Facebook App Install ad campaign not allowing Branch.io deep link - facebook

I'm trying to create a Facebook App Install campaign. When I create the ad itself, it wont let me specify my Branch link as the deep link. I've used Branch links in other App Install campaigns, so not sure why it's failing now.
Not Working: http://fight.offtherecord.com/YUQk/RATIxDZQZw
Working: http://fight.offtherecord.com/YUQk/Frqjtf6gww

Alex from Branch.io here: this is a known issue with Branch links in Facebook ads that comes up sometimes, and we're not even quite sure why or when. There are several workarounds you can try, detailed on this page.
To summarize, rescraping sometimes fixes the issue. This may also indicate that your Branch configuration is missing some required data. As a last resort, you can feed the Branch deep link ID directly into your ad to make sure deep linked behavior still works.


branch.io and facebook install ads attribution

We are having trouble setting up Facebook Install Ads attribution via Branch.io. Currently, Branch.io dashboard shows we have installs via Facebook link, but Facebook ad cabinet shows 0 installs.
Our setup is
I've integrated branch.io for Flutter using this plugin https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_branch_sdk (Quick Links are working OK, see p.6)
I've setup Application on Facebook (developers.facebook.com) side and linked it to application in stores (AppStore and Google Play)
I've setup Facebook as Ad partner in Branch Dashboard > Partner Management, and then created Facebook link
I've created Ads in Facebook with aim Installs and used Branch link (all as per guides)
I've followed guides on Branch's docs regarding publishing - specified that we use IDFA in AppStore, all ticks as in guide, made sure we have AdSupport.framework in xCode project, added com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:9+ in build.graddle, etc
I've exported some data from Branch Dashboard and IDFA/Android Id values were present (in Branch Dashboard > Exports > Custom Exports, as I understand, this exports Quick Links only, but still IDFA are there), this proves we are collecting these IDs.
Branch > Ads > Fraud dashboard is empty.
Branch SDK versions are 0.32.0 iOS and 5.0.1 Android
Regardless, Facebook doesn't see app Installs at all.
guides used:
What did I miss?
A Branchster Here -
Briefly explaining that SAN partners like Google AdWords/ Facebook integration is different from conventional non-SAN partners, where we send conversion data to SAN partners and they will claim the install/ Events according to their conversion logic and respond to us via API. Branch then analyses the data from all the partners and attributes the same Install/ Event based on last touch attribution logic. You will see less data on Branch dashboard as we show only attributed data for a SAN partner than the respective SAN dashboard. Please note Branch numbers is more accurate as we show the data as per cross-channel attribution.
Here are some troubleshooting you can do-
Please match both the attribution windows.
Please make sure you have synced the timezone on both Branch and Facebook
Please make sure you have signed the Facebook MMP or attribution data won't come.
I'll keep this post updated with general troubleshooting.
Issue is resolved.
Recreating Ad campaigns with exactly same settings resolved the issue.
Unfortunately both Branch and Facebook support were not helpful. :(

Getting Branch's Deeplink key value through Facebook ads

I have created a Branch link with some keys and values.
My app uses those values for multiple reasons. It works well when I open the link directly on my mobile browser or from a message.
But I want to use this link in a Facebook App download ad campaign. I have putted it as the ad deeplink. But when I install and then open the app via the ad thoses values are not sent.
Does anyone has managed to send keys/values via a branch link through a Facebook ad ?
Jackie from Branch here.
Branch supports deep-linked Facebook ads. We've created an FAQ page exactly for this and there are a few things you can check to diagnose the issue. You can go through them here (https://docs.branch.io/pages/deep-linked-ads/facebook-ads-faq/#troubleshooting-deep-linking). I'd also encourage you to use Facebook's tester tool, as mentioned in our FAQ doc.
Hope this helps. If you continue to experience issues, please feel free to reach out to us directly at integrations#branch.io. When you do, be sure to include your Branch app ID and the ad links you're using so that we can investigate further!

"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

Around 12 hours ago, I tried creating a personal blog using 'beautiful jekyll'. I followed the simplest 3-step method to get a basic blog running however, every time I enter my website link, I get
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn
how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user
There isn't anything that I did different from the tutorial. I want to know does github just takes long to publish the pages or is there some sorcery ?
As I commented:
github.com/nitinrabbit/yourboygorja.github.io would not work, since yourboygorja is not your GitHub username. nitinrabbit is.
So the repo should be called github.com/nitinrabbit/nitinrabbit.github.io
And some content needs to be pushed to it.
You may need to go to the settings>pages>Source>Main (or subfolders) to activate page root. You may find detailed explanations here.

Sitecore Social Connected will not connect with Facebook as publish_stream is deprecated

I am trying to connect Social Connected to Facebook using Sitecore 8's (rev 5) Social Connected functionality (we are unable to use Komfo for budget reasons) however i've had a few issues. I was following this walkthrough from the Sitecore documentation site.
I was getting this error when trying to connect a Facebook account:
"Invalid Scopes: read_stream. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present.
Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions"
So I went ahead and did some reading and found this Stack Overflow question
which from the information there I was able to find that the particular permissions that Sitecore is asking Facebook for are deprecated.
From there I changed the permission from publish_stream to publish_actions and was able to give Sitecore the permissions it needed in Facebook. The problem is that Sitecore wanted this to be done in the browser window it provided, and so it did not acknowledge that the permissions were set in Facebook, even though they were.
I then tried to manually add a social media account from a template, hoping to input the data it would need manually now that it had the appropriate permissions. However after doing this Sitecore then started to throw an error when adding other social media accounts:
"The Social Connected Module is not configured.
There are no social networks available with applications that you can use to create an account."
Social connected is in fact configured, and before making these changes I was still able to add other social media accounts. Recreating the Applications solves this issue but puts me back at square one.
Any ideas on how we can rectify these issues would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to get around this issue. First, in the content editor, I created a Facebook application under System/Social/Applications. Then, I created a social media account under System/Social/Accounts for LinkedIn and then duplicated it, changing the configuration to suit Facebook.
Once I did this I was able to post text posts to Facebook and Twitter. I was not able to get image posts working, and by this time, we abandoned the idea.
It's worth noting that Sitecore continued to push us toward Komfo. It's pricey and is essentially an iframe placed in the Sitecore UI with limited functionality. There are other tools out there that will give you similar analytics features for a fraction of the price.
It's also worth noting that the social connected functionality in Sitecore 8.1 appears to ask Facebook for the correct permissions, so you wont have this issue. I cannot vouch for its functionality in terms of actually posting as I haven't fully tested it.
Fortunately, Facebook permissions are only string and you can easily modify it using reverse engineering. It was done for Sitecore 7 version, but I think same approach will work for Sitecore 8.
Also, you are able to create a ticket in Sitecore support and they will provide you hotfix for this issue.

Facebook app id for website social plugins

I have like/share buttons on my website and am not currently using an appid. Finding information on whether this is a necessity for the above configuration is difficult to confirm. When going through the Facebook app "create" forms, I'm really confused by a lot of the requirements as it seems to be more focused around actual apps rather than websites, which login via fb etc.
In the past I have created an app for one of my other websites and I don't believe there was any verification/submission process at this point (about 2-3 years ago). Reviewing my old app configuration now I can see that it is not "live" - does anyone know whether Facebook implemented this submission process in the last couple of years, and then de-activated any live apps that were created prior to this?
I now want to setup a new app for my new website and I'm unsure what the different 'action types' mean and what I would need to simply use like/share buttons on the website. Could someone give me a quick run down of what I'd need and what they are?
Any other info/tips people can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm finding that the like/share DO still work without the app, but sometimes the share button doesn't work properly (I have a feeling this is something to do with the app).
If you are just using the Social Plugins, you don't need to have a Facebook App ID.
If you want more integration, it will be required. Creating an App ID is like registering your App, wether an iOS or Android App or just a website, so that you can make Graph API calls for it.
The easiest way to register your website is to go the quickstart: https://developers.facebook.com/quickstarts/?platform=web (or https://developers.facebook.com/apps). There you can type a name and follow the steps.
You can then follow the "Sharing best practices" (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/best-practices#tags) on how to use the App ID. For example, by including an fb:app_id meta tag on your pages.
There is a review process, since last April, but that is only needed if you use permissions for your App. If you just use the plugins, that is not needed.
Can you explain more what is exactly not working?
The time you create a page the Facebook crawler does not know yet what the Opengraph data for that one is. This will happen after the first share, but if you want to ensure it is correct from the first share on, you can force a re-scrape.
This section explains how that works:
When an app triggers a scrape using an API endpoint This Graph API
endpoint is simply a call to:
POST /?id={object-instance-id or object-url}&scrape=true