In need of basics of AVFoundation to capture images from device camera - iphone

I want to know that how can we capture image using AVFoundation framework, I have managed to activate the camera and my Cocos2D view is over the camera and is tranparent. I have tried using some tutorials but I am unable to capture the images( Still Image). I do not want to capture the images of a video, I want a normal camera functionality of clicking the images and then saving them to the camera roll.
I am trying this since two days and I am really stuck at this, when I press the capture button the only thing I get in camera roll is blank white screen.
Please suggest me any tutorial that would cover the basics of how to use AVFoundation framework or any help will be really appreciated. :)
Thanks for your time. :)


How to record screen to video on iPhone with openGL (view preview layer) and UIkit elements?

I have searched everywhere and tried mixing and matching different bits of code but I haven't found anything that works or anyone with the same question.
Basically I want to be able to create video demos of iPhone apps that include standard UIKit elements and also the image coming from the camera (video preview layer). I don't want to use airPlay or iOS simulator to project onto the desktop then capture because I want to be able to make videos outside in public. I have successfully been able to video capture the screen with this code but with the video preview layer being blank. I read that its because its using openGL and what I'm capturing is from the CPU, not the GPU. I have successfully used GPUImage from Brad Larson to capture the video preview layer but it doesn't capture the rest of the UIView. I have seen code that combines both and converts to an image but I'm not sure if that would be too slow for realtime video capture. Can someone point me in the right direction?
It might not be the cleanest solution, but it will work nonetheless: did you consider jailbreaking? I hope Apple does sue me for this one but if you really want to record your screen then simply install a screen recorder. Enough options can be found:
And if you don't like it: recover your phone for a previous backup.
(for the record: I'm against jailbreaking and posting this from a productivity point of view)

Open camera in half portion of screen - iPhone

I want to ask that , can I open iPhone camera in some limited portion on view?
I have implemented bar code reader concept in my app in which I am using camera.
Now, i want to open the camera in specific area on view.
Is it possible?
If yes than how?
Search for AVFoundation framework in google search, and try to read AVFoundation programming guide from Apple.
This question might help you too,
Recording Audio and Video using AVFoundation frame by frame
Good luck!
Tutorial :

Capture front video Xcode 4 whithout UIImagePickerController (auto)

I want to capture video in my app without using UIImagePickerController. my application should record the video with a hidden camera front, and only after showing the recording.
I am new to me please help me with the programming
You must use AVFoundation for what you want, check out this question
for more information on the matter.

Using xcode to access rear camera, iphone iOS5

I'm sorry if this is already answered...
All I need is how to fire up the rear facing camera and display it in an image taking pictures, no accessing the photo library, just turning on the camera...simple.
I believe AVCapture is the thing to use, but anything I look into goes way deep than I need and I'm just not that smart. Any help is appreciated.
The AVCam sample from Apple is the best place to start. Be warned that the seemingly simple task of displaying a live video preview from the camera is non-trivial.

Flickr Iphone app Background image zoom and fading animation

Hello all would anyone know how flickr manage to make this type of effect on their app where on the main screen you see a background image moving to the side and zooming in and fading to another image its really cool. your link sources for code or tutorials are always appreciated
PS im trying to implement this to one of my apps in iphone
See the Ken Burns Effect.