Eclipse 3.8: where is the download site? - eclipse

I'm a bit confused about Eclipse release 3.8
It seems a bit like a ghost to me: no codename, no download site?
Where are all the packages, like "Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers"?

Eclipse 3.8 and 4.2 were released concurrently as part of the Juno release, but the compilations for various developer types are only available based on version 4.2.
To use Eclipse 3.8, you will need to download the basic platform and install the plugins you need from Eclipse Marketplace or the Juno repository.
Surf to here and download the one labeled Eclipse SDK:
Juno repository:

Official 'Eclipse Project 3.x' Stream Downloads page
This has links to 3.8.1 release, and the 3.8 maintenance build.. If you want to link anywhere to 3.8, this is probably the best place.
Note that 3.8 is not a full 'packaged' release -- it's just the core. Features & plugins can be added from within the IDE, to replicate functionality of the Java EE/ PHP/ C++ etc packaged distributions.
3.8 is of particular interest to those (like myself) who are downgrading from 4.2 Juno due to the serious performance problems in that release. These seem to affect XML editors, PHP, switching, opening & closing editors -- turning the instant performance of previous Eclipse versions into endless 3-5 second waits.
Indigo 3.7 is the last 'packaged' release available. 3.8 may offer advantages in fixing several Indigo bugs & having Java 7 support.

A link to the recently released 3.8.2:

None of the links in other answers seem to work anymore, but The Eclipse Project Updates Sites page at says it's and that works for me and 3.8 has now been moved to the archives. I don't think updates are available anymore.

To install Java EE into the 3.8.1 download, this worked for me:
Java EE is in the Juno upgrade site.


Eclipse Luna without built-in plugins

Eclispse Luna has been just released. I wanted to grab it from the download site. But here comes my problem. Even the Standard and Java Developer versions have features built-in which are not needed for me and just slows down the IDE. For example i do not use Mylin or Plug-in development. These things cannot be deleted from the installation... Is there an Eclipse Luna release which only contains the basic package?
Look at the Eclipse Project downloads
The Eclipse Platform is the smallest (but does not even have Java development).
The Eclipse SDK has Java and Plugin development and the Eclipse source. This is the one I always start from.

spring development - with or without eclipse + checking eclipse version

Several tutorials mention that you can download spring in a tarball
and install it on your computer but when I go to the springsource
site all I can see is that you can download Spring Tool Suite
which is an eclipse plugin. So my questions are:
What if I wanted to work from the command line or an IDE other than eclipse?
The packages are available for Juno 3.8.2 or Juno 3.4.2, but how can I find
out my eclipse version? I've downloaded the most frequently downloaded version
of eclipse which is the one for Java EE developers but when I click on the Help
-> About entry I get:
Version: Juno Service Release 2
Build id: 20130225-0426
which does not match the eclipse versions on the springsource site 3.8.2 or 3.4.2,
so how do I know which plugin I need?
You can find out your Eclipse version by going to Help -> About Eclipse...
In the dialog that pops up, you will see something like:
Version 4.2.2
Version 3.8.2
If you downloaded the most commonly downloaded version, then you most likely have 4.2.2. The "Juno" release actually has distributions built for both 3.8.x and 4.2.x (a little complicated and confusing, I know). So, you should be able to install the Juno version of STS and be fine no matter what which version of Juno Eclipse you have.
Your question is not very clear. I thought you were asking about how to install STS, but maybe you are asking about whether or not Eclipse is necessary at all. The answer is that of course, Eclipse is not necessary for Spring development, but it really is the easiest way to develop your spring apps (disclaimer, I am on the STS dev team).
There is no single way to just "downlaod the SpringFramework" because the framework is really just a very large set of jar files and their dependencies. Any single project typically only requires a subset of them as well as requiring other third party dependencies. For this reason, most people prefer working with a build tool like gradle or maven.
Probably the easiest way to get started w/o STS is to clone one of the sample projects from github. A list of the templates are available here: which is obvioulsy meant to be consumed from inside of STS. But, you can use the file to grab links to the various github projects.
The Springsource Tool Suite (STS) is not required for developing with Spring. If the question is how you would install the STS, that's actually very easy. In Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or 3.8, 4.2 (Juno), click on the Help menu and select Eclipse Marketplace. If its not in the inital screen, use the find box type spring and click go which should bring up the the STS with the version of eclipse it is for in the title. Click install and the correct version and its dependencies will be installed for you. Try to use the eclipse marketplace for all the plugins you install, if possible. It makes things much simpler

Eclipse plugin (reinstall ?)

I'm working for a long time with Eclipse Helios 3.6 and have a lot of plugins installed from the Eclipse webpage. Now, I wanted switch to the Eclipse Version Juno 4.2
My question: Can I use the old plugins from my Helios or must I reinstall the plugins ?
I am not too sure, but Eclipse should be backwards compatible. Just add the update site for Eclipse 4.2, run the upgrade and the plugins should continue to work. Sometimes features (that are possibly used by the plugins) are marked as deprecated, but I think they are not removed from Eclipse.
Other than that: You could make a backup (or a simple copy) and try it out to be sure.

How to deploy on JBoss AS 7 from Eclipse Juno?

I'm using Eclipse Juno and want to test my Java web app in JBoss AS 7. How do I configure Eclipse so that it starts JBoss AS 7 and deploys the war? Also remote debugging should work. It seems I can't use JBoss Tools as they are only released for the previous Eclipse versions (Indigo and Helios).
Any pointers?
It seems that the current stable releases of JBoss Tools supports Eclipse Indigo (3.7.2) and Helios (3.6.x) as detailed here :
Is there a Beta Update site for Juno ?
This page has the details of the update site for Juno :
Instructions will be posted after the first Juno-compatible milestone
is available.
Until then, just point your Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) installation at this
site to install the latest nightly build. Note that there is no
guarantee of quality with a nightly, nor do we guarantee it won't set
your computer on fire.
Update site : JBoss Tools - Core - Nightly Build Update Site
It bears repeating, that the above is unstable at the moment.
Stability of JBoss Tools Beta for Juno ?
From this page:
Since the first version of Eclipse Juno is arriving soon it is worth
mentioning that JBoss Tools from its updatesite can be installed on
top of Juno.
It is though not guaranteed everything works, we know that especially
Hibernate Dali/JPT integration have issues since here the API has
changed greatly.
But if you are a Juno early-adopter then do please try run JBoss Tools
on it and if you find issues let us know in the forum or on JIRA.
Also, this might be of interest :
Our latest Beta, soon coming CR1 runs on Eclipse Juno (3.8/4.2) except for the Eclipse Dali/JPA integration
I use Eclipse Juno and I installed Jboss Tool for helios version.
Works like a charm.
This stable version of JBoss Tools 4.0.0 works well with Eclipse 4.2 (Juno).
Steps :
Add this URL 'JBoss Tools - Core - Stable Release Update Site ' to site URL's
(Help > Install New Software > Add )
Select the features to install, or click the Select All button.
Click Next, agree to the license terms, and install.
Note : You can also download JBoss Tools as individual zips for offline installation.
Refer :JBoss Tools 4.0.1.Final Stable Release
Please find the below steps to add JBoss Tools for Eclipse Juno
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type JBoss Tools in the Find text box
You can see the JBoss Tools (Juno) icon in the listed items with install button
Click on the install button
Restart your Eclipse to reflect.

Do you know update site addresses for *latest* eclipse components?

I am looking for all addresses related to:
3.x eclipse itself (milestones and/or integration builds)
3.x other components (GEF, GMF, EMF, ...)
In the spirit of answering my own question, I do have an answer for:
3.5 eclipse itself, with some details and caveats,
3.6 Helios, with the steps involved to follow the updates.
However, If you have further addresses, either for eclipse or other eclipse components, please publish them here.
Update September 2009: see also addresses for eclipse 3.6 Helios
For eclipse itself, the eclipse wiki
However, the Milestone names are not there yet.
(For instance, the build number there is 20080807 is assumed to be 3.5M1)
The update site will be added as a location for builds in order to get published to automatically:
see bug 248509
Warning: the update process in itself might generate some freeze (see bug 234916) which might be solved by using a local http client (bug 220240).
Meaning you should first update your eclipse installation with the ECF_Apache_Httpclient-Based_Provider update site (, then try the different update sites mentionned for eclipse components.
Update May 2009
The page "compare package" now provides all links to different released packages
(See links to the left of the page: Europa 3.3, Ganymede 3.4, Ganymede SR1, and Galileo 3.5Mx)
The current available Galileo M6 lists packages built with M6 release. That address will soon be not valid since Galileo M7 has just been published (May, 2d 2009).
The new Galileo packages (M7) will then be at this address.
For eclipse 3.6 Helios (see above for eclipse3.5), from "Catching up with Milestones and I-Builds"
The p2 repos for Eclipse are not only for the stable releases, but also for the Milestones, I Builds and Nightly builds:
See Eclipse Project Updates Sites
Nightly Builds:
Prakash G.R. in his post advices:
Go to your Preferences and add the required repo in your Available Software Site preferences (and disable all others, it will be slow to update).
Also enable the automatic updates. You are done. Whenever there is a new Milestone (or an I-Build), then your Eclipse gets updated automatically to it and you don't have to worry about installing other required plug-ins
How about this one for Eclipse 3.5?