How can I install our iPhone project without connect the device but only using device ID? - iphone

I want to build my iPhone app only using device ID without connecting the device to my apple PC. Can I do this?

You can use the simulator, and never develop on the device. Is that what you mean? I wouldn't like to be one of your customers when I bought that app from the appstore in that case though - there would be so many defects.
If you don't mean that, how would you get the app on your device? I'm confused.

Are you suggesting that you do not want to test your app on a real device before releasing it? Please don't do that. There are a lot of differences when testing the app on a device or on simulator.
If you want to create a build for adhoc testing without connecting a device to your mac, you can do that by simply creating a mobileprovision file for adhoc testing where you can specify upto 100 device ids. For this you need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program though.

If I read your question right, you want to put your app on your phone without actually connecting your phone?
If so, it is not possible. You must connect your phone to load applications you develop.

if you are registered iPhone developer, u can create Ad Hoc distribution via defining device ids that you want the app to be used (steps are listed at 'Program Portal User Guide' at apple's developer site). then u can install the app on your device via iTunes.

Well, you can't install just based on the device number or something else.
There are two solutions:
1/But what you can do without plugging the phone is to Post your App on some testing platform like TestFlight, or Answers. And you enter users' email address and they can get the email.
2/You can set up a config file that declare your OS X Server address. And add the iPhone into your Server Open Directory. Then you can send and deploy the app to iPhone devices.
If you have future questions, comment.


Is it possible to test an app in an iOS device without having a Mac?

I believe this is a duplicate question, but examining the others I could not find my problem exactly.
I have developed a flutter app and I intend to publish it. So I rented a virtual Mac, loaded the project in XCode and tested it on a simulator. Everything worked fine.
I have an Apple Developer Account, Certificates, registered an iPhone, etc., but it seems that I have to physically connect the device to the computer to be able to run it on the iPhone. No way to do that remotely (I'm in Brazil and the virtual Machine in NY).
XCode tells me to plug in the device so it can register it (but I have registered it already in the developer's site).
I thought it would be possible to generate some kind of executable to download to my iPhone, but it appears that is note the case.
Is there any other way I can do that?
Maybe I can skip this step and try to publish the app, because it is the same project as an Android app already tested and published in Play Store.
The answer is yes, the modern answer is probably TestFlight. But this has always been possible using OTA downloads. To do this, archive your app, create an OTA manifest and put this on a web server somewhere. Then you can download the app straight to your phone (assuming it's signed with the correct provisioning profile and all that). We used to do this a lot before TestFlight came along.
This question and
this article are somewhat related to what you want to do
I was having trouble to test without an iphone what I did is register this device on my account and so far I could build the app for iOS.

UDID from itune using Mac Application

I am working on a mac application which will be used by 'XXXX' company's customers to register themselves, along with using their iPhone's UDID. That UDID will be added to the apple portal to generate an Ad Hoc Profile.
So here is my question:
Is there any way our Mac Application can talk to iphone utility(windows)/itunes(mac) and get the device UDID, as soon as they connect their device.
If 1st is not possible, Is there any way we can ask the user to copy their device's UDID and fill in the from. After that we can confirm that the UDID is correct or not(using any web service or somthing).
Thanks in Advance
There isn't any supported way to use the private MobileDevice.framework to talk to the device like iTunes does.
The easiest way for a user to find their UUID is to click on the device information in iTunes and then copy and paste it.
If you are looking for a way to help automate beta testing then you might want to take a look at one of the established services like TestFlight or HockeyApp.

How to test iphone app on remote location

I have created an iPhone application. I don't have the iPhone and I want to test the application on the iPhone of my friend who is far from me. How can I test it on his iPhone?
When I searched on google, it told me that you need to have the device with you. Is it possible to send the wrap and send the application to a remote location and get tested from there? I also have the Apple ID and license.
Yes with a tool like TestFlight you will be able to check wether or not your will work on a device. Thus is good for acceptance testing but never for technical working of an app.
But when it comes to really testing a device is needed, there is not way around it. You should do performance testing on a device.
Also there is no way to use the debugger unless it is connected to your development machine.
If you are developing for iOS get an iOS device.
It's possible, check Test Flight:
I used it in the past for the same scenario as you
You should have a device yourself for testing on, before you publish anything in the App Store. Testing in the simulator is just not the same as testing on a device.
On you will need to create a Ad Hoc distribution profile. You will also need to add all the devices you want to run the app on to this profile. Once you have the profile and you have it installed in Xcode, you can run an Archive build and sign it with the distribution profile. After this you can select the archive and click on 'Distribute...' to generate a .ipa file.
Once you have this .ipa file, you could use a site like to distribute the app to test-devices. (you could also just email it ;-) )
If you are looking for just a way to transfer the ipa to someone else the best simplest solution for that would be or
Get the target Device UDID and add it to your testing list, Create your IPA, drag it to the site above, Done.
No need to signup or anything like that.
I like appsendr better because of the small app they provide.
Lets you drag the IPA to your tool bar and have the ipa url right in your clipboard once it's uploaded.

App won't transfer from iTunes to iPhone

We have a working app and we want to field test it by putting on our client's iPhone. We've already put the app onto one of our phones through iTunes with no problems. When we tried to get it onto the other phone (after getting it onto iTunes) there was an error.
The other computer already has the provisioning profile on iTunes, both phones are included in the profile, both phones are the same model (4s) and are running the same OS.
The only difference I can think of is that we are trying to transfer through a PC for this one, whereas we used a Mac. I hope this isn't the problem.
Is there any way to know what's causing the problem? Or a workaround?
Please try testflight or diawi for installation of app. its very easy.
Have you tried selecting the device under "Organizer" and choosing "Use for development"?

How to publish an app for testing

I'm currently creating an iPhone app and we need some testing with about 20~30 users.
Actually we put the app on our iPhone by connecting the iPhone to the computer and debugging the app.
But now we need to have a more efficient way to install the app on iPhone but without submitting it to Apple Store and also without the need to connect the iPhone to the computer hosting Xcode.
Do you think there is a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance :)
Yeah there's a very slick way to do adhoc distribution under iOS 4 that's outlined here. This method involves absolutely zero usb cables and does not require a jailbroken device either. Perfectly legit and above board.
You need to use AdHoc installation. Please see this nice Apple document, it should cover every step necessary even with step-by-step instructions.
I use, it's a great services, not out yet, but recently opened up their beta's, it does all the ad hoc stuff for you alls you need to do is invite testers, let it export it to your dev portal. Then you just upload the ipa to the site, and all your testers get an email.