Do I need a UUID to program for the iPhone? - iphone

Do I need a UUID to program for the iPhone? I was told I need this, how can I get a UUID

You need a developer certificate from Apple to install your application on an actual iPhone and to post your application to the Apple Store but you don't need a uuid unless the person mistook developer certificate for uuid and used the wrong term. To get the certificate you have to join Apple's developer program.

UUID, Universally Unique ID number, or also called UDID, Unique Device ID number, is part of the certification used to sign an application's code to one or more devices.
It is necessary to be able to transfer your application to your iPhone (or iPod Touch) for testing and for Ad Hoc Distribution. You need to enter (and pay $99) Apple's iPhone Developer's Program (individual or company) to get the certificate that enables you to do this. It is common for a developer to request beta testers to provide their UUID's so that the developer can create the certificate/provisioning file which allows the application to work.
The UUID can be found in iTunes when you have your iPhone connected. On the Summary tab, click on "Serial Number" and it should change to "Identifier". The resulting 40 digit hex number can be copied to the clipboard by pressing Command-C (Mac) or CTRL-C (Windows).
Alternatively, you can download Ad Hoc Helper app from the iTunes AppStore. When you run it, it creates an email which includes your iPhone's identifier in the body.
Note that you can download the iPhone SDK with a free account and program using the SDK's built-in iPhone simulator.


UDID from itune using Mac Application

I am working on a mac application which will be used by 'XXXX' company's customers to register themselves, along with using their iPhone's UDID. That UDID will be added to the apple portal to generate an Ad Hoc Profile.
So here is my question:
Is there any way our Mac Application can talk to iphone utility(windows)/itunes(mac) and get the device UDID, as soon as they connect their device.
If 1st is not possible, Is there any way we can ask the user to copy their device's UDID and fill in the from. After that we can confirm that the UDID is correct or not(using any web service or somthing).
Thanks in Advance
There isn't any supported way to use the private MobileDevice.framework to talk to the device like iTunes does.
The easiest way for a user to find their UUID is to click on the device information in iTunes and then copy and paste it.
If you are looking for a way to help automate beta testing then you might want to take a look at one of the established services like TestFlight or HockeyApp.

Is it possible to give an ad hoc build for iPhone, without asking for device id?

Is it possible to give an ad hoc build for iPhone, without asking for device id?
I want to deploy the app to a couple of people but I don't want to ask for device id to create a profile and all that stuff.
Is that possible?
if not, what is the easiest way to do it?
Simply put, no.
If you're concerned about the complexity of getting the UDIDs from your testers, I recommend having them install & use Ad Hoc Helper, which makes the process very simple (as long as they have e-mail set up on the device).
You can't do an AdHoc build without device ids as that would give you a distribution channel outside of the appstore. AdHoc is designed for testing only
An enterprise account does not have any device id requirements for deployment but you do need to be a company with DnB number etc and pay the $300 annual fee.
Not easily.
Apple likes to control the distribution channel. If you could distribute your app without knowing device IDs in advance, you could make a competing app store. Apple requires that you list device IDs and limits you to 100-some devices, which presumably should be enough for development/testing purposes.
Some possible solutions:
If you're distributing to other developers, they can re-sign the app with their own provisioning profile and certificate (i.e. replace, CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate codesign -f -s 'iPhone Developer' Additionally, you might need to specify entitlements).
The iOS Developer Enterprise Program presumably has a higher limit, but I suspect you still need to list device IDs.
A jailbroken phone will run unsigned apps.
No, it's not possible (unless you (and your people) work with jailbroken devices).
Assuming you are not going to put your app on iTunes, I guess you have to ask their device ids, at least for once.
However, once you have their ids, the remaining part would be as simple as to give them an URL. They just go to the URL with their mobile Safari, and can directly download the app.
Here's a link to show how to do that:

Can I put my own app on just my iphone?

I want to create an iphone app for personal use.
Can I just put it on my phone and use it or do I have to go through the iphone store process to get it on my phone?
As long as you have a valid developer certificate to sign the app and you have a development provisioning profile and your device is registered as a test device. For that you need to be registered as an iPhone Developer Program member.
In other words, you have to pay Apple $99 to be able to put your own app on your own phone.
Yes, you can run your own apps on your phone. You need a paid iPhone developer account though.
Purchase a developer account for $99 from Apple. Create a developer provisioning file and build to your device. The annoyance will be the provisioning file is good for a limited time, requiring you to update it periodically and rebuild.
To run an app on an un-jailbroken iDevice, it needs to be signed. Registered developers get personal signing keys (and also have to register the device) which lets them test their apps. They also can do ad-hoc distribution, meaning compiling and signing an app so that other people can use it without being registered. This is limited in the number of users who can use it though.
Enterprise developers can sign apps for internal distribution, sorta like unlimited ad-hoc, but that program is expensive and unnecessary for what most people do.
As pointed out by others here, you can sign up as a developer to temporarily install apps on your device for testing purposes, but you would constantly need to renew your phone's installed provisioning profile to keep using it over time.
The only way to permanently put your own application on an un-jailbroken phone is to publish it to the app-store and download it through iTunes. Of course, Apple would need to accept the app so you would need to face the same regulations as other apps sold via iTunes, and your app would be public to everyone.

Using different Apple ID for app testing and for App Store/iTunes purchase on same iPhone?

I signed up for the iPhone Developer Program (now awaiting approval) using a new Apple ID, this ID is different from the one I used on my iPhone for iTunes/AppStore purchase.
I only have one iPhone and want to use the same device for app testing and day-to-day phone use. I can not try out yet but I guess iTunes/XCode will use the new Apple ID when I sync my iPhone app for testing. Any idea if I can still continue to use those apps I purchased using the other Apple ID?
I also use separate Apple IDs for the developer program and iTunes purchases. In iTunes, I use the Apple ID I've always used for purchases. I only use my developer program ID for logging in to the developer websites. It all works just fine, even downloading various bits of content from ADC on iTunes. Sufficient magic has been applied.
You can. It's not a problem.

How can I install our iPhone project without connect the device but only using device ID?

I want to build my iPhone app only using device ID without connecting the device to my apple PC. Can I do this?
You can use the simulator, and never develop on the device. Is that what you mean? I wouldn't like to be one of your customers when I bought that app from the appstore in that case though - there would be so many defects.
If you don't mean that, how would you get the app on your device? I'm confused.
Are you suggesting that you do not want to test your app on a real device before releasing it? Please don't do that. There are a lot of differences when testing the app on a device or on simulator.
If you want to create a build for adhoc testing without connecting a device to your mac, you can do that by simply creating a mobileprovision file for adhoc testing where you can specify upto 100 device ids. For this you need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program though.
If I read your question right, you want to put your app on your phone without actually connecting your phone?
If so, it is not possible. You must connect your phone to load applications you develop.
if you are registered iPhone developer, u can create Ad Hoc distribution via defining device ids that you want the app to be used (steps are listed at 'Program Portal User Guide' at apple's developer site). then u can install the app on your device via iTunes.
Well, you can't install just based on the device number or something else.
There are two solutions:
1/But what you can do without plugging the phone is to Post your App on some testing platform like TestFlight, or Answers. And you enter users' email address and they can get the email.
2/You can set up a config file that declare your OS X Server address. And add the iPhone into your Server Open Directory. Then you can send and deploy the app to iPhone devices.
If you have future questions, comment.