Do you know update site addresses for *latest* eclipse components? - eclipse

I am looking for all addresses related to:
3.x eclipse itself (milestones and/or integration builds)
3.x other components (GEF, GMF, EMF, ...)
In the spirit of answering my own question, I do have an answer for:
3.5 eclipse itself, with some details and caveats,
3.6 Helios, with the steps involved to follow the updates.
However, If you have further addresses, either for eclipse or other eclipse components, please publish them here.

Update September 2009: see also addresses for eclipse 3.6 Helios
For eclipse itself, the eclipse wiki
However, the Milestone names are not there yet.
(For instance, the build number there is 20080807 is assumed to be 3.5M1)
The update site will be added as a location for builds in order to get published to automatically:
see bug 248509
Warning: the update process in itself might generate some freeze (see bug 234916) which might be solved by using a local http client (bug 220240).
Meaning you should first update your eclipse installation with the ECF_Apache_Httpclient-Based_Provider update site (, then try the different update sites mentionned for eclipse components.
Update May 2009
The page "compare package" now provides all links to different released packages
(See links to the left of the page: Europa 3.3, Ganymede 3.4, Ganymede SR1, and Galileo 3.5Mx)
The current available Galileo M6 lists packages built with M6 release. That address will soon be not valid since Galileo M7 has just been published (May, 2d 2009).
The new Galileo packages (M7) will then be at this address.

For eclipse 3.6 Helios (see above for eclipse3.5), from "Catching up with Milestones and I-Builds"
The p2 repos for Eclipse are not only for the stable releases, but also for the Milestones, I Builds and Nightly builds:
See Eclipse Project Updates Sites
Nightly Builds:
Prakash G.R. in his post advices:
Go to your Preferences and add the required repo in your Available Software Site preferences (and disable all others, it will be slow to update).
Also enable the automatic updates. You are done. Whenever there is a new Milestone (or an I-Build), then your Eclipse gets updated automatically to it and you don't have to worry about installing other required plug-ins

How about this one for Eclipse 3.5?


How to upgrade from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon?

To upgrade to a new version, the eclipse FAQ suggests to add a new repository and then install available updates. Upgrading to Neon, the corresponding repository is
On this page, it says:
NOTE: Due to structural changes you cannot update from a Mars (or prior) all-in-one package to a Neon version. If interested in the technical details, see bug 332989 and bug 490515.
I still tried to above procedure, but no updates were found. What is the best way to upgrade from Mars to Neon? A complete new installation? How do I preserve my settings?
The note on the repository page is right. Thanks to your report, I edited the FAQ to make it clear that upgrading packages from Mars to Neon is not supported.
Instead you need to to a fresh install for Neon (or later).
I tried to upgrade in the recommended way, by adding the repository links and doing an update, but then I got a lot of conflict messages. I foolishly tried to remove the conflicting software components, until it told me that Eclipse itself was the conflict! I posted my problem to the Eclipse Forums, and was told by a regular with tens of thousands of posts that Neon was so different that I should not even try to upgrade, just create a new installation. When I tried to do that however, I got lots of warnings "That the artifact download is progressing very slowly from ..."
It is not possible to upgrade from Mars (or earlier versions), so a new install is needed.
This can be in parallel with the old install. From the FAQ:
Fresh install
If you prefer not performing an update (for example
because some 3rd-party content isn't ready for the current release of
Eclipse IDE so the update reports conflicts), you can still download a
fresh install of the Eclipse IDE and install it in another location on
your filesystem, and use it together with the previous version.
To do so, download a new build from the Eclipse download Web site
( and run the
installer or unzip the archive in a new directory. We strongly
recommend against installing/unzipping over your existing version of
Eclipse IDE as it may corrupt your installation.
When you start a new version of Eclipse IDE, you can use the same
existing workspace folder that you were using with older version. The
workspace will be migrated to newer version and Eclipse IDE will to
reuse all configuration. The workspace is forward compatible

Subversive creates on checkout name with builder in it

I currently face a strange situation, and I have no explanation for it. Here it goes ...
I provide an update site for our company, and to test that update site, I usually do a series of things. One of it is to checkout a special project from Subversion that triggers then a lot of Checkstyle and PMD rules. I use that project since at least 4 years, and it worked all the time like that:
Create a repository location in Eclipse.
Select there the project you want to checkout.
Select from the menu Check Out which uses then defaults to create a new (Java) project.
The resulting project looks like:
Since the new release (testing that with Eclipse 3.7 SR2 Indigo), I get now the following result:
So it looks like the builder(s) are now added to the project name (which seems ridiculous to me). Do I miss here something, is that a feature, not a bug? And is there anything I can do in the configuration of Subversive?
My current configuration is:
Eclipse 3.7 SR2
Windows 7 64bit
JDK 1.7 64bit
Subversive plugin
Subversive SVN Team Provider 1.0.0.I20121109-1700
Subversive SVN Connectors 3.0.0.I20121109-1700
I have added a bug to eclipse, and will document, if there is an answer.
I have added a bug at Eclipse Bugzilla, and the bug was confirmed and fixed. So will wait the bug to be resolved in the public available update site for Subversive.

Eclipse 3.8: where is the download site?

I'm a bit confused about Eclipse release 3.8
It seems a bit like a ghost to me: no codename, no download site?
Where are all the packages, like "Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers"?
Eclipse 3.8 and 4.2 were released concurrently as part of the Juno release, but the compilations for various developer types are only available based on version 4.2.
To use Eclipse 3.8, you will need to download the basic platform and install the plugins you need from Eclipse Marketplace or the Juno repository.
Surf to here and download the one labeled Eclipse SDK:
Juno repository:
Official 'Eclipse Project 3.x' Stream Downloads page
This has links to 3.8.1 release, and the 3.8 maintenance build.. If you want to link anywhere to 3.8, this is probably the best place.
Note that 3.8 is not a full 'packaged' release -- it's just the core. Features & plugins can be added from within the IDE, to replicate functionality of the Java EE/ PHP/ C++ etc packaged distributions.
3.8 is of particular interest to those (like myself) who are downgrading from 4.2 Juno due to the serious performance problems in that release. These seem to affect XML editors, PHP, switching, opening & closing editors -- turning the instant performance of previous Eclipse versions into endless 3-5 second waits.
Indigo 3.7 is the last 'packaged' release available. 3.8 may offer advantages in fixing several Indigo bugs & having Java 7 support.
A link to the recently released 3.8.2:
None of the links in other answers seem to work anymore, but The Eclipse Project Updates Sites page at says it's and that works for me and 3.8 has now been moved to the archives. I don't think updates are available anymore.
To install Java EE into the 3.8.1 download, this worked for me:
Java EE is in the Juno upgrade site.

Equinox.log for Eclipse Juno?

I'm trying to set up Juno 4.2 M6, Eclipse Tester version from Developer Builds at I need to add the Redmine Mylyn ( but it needs org.eclipse.equinox.log 1.2.0.
I thought I had found it by searching Juno install site and getting it from EclipseRT Target Platform Components > Object Teams Equinox Integration. But, nope, that's not the right place.
Where can I find org.eclipse.equinox.log 1.2.0?
It's in the update site for Eclipse 3.4. Are you sure that this is the version you need?
.eclipse.equinox.log is in the eclipse update sites (which contains the equinox SDK as well as the eclipse SDK).
1.1.0 is in 3.4.x (Ganymede) -
1.2.0 is in 3.5 (Galileo) -
A bit late to respond, but anyway...I needed the same package and you can get it 2 ways:
Directly from here:
org.eclipse.equinox.log version 1.0.100
Or you can check it out from the repos:
Just go to CVS perspective, if you are using Juno you should already have an entry that looks like:
Just look for the project in HEAD, this will also get you the sources, in case you want to debug...
Hope this helps,

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files.
I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/" .
Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " option is available. There is no coldfusion or HTML!
So can any one provide me the Exact/correct link for Codfusion related Eclipse?
(On the Eclipse website there are many Eclipse related downloads but I am not sure which one is specific for Coldfusion.)
There's CFEclipse, a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in for working with CFML. And of course there's Adobe's ColdFusion Builder, a commercial product that works as either a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or as a full stand-alone product (with Eclipse already baked in).
CFEclipse 1.3.6, the current stable version, works with Eclipse 3.4.x or 3.5.x. Here's the CFEclipse wiki.
The stated Eclipse versions required for ColdFusion Builder are 3.4.2 or 3.5. Here's Adobe's requirements page.
If you're using one of these as a plug-in and you don't need a lot of the other Eclipse features, the J2EE version of Eclipse is probably overkill (it's the biggest package). You can try out a more minimal Eclipse install, then update and add plug-ins as you need them. Try the Eclipse Platform Binary, for example.
There's also Adobe's ColdFusion Builder IDE specially created for this purpose. It proposes some features not available in CFEclipse, but not free (though there's a trial version available).
In addition to Ken's answer please note that you can already use preview builds of CFEclipse with latest Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I am using this configuration on daily basis and it is pretty stable and more efficient than previous version for me.
If you will expierience problems with preview builds, feel free to post them into the CFEclipse groups, developers usually react pretty quickly.
One more hint for you. Sometimes after installing the plugin via Add Sofware further updates do not work correcly. I've experienced this issue few times so it can be useful to know the solution.
To fix this check the Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites. If needed entry missing -- create it manually using the same update URL as for installation.
Also there's an Eclipse-based version of Adobe CF manual available, see this help page for details.
Hope this helps.