js file, sometimes if you have downloaded the older version of plugin, you need to switch between phonegap and cordova as javascript variables.