Subversive creates on checkout name with builder in it - eclipse

I currently face a strange situation, and I have no explanation for it. Here it goes ...
I provide an update site for our company, and to test that update site, I usually do a series of things. One of it is to checkout a special project from Subversion that triggers then a lot of Checkstyle and PMD rules. I use that project since at least 4 years, and it worked all the time like that:
Create a repository location in Eclipse.
Select there the project you want to checkout.
Select from the menu Check Out which uses then defaults to create a new (Java) project.
The resulting project looks like:
Since the new release (testing that with Eclipse 3.7 SR2 Indigo), I get now the following result:
So it looks like the builder(s) are now added to the project name (which seems ridiculous to me). Do I miss here something, is that a feature, not a bug? And is there anything I can do in the configuration of Subversive?
My current configuration is:
Eclipse 3.7 SR2
Windows 7 64bit
JDK 1.7 64bit
Subversive plugin
Subversive SVN Team Provider 1.0.0.I20121109-1700
Subversive SVN Connectors 3.0.0.I20121109-1700
I have added a bug to eclipse, and will document, if there is an answer.

I have added a bug at Eclipse Bugzilla, and the bug was confirmed and fixed. So will wait the bug to be resolved in the public available update site for Subversive.


Eclipse Juno SR2 and Subclipse with Maven

I'm working on getting my team moved over to Eclipse Juno SR2 and we're currently running Subversion (1.6 server). We're getting the native linux client as well shortly to get us up to client 1.7. I'm seeing some inconsistent behavior with regard to svn:ignore properties.
Currently I've got a multi-module maven project setup (I've got latest version of integrations etc for maven, spring, and other tools). The projects in SVN each have the following svn:ignore property
For whatever reason, under Juno with Subclipse 1.8 running the SVNKit client adapter I'm seeing changes showing up under ${project_loc}/.settings and some of the files under target are showing up as "new".
Does anyone have suggestions or ideas? Is this a bug?
Also please PLEASE do not comment that "git, hg, bob's vcs is better than svn, you should switch". I've had that argument over and over and over and I've been shot down continually.
It is a bug. Currently being fixed and should be rolled out next week. If you can rollback your JavaHL or SVNKit plugins to the previous version that will also temporarily resolve it.

Equinox.log for Eclipse Juno?

I'm trying to set up Juno 4.2 M6, Eclipse Tester version from Developer Builds at I need to add the Redmine Mylyn ( but it needs org.eclipse.equinox.log 1.2.0.
I thought I had found it by searching Juno install site and getting it from EclipseRT Target Platform Components > Object Teams Equinox Integration. But, nope, that's not the right place.
Where can I find org.eclipse.equinox.log 1.2.0?
It's in the update site for Eclipse 3.4. Are you sure that this is the version you need?
.eclipse.equinox.log is in the eclipse update sites (which contains the equinox SDK as well as the eclipse SDK).
1.1.0 is in 3.4.x (Ganymede) -
1.2.0 is in 3.5 (Galileo) -
A bit late to respond, but anyway...I needed the same package and you can get it 2 ways:
Directly from here:
org.eclipse.equinox.log version 1.0.100
Or you can check it out from the repos:
Just go to CVS perspective, if you are using Juno you should already have an entry that looks like:
Just look for the project in HEAD, this will also get you the sources, in case you want to debug...
Hope this helps,

Subclipse plugin doesn't work in Eclipse?

even though there was no error when installing Subclipse in Eclipse. I won't see the SVN perspective at all?
I have tried with "Eclipse Classic 3.5.1" and with "Eclipse for PHP Developers".
After downloading and unzipping the packages I used Eclipse's "Install Software" mechanism to install Subclipse 1.6.x. I followed the steps described here:
But after Eclipse re-starts I don't get any SVN Repository perspective? I have tried to un-install/re-install all the software components many times now. Finally after 3 hours of trying I am giving up. Does anyone have any hint what I am missing?
I had the same problem. I use Windows 7 64 bits OS. I clean read-only flag of eclipse folder in C:\Program Files (x86) and give full access right to all users on my PC. I reinstalled it from update site and it works.
This is a known bug with subclipse:
EDIT For anyone keeping track of this, it looks like Eclipse Helios SR1 may have fixed the issue. I haven't tested it myself yet, but by the sounds of the discussion at it should now be working.
I just had this same issue with Ubuntu. It turned out to be permissions. Once I gave write permissions to everywhere in my eclipse installation and then reinstalled subclipse, its views and so forth appeared, just like magic.
I don't know what you are looking for. But after installing the Subclipse plugin, you should have a new entry in the File | New | Project dialog. Something along the lines of "Checkout project from SVN"
Then when you hit continue, you can enter your SVN repository details, check the branch you are interested in, etc. After checking out a project, you can right click on it and go to the "Team" submenu to get the features provided by Subclipse like check in code, diff, merge, etc.
I ran into the exact same problem too. I installed both Subclipse and GWT/GAE plugins and couldn't find any evidence of them after installation.
I'm on Windows 7 and had installed Eclipse 3.5 SR2 into C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5. I also put my workspace in C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace. When I was checking things I noticed there was a lock icon on the C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace.
I reinstalled Eclipse to C:\dev\eclipse and the workspace to C:\dev\eclipse\workspace. After that the installation of the plugins went without a hitch and I could see the SVN Repository Exploring perspective (no idea why some of the other posters claim this perspective doesn't exist). I suspect it was some sort of permissions problem on the directories.
Another way to check and see if the whole thing was installed correctly is to go to the SVN Repositories view. Go to Window -> Show View -> Other, and then search for SVN. If you see a bunch of SVN views like "Repositories," Subclipse is installed.
I had this problem due to some kind of incompatibility between Subclipse and Android ADT plugins. One answer suggested yoxos which gives you all your eclipse plugins from one central repository.
Had the same problem. I work on Linux, and when I installed eclipse in /usr/local/eclipse, Subclipse did not show up. The solution was to install Eclipse locally, e.g. in /home/user/eclipse. Now Subclipse (and other plugins too) worked!
Edit: guess it could be the same on Windows.
I think this is due to some incompatibilities between the packages of subclipse and the gwt 2.x plugin and android... as this started happen to me after I upgrade to v 2.0 of gwt back in the day.
The same issue repeats both on Mac and Windows... and it seems no fix has been released.
Now the only way I've found to move on with my work is to remove subclipse and install the latest subversive plugin instead.
I know this ain't subclipse but it works very similar and no issues with gwt nor android plugins.
it worked for me and so I hope it works for you in the mean time.

Installing eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) - update site does not work?

I'm trying to install the WTP (web platform tools) to my Eclipse installation so I can get the XSL transformations working. The base Eclipse they installed for me here was the plain Java IDE (the splash screen says "Ganymede" if that means anything). Looking at this site, the URL to get the download should be here: ...But when I give that URL to the Eclipse update manager, I get an error telling me: "No repository found at"
Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what might be up? Anyone know how to get the xsl-transform plugin installed?
I should have mentioned before that I want to find a way to do this without installing any new instances of Eclipse. This process will eventually be sent to several other developers who already have Eclipse (same version that I'm testing with) and I'd rather just do an in-place upgrade rather than have everyone go and install a new product.
I found another plugin, Xcarecrows 4 XML which can also do XSL transforms. The interface is ugly and seems more than a little quirky, but it's also a small download, and at least it runs and transforms. Unless I can find an easy way to get WTP working, I'll probably just stick with this.
You can try and install WTP through the main Ganymede update site:
Or you can download the latest Java EE bundle and use that instead of your current Eclipse
(do NOT unpack it on top of your current Eclipse, but unpack it elsewhere, to test that second installation: it will come with WTP inside)
Note: check then "How do I start Eclipse" to point to your existing workspace in order to see all your previous project in your new Eclipse installation.
As mentioned in your link, XSL Tools is now part of WTP (for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo), and that may explain why your Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) might not interpret correctly the P2 update site for WTP (P2 being the new Eclipse provisioning mechanism introduced late in the 3.4 release cycle)
For Eclipse 3.5, you have an XSL Tools installation illustrated here:
But Eclipse3.4 is more likely to be compatible with XSLT0.5 and you will need a separate installation, because "XSL Tools" wasn't yet part of WTP.
I am not sure, however, where to find such an installation package within the Eclipse projects.
Use the following update site :
For Juno :
For Indigo :
I'm assuming you don't have any firewall exceptions for Eclipse right?
The site for the WTP update is indeed the one you've listed. Maybe post a screenshot? You've added it specifically to your remote update site list?
Either way try a manual update which should be more reliable and get you up and running for now.
All-In-One Update (Eclipse IDE included):
Go to the Eclipse Download site.
Grab the all-in-one package: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install, have a coffee and enjoy. (WTP is included)
Manual Update your existing installation of Eclipse:
Download the applicable WTP source package to your desktop
Shutdown Eclipse
Extract the package to your Eclipse installation directory
Startup Eclipse. (WTP is now available)
Follow the steps in the FAQ at .
Are you behind a proxy? If so, you need to make sure you configure your proxy settings in Eclipse.
Window > Preferences
General > Network Connections
Ok, I can probably get it working if I do a clean install of Eclipse. I can do that on my machine, but not the other team members' machines (at least not without going through many emails and paper work) so I'm going to say that XCarecrows 4 XML is the solution. It is able to do XSL transformations in Eclipse 3.4 and doesn't require anything else to be installed. Since XSLT is all I need, the plugin will do.
you can use the marketplace:
like the site says:
Drag to Install!Drag to your running Eclipse Workspace.

Do you know update site addresses for *latest* eclipse components?

I am looking for all addresses related to:
3.x eclipse itself (milestones and/or integration builds)
3.x other components (GEF, GMF, EMF, ...)
In the spirit of answering my own question, I do have an answer for:
3.5 eclipse itself, with some details and caveats,
3.6 Helios, with the steps involved to follow the updates.
However, If you have further addresses, either for eclipse or other eclipse components, please publish them here.
Update September 2009: see also addresses for eclipse 3.6 Helios
For eclipse itself, the eclipse wiki
However, the Milestone names are not there yet.
(For instance, the build number there is 20080807 is assumed to be 3.5M1)
The update site will be added as a location for builds in order to get published to automatically:
see bug 248509
Warning: the update process in itself might generate some freeze (see bug 234916) which might be solved by using a local http client (bug 220240).
Meaning you should first update your eclipse installation with the ECF_Apache_Httpclient-Based_Provider update site (, then try the different update sites mentionned for eclipse components.
Update May 2009
The page "compare package" now provides all links to different released packages
(See links to the left of the page: Europa 3.3, Ganymede 3.4, Ganymede SR1, and Galileo 3.5Mx)
The current available Galileo M6 lists packages built with M6 release. That address will soon be not valid since Galileo M7 has just been published (May, 2d 2009).
The new Galileo packages (M7) will then be at this address.
For eclipse 3.6 Helios (see above for eclipse3.5), from "Catching up with Milestones and I-Builds"
The p2 repos for Eclipse are not only for the stable releases, but also for the Milestones, I Builds and Nightly builds:
See Eclipse Project Updates Sites
Nightly Builds:
Prakash G.R. in his post advices:
Go to your Preferences and add the required repo in your Available Software Site preferences (and disable all others, it will be slow to update).
Also enable the automatic updates. You are done. Whenever there is a new Milestone (or an I-Build), then your Eclipse gets updated automatically to it and you don't have to worry about installing other required plug-ins
How about this one for Eclipse 3.5?