How to add custom shapes by finger touch as overlay on video in Flutter using ffmpeg? - flutter

for a Flutter app that requires the user to select an image or a shape and add it by finger touch to a specific position in the video frame. I've found a way to add an overlay to a video using the ffmpeg package in Flutter, but I'm not sure how to implement the functionality in a way to be added by finger touch and then fix this edited frame for specified time then the video continues .
and I also want to ask if i can add this functionality to the Flutter video editor sdk
I have tried searching for examples and documentation on how to achieve this but couldn't find anything specific. I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to proceed.
Thank you in advance for your help!


Flutter control slider with keyboard arrows

I am trying to make an android tv app with a basic video player using the video_player plugin.
One of the issue I am having is that the slider control for the seek time is not being focused and I cannot drag it with the keyboard.
Is there any way to accomplish this? Maybe with a keyboardlistener?

Play Video without touch in AR Vuforia Sdk

I am working on AR project with Vuforia sdk and following VideoPlayBack sample project, i just want to play video without touch, I mean when marker detect then video will play. I am doing this when marker detect [videoPlayerHelper[touchedTarget] play:NO fromPosition:VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CURRENT_POSITION]; but it run video greater then marker size. I am getting confuse please help me on that this will be great help for me. Thanks in advance.
I am not an iphone developer I am an android developer,i done that by finding whether marker is being tracking or not,as soon as it start tracking you can start playing video and pause on lost tracking,my ans for this ques for android here.hope this will clear atleast logic.

In need of basics of AVFoundation to capture images from device camera

I want to know that how can we capture image using AVFoundation framework, I have managed to activate the camera and my Cocos2D view is over the camera and is tranparent. I have tried using some tutorials but I am unable to capture the images( Still Image). I do not want to capture the images of a video, I want a normal camera functionality of clicking the images and then saving them to the camera roll.
I am trying this since two days and I am really stuck at this, when I press the capture button the only thing I get in camera roll is blank white screen.
Please suggest me any tutorial that would cover the basics of how to use AVFoundation framework or any help will be really appreciated. :)
Thanks for your time. :)

Is it possible to record/replay a set of touch events on iPhone for demo purposes?

I'm thinking of a way to include a demo of how my iPhone app works along with the app. I need to demonstrate how one of my on-screen GMGridView controls works.
Is it possible to record or programmatically create a set of long press, touches moved, touches ended events and then invoke them on the interface?
I would suggest this:
Add a visual tap effect when you press the screen Record yourself
using the App on the simulator using a screen capture Add in a video
player at the tutorial screen that shows how to use the app
Or create a UIView animation doing the above steps if you rather not add a video player.
A great way to this is SIKULI tool. You can automate the demo work flows easily :

how to implement animation on shake effect in iphone?

I have implemented one simple application for i want to implement some animation.
Example:i have selected one photo from the photo library.Then i want to animate selected portion from the photo using shake effect.
I have seen lots of application in apple store.But i dont know how to implement this functionality.
Maybe you are referring to the "wobble" effect? See how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?