iPhone SDK - Converting project from 2.1 to 2.2.1 - iphone

I just read in an online article that 2.2.1 does not support previous sdk. I wonder what that means? I just downloaded 2.2.1 and want to use updated/latest API's framework.
How can i convert my project so that it uses updated/latest API's/Frameworks in version 2.2.1? Are there any special steps required OR should i just 1.) delete 2.1 and 2.) install 2.2.1, and 3.) delete the Frameworks and reload them from iPhoneOS2.2.sdk directory instead, and that will do the magic.

It's safe to install. You don't have to "convert" anything. Your projects will continue to work. There are no new API's in 2.2.1. The documentation is a single page that tells you to refer to the 2.2 documentation.


Using Firebase with tvOS

When I try to use the Firebase framework with tvOS (via cocoapods) I get the following error:
Target 'Pods-Portal TV' of project 'Pods' was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'Pods_Portal_TV.framework' because it doesn't contain platform 'appletvsimulator' in its SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS 'iphonesimulator, iphoneos'
I 'tricked' cocoapods to install the framework due to it not recognizing tvOS as a supported platform, by declaring the target as :ios.
So it's easy to see what the problem is. My question: Is it possible to work around this until Firebase officially supports tvOS?
EDIT (8/5/17): tvOS support is being added to the open source Firebase SDK in issue #10. Please follow along there and contribute!
Firebase developer here.
I've built a beta version of the Firebase framework for tvOS, and I'm happy to share with folks so they can give feedback. Please email me at mcdonald firebase com for access.
EDIT (7/28/16): Given the date on this post and the huge Firebase release at Google I/O 2016, there are a few extra caveats I should add to what this library does.
This is a version of the 2.x client and will work with the database on all projects. Authentication however, will not work with projects created after 5/18/2016.
This client is not compatible with Nest, as Nest only supports the 1.x Firebase clients.
EDIT (8/27/16): Please fill out this form to let us know you'd like support for Firebase on other platforms (macOS, tvOS, watchOS).
EDIT (10/29/21): Firebase 8.9.0 introduces official beta support for macOS, tvOS, and Catalyst. watchOS continues to be community supported.
Ok, so I got it working, albeit, a bit flaky.
This is a very quick guide as to how, at the time of writing.
First you need to setup CocoaPods to use unreleased features and get the master branch of cocoapods / cocoapods-core
Then you need to create a private spec repo or use mine
Remember to set your xcode path to your beta version of xcode sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-Beta.app/Contents/Developer otherwise the spec won't build.
Then set your source to your spec file, and set the platform to platform :tvos, '9.0' in your Podfile, then pod install.
Your Project should then build and run, but with about 155 warnings:
ld: warning: URGENT: building for tvOS simulator, but linking in object file (/Users/..../..../.... /tvOS/Pods/Firebase/Firebase.framework/Firebase(FPendingPut.o)) built for iOS. Note: This will be an error in the future.
So obviously not a solid solution. Definately not a production solution. But hopefully Firebase will add support in the future. I spoke to Frank from the Firebase team who said that he will take it up at the next feature discussion to see if they want to include it. Here's to hoping they will :)
Also, I had to Comment out the Accounts/Accounts.h import statement in the FAuthData.h for some reason? I don't know if anyone can elaborate on that
Getting some progress from the open source community lately, I just got auth/database working after one or two hours, mostly fighting with the podfile. Seems to work, check out https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk#community-supported-efforts

Updating Ionic Apps in real time

I'm a web developer, new to Ionic.But I can't find out how can I update my app on the server,like a website,and without having user redownload the app.Is there any solutions?
There's an available plugin you can use Cordova-hot-code-push
This plugin provides functionality to perform automatic updates of the web based content in your application.Basically, everything that is stored in www folder of your Cordova project can be updated using this plugin.
supported platforms: Android 4.0.0 or above.
iOS 7.0 or above. Xcode 7 is required.
It has a great wiki too.
Yes, as of recently there is a solution for this. Ionic calls it Ionic Deploy, and you can see the official documentation about it here.
However, one must note that this is still in Alpha version and they don't recommend it for production, but since they're very apt in shipping new features, I'm sure this will be even production ready very soon.

Using core-plugins in phonegap build 2.9

I'm building a simple app for Windows Phone 8 (with limits me to PG 2.9, since PG 3.0 is not yet supporting WP8).
When I include one of core plugins (3rd party ones work just fine) in my config.xml, I get "Unable to create app: plugin unsupported" error.
Changanging PG version to 3.0 fixes problem, and shows included plugin under "Plugins" tab.
So the question is: how to use core plugins in PGB 2.9?
You don't need to use the plugin tag in your config.xml file for 2.9.0. That's why you're getting the error.
We're planning on rolling out support for Windows Phone 8 in PhoneGap Build by the end of the week so you can use 3.0.0 and not have this issue.

ADT Plugin Directory Location for SDK - (MotoDev)

Right now I am setting up Motodev.
Its a Android Development Suite built on Eclipse, created by Motorola.
What is needed is the Android SDK. Check, got that, newest version, everything is set with that.
Now it says I need the ADT Eclipse plugin. Version 20.0.1, currently mine is v18.
I know where to get it, I can easily get it, but I am curious, where should it be installed? Currently I dont have eclipse I am just using MotoDev. But since Motodev asks where the SDK location is, and says my ADT plugin is out of date, I am assuming I have to install the ADT in the SDK directory. But is there somewhere more specific to put it? In a specific folder? or just in the top level of the SDK directory?
Thanks for your time.
Unfortunately, you can't use ADT20 with MOTODEV Studio 4.0. The plugins had some API changes between 18 and 20 that made them incompatible with each other. You will need to roll your SDK back to 19 until we can release a newer version. I wrote about this about a week ago on the MOTODEV Studio blog.
We're done with the engineering work on the new version. It's just a matter of getting the push to the web server scheduled. I expect it to be ready by late next week or early the following week.
Until then, if you need to use ADT20 for Jellybean development, use Eclipse for Mobile Developers plus the MOTODEV Core Plugins (using Help>Eclipse Marketplace). Most of the functionality of the installed product is there, but without the dependency on ADT. See the blog for details on how to set that up.

Invalid or corrupt jarfile android.jar issue

I am trying to build and run an android project using the phonegap framework.
I have configured the IDE and followed the steps described in an official tutorial (see link above).
The problem is that I never had a chance to build the project since it contains errors. The major one is (see screenshots):
Archive for required library: 'C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-8/android.jar' in project 'xxx' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
Also, I have tried to manually run the aforementioned android.jar but got the same error:
The problem keeps reproducing through several SDK versions: r14, r15.
BTW, I experience no troubles building a project using other android versions, e.g., 2.3.
Would someone help me out? Thanks!
Use the Android package manager to remove and then re-download the Android 2.2 SDK as something is corrupt with that package.