Play Video without touch in AR Vuforia Sdk - iphone

I am working on AR project with Vuforia sdk and following VideoPlayBack sample project, i just want to play video without touch, I mean when marker detect then video will play. I am doing this when marker detect [videoPlayerHelper[touchedTarget] play:NO fromPosition:VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CURRENT_POSITION]; but it run video greater then marker size. I am getting confuse please help me on that this will be great help for me. Thanks in advance.

I am not an iphone developer I am an android developer,i done that by finding whether marker is being tracking or not,as soon as it start tracking you can start playing video and pause on lost tracking,my ans for this ques for android here.hope this will clear atleast logic.


No sound being played in Unity

I have a game in Unity I am working on and I installed a plugin called FMOD to help me edit sound but it didn't work so I uninstalled it and removed every file on my computer with the text FMOD but the sound no longer plays in my game. Does anyone know how to solve this?

Recording vr motion video

I want to record a vr motion video of my house using aframe so that I can show the demo view of the the house.What are the js files need to be included?How can I do it?
I assume you just want to record 360º video — if so, a 360º camera is the place to start. See:
You may want to test things out on your device (Gear VR, Cardboard, Vive, whatever) before investing in a camera. Video playback in A-Frame may have some issues on mobile devices particularly.
hi kumar yes you use without using 360 camera by using normal mobile phone but to place that video you have to use latest version of unity that support not only 360 video format but also plane so where you can put that video as an medium.
or if you are using unity 4.6 to unity 5.3 then use have to use some packages like easy video texture in this package you have different options for placing video
and use where ever you want vr/gear vr / htc vive .

Google SDK Divided VR mode view

I setup the Google VR SDK in 5.6Beta Unity, everything works out smoothly. I click on the demo scene and on the play button for the first time, I got this weird stereo rendering in my game view. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Here is the Official fix until the next release of gvr.

JW play a video inline on an iPhone

We do not want the video to go full screen when it plays, because then is inpossible to hide tollbar, iPhone native settings will override.
Maybe exist some Workaround ?
Yes you become stuck inside the player with no way out. I've been there my friend!
You can use the JW Player iOS SDK (not free), or you can do what I did and implement video in your Ionic app using Videogular. It's a nice player and it worked well for me.

Google Cardboard SDK demo head tracking inversed?

I upgraded my new Google Cardboard Unity game to the newer SDK, but now the head tracking is inversed:
The camera is upside down. Even the demo scene is the same way.
Has anyone been having the same issue? Thanks in advance!
It's a bug in v0.4.10. You can work around it in a few different ways:
Turn off Native Distortion Correction
Go back to v0.4.9
Use Unity 5