Invalid or corrupt jarfile android.jar issue - eclipse

I am trying to build and run an android project using the phonegap framework.
I have configured the IDE and followed the steps described in an official tutorial (see link above).
The problem is that I never had a chance to build the project since it contains errors. The major one is (see screenshots):
Archive for required library: 'C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-8/android.jar' in project 'xxx' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
Also, I have tried to manually run the aforementioned android.jar but got the same error:
The problem keeps reproducing through several SDK versions: r14, r15.
BTW, I experience no troubles building a project using other android versions, e.g., 2.3.
Would someone help me out? Thanks!

Use the Android package manager to remove and then re-download the Android 2.2 SDK as something is corrupt with that package.


Integrating WireGuard into Swift macOS App

I'm attempting to integrate the wireguard-apple package into my macOS Xcode project. enter link description here. I've followed the instructions in the README, but I keep getting this error when building the project:
This is how I have the project structure set-up:
And how I have the External Build System target configured:
It's not clear to me what other steps if any are needed that aren't included in the repository's readme. Any help is appreciated!
Have you installed the command line tools for XCode?

Error compiling MAUI project - missing MonoAOTCompiler.Task

I'm creating a MAUI application targeting iOS and Android. I have been using Visual Studio 2022 for Mac version 17.3. That version doesn't really support archiving the app, so I installed version 17.4 preview 2.1. When I try to compile my app I get the following error:
Unable to find Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task
I found a post that indicated I should run the command:
dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task --version 7.0.0-rc.2.22472.3
When I run that command in terminal I get the error:
error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'version')
Everything I have found indicated that the problem should have been fixed in Preview 2.1 of Visual Studio 2022 for Mac, but it is still occurring.
Can anyone help me resolve this? I need to publish my app to the stores and can't get it to compile in release mode or create the archive because of that.
You need to add the package to your project.
First, you should right click your project name and choose the Manage Nuget packages button.
Second, you can search the package Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task and install it.
Then you successfully add the package to your project.

JDK, SDK, and Gradle errors trying to build a Unity game for Android

The question:
My environmental variable JAVA_HOME is set to the location of my manual installation of Java, so why is Unity claiming it is an invalid directory?
Supporting information:
I'm using Unity to build a game for Android phones with the intent on putting it on the Google Play Store for a client. We need to use a Google Ad plugin for managing ads in the game. However, when I put the plugin into the project I can no longer build the game.
When going to Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Resolve, it claims it succeeds.
But when I try Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Force Resolve or even building the project I get a failure and a perplexing error.
Originally I had the same problem as: Intellij Gradle terminal ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set
When I tried the solutions there as well as following the steps at:
I've tried setting the environment variable both to the independent java installation as well as the location of Unity's JDK module and got an error that they were both invalid directories:
When I try to build I get the same error plus some additional errors:
I am unsure if the SDK error is related or not.
I already tried toggling these off and on, and even changing the installation targets to manual installations:
Possibly relevant information:
Using Unity 2019.3.0f6
InMobi Google Ads Unity Mediation Plugin Version 3.0.0
Windows 10 Pro
Java JDK 14.0.1
If Unity can't find JAVA_HOME it won't do anything, have you tried checking if you have that Environment Variable set correctly?
Check this thing.
Maybe you will need a Restart on you computer to see the changes.

Unity: After downloading Google Ads Api "Could not convert classes into dex-format"

I am working on a little platformer that worked fine about 30 minutes ago. All I did no was importing the Google Ads Api as stated in those instructions here:
I followed them step by step.
Now, my game still plays fine in the editor - but I now want to deploy the APK to my phone. This crashes with
"CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to convert classes into dex format.
D:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer/Tools\OpenJDK\Windows\bin\java.exe -Xmx8000M"C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk\tools" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar "D:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer/Tools\sdktools.jar" -
unsupported class file version 52.0
...while parsing bitter/jnibridge/JNIBridge.class
1 error; aborting
This is followed by a long truncated list with much information. I am posting this upon request.
I then googled a bit around, and people said that this was caused by "duplicated files" usually coming from the Facebook API and the Google API both being imported to the same project.
However, as you may already think, the Google API is the first API I imported, so technically, there cannot be "two duplicate files", right?
For those of you who have the same issue:
Download the newest JDK for Android (this comes together with Android Studio, so you need to install Android Studio, even if you dont want it).
After installing everything (including the newest JDK) remember the path your JDK is put to.
Now in Unity under settings, guide the interface to the JDK folder of your newest JDk you just downloaded. This fixes it :)

Adobe AIR packager yields Unable to open destination file: ... Info.plist in Application Loader

I have an app in the App Store that I produced using the Adobe AIR 2.0 packager back in March 2011. Now, the client wants to update it. But, I can no longer upload an update.
I get the following error when using the Application Loader:
Unable to unzip application. Underlying reason: Unable to open destination file: /var/folders/05/d7xltrms59j0n1bplx_nvwr0000gn/T/Protocols.ipa/Payload/, No such file or directory.
Looking inside the IPA, Info.plist is certainly in there.
I tried using new provisioning and new certificates, I tried using Java 32-bit, I tried reinstalling Flash CS5. I tried the 2.5 SDK (I can't using anything higher though).
I wonder if this packager is creating an outdated IPA that Apple no longer accepts. Ideas anyone?
I managed to solve the problem. I used the AIR 2.5 SDK and PFI. Then, I upgraded Application Loader to 2.4.1 and that did the trick.
To download AIR 2.5 SDK, go to the Adobe archives:
To download an updated version of PFI, go to the following link:
There is a Windows version, but I can't post that link since I'm only allowed to post 2 hyperlinks.