Flutter and Unity integration apps are too big in size - flutter

I embedded a Unity 3D app inside a Flutter app using flutter_unity_widget package. Everything works fine, but now the problem is that the apk file generated by flutter is a very big size (370mb). While I have only one 3D scene containing a single cube without script and a single page at flutter level. Please how can i downsize my apk?
Thanks for the good understanding.


Flutter Camera plugin zoomed in

I am developing a document scanner app in flutter, however of all the flutter apps I have seen, they are using the camera plugin which has a main issue that I found out here:
I want to have a full resolution preview(for taking photos) rather than the video preview of the camera(which is also a little zoomed in). Any ideas?

Why does the Chewie video player for flutter take up the whole screen size regardless of video dimensions?

I am new to flutter, and am trying to play videos in my app. I followed this tutorial on using Chewie to play videos by copying and pasting the code from its main.dart and chewie_list_item.dart code snippets on the website into a fresh project (the github project provided by the website is too outdated for me to debug, so I did copy pasted instead)
I expected to get something like this, with the player "wrapped" around the video:
However, I get this (on my android virtual device), with the video player taking up the entire size of the screen regardless of the video dimensions. I did try inputting AspectRatio according to the video dimensions, but all that did was to eliminate the stretching of the video, but the main issue remains.
Why does it behave this way, and how do I achieve the result shown in the first image? This is the test project I made: https://github.com/nathantew14/chewie_test Thanks!

Why AAB size is much bigger than APK build size in Unity

I've built a game using Unity. Integrated Admob and Unity ads. But when I build .apk its size is around 85mb but when I build .aab its size increases to 101mb.
I'm currently using Unity 2018.4.7.
Kindly help.

Flutter Camera plugin (auto zoom)

first of all sorry my english
I'm developing a flutter application using the camera flutter plugin, after capturing the images I upload to amazon's S3
everything works fine, but users have begun to complain that the images taken on my app and the camera's native app look very different
in my app the image looks like I've been zoomed in by cropping the sides and top
in the native app the area that the camera captures is much larger
I would like my app to take photos like the native app (same area)
it is possible?
I already searched and found nothing related to it, I already changed the
changed the size of my cameraPreview
Any help is welcome
I was able to resolve by updating the plugin version
I was using the camera: ^ 0.5.6
now I'm with
camera: ^ 0.5.7 + 3

How to place a android webview in the real world using google tango?

Android webview can be used as a UI element in Android, how do I render the whole webview at a specific place using Google Tango? Currently, one can place 3D objects, sprites.
It is possible but not with normal Android UI out of the box
If you build your tango application using unity you can use for example this https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/82379 to render the web view as part of the 3d space