how to implement animation on shake effect in iphone? - iphone

I have implemented one simple application for i want to implement some animation.
Example:i have selected one photo from the photo library.Then i want to animate selected portion from the photo using shake effect.
I have seen lots of application in apple store.But i dont know how to implement this functionality.

Maybe you are referring to the "wobble" effect? See how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?


Enable the user interaction for a specific SubView in Coverflow mode

I created a coverflow mode which contains a UIWebView for youtube video playing and also i have given tapgesture for the whole view.
Now user interaction is not working on the UIWebView.
What i want is to implement a coverflow with tap gesture and video playing functionality.
iCarousel is the best library so far to show video list in the coverflow View, yes tap gesture is available on tiles.
You'll get detail on GitHub site, go through with the readme file.
But remember one important thing, thumbnails would make much more sense, this will make the application use less processing power and faster performance.

adding native iphone camera zoom slider and youtube player controller to my app

Sorry for squeezing two questions into one, just figured those may be related and with respect to the DB storage at SO...
I am trying to find out a way to add the iphone camera native zoom slider as well as something similar to the youtube app player controller. I am guessing that the youtube one may be a custom button or something, but did not find a way to add the zoom slider.
I would like to add those two as overlay to a camera view that I am using within the app.
You could extract the UIKit artwork with the movie player controls you could use three UIButton and one UISlider.For the camera control you could subclass UIControl or UISlider.

Is it possible to record/replay a set of touch events on iPhone for demo purposes?

I'm thinking of a way to include a demo of how my iPhone app works along with the app. I need to demonstrate how one of my on-screen GMGridView controls works.
Is it possible to record or programmatically create a set of long press, touches moved, touches ended events and then invoke them on the interface?
I would suggest this:
Add a visual tap effect when you press the screen Record yourself
using the App on the simulator using a screen capture Add in a video
player at the tutorial screen that shows how to use the app
Or create a UIView animation doing the above steps if you rather not add a video player.
A great way to this is SIKULI tool. You can automate the demo work flows easily :

May I handle moving icon of my iPhone application

Is it possible to handle the animation of moving icons in an iPhone application? If so, how?
As far as I know, you cannot. The icon motion animation is generated by iOS based on the still icon, and you have no control of it.
I think without .gif image you can not make animated icon and ios will not support that so you have no control on it.

Display message like the mute/volume transparent rectangle on iPhone SDK

Does anyone know how to use the semi-transparent rectangle to display info to the user on the iPhone SDK? I mean the one that is used when you mute the phone or press the volume up/down keys.
Thanks a lot.
There are many drop in classes out there for you to choose from.
Also, check out TapkuLibrary also has a nice progress hud class.