Updating Ionic Apps in real time - ionic-framework

I'm a web developer, new to Ionic.But I can't find out how can I update my app on the server,like a website,and without having user redownload the app.Is there any solutions?

There's an available plugin you can use Cordova-hot-code-push
This plugin provides functionality to perform automatic updates of the web based content in your application.Basically, everything that is stored in www folder of your Cordova project can be updated using this plugin.
supported platforms: Android 4.0.0 or above.
iOS 7.0 or above. Xcode 7 is required.
It has a great wiki too.

Yes, as of recently there is a solution for this. Ionic calls it Ionic Deploy, and you can see the official documentation about it here.
However, one must note that this is still in Alpha version and they don't recommend it for production, but since they're very apt in shipping new features, I'm sure this will be even production ready very soon.


Is IONIC 5 stable to start a mobile application?

Am confused to start a project in ionic on which version?
Before answering this please check date of the question asked.I dont want to make it a long tread
As stated here and here:
The 5.0.0 is only for the CLI commands, NOT the framework itself. Ionic team gives you commands like start and generate which are wrappers on the angular CLI commands. This update doesn’t not affect your apps
The update should not affect your mobile app building.
UPDATE 04/2020
Version 5 of the ionic framework has been released. You can find all the information regarding the new version here and here.
Ionic version 5.0.0-beta.1 still, in the Pre-release stage, I think they planned to release this version at the beginning of the new year.
you can read more about ionic releases and versions in their repo here

How to get Ionic Pro Deploy to download latest version on first app open

When I release a new version to the production channel in Ionic Pro Deploy (Channels) then I have to cycle my app twice in order to get the latest version. Even worse, on the first cycle my app reverts back to a far earlier version for some reason.
What I mean by cycling is, starting from a state where the application is shut down and not open, I open the app, wait for the splash screen to go away and app to be ready, and then close the app.
How do I get my app to download the latest version on the very next time I open the Ionic app following my production release?
Plugin configuration
I used the plugin config from the dashboard.ionicjs.com page:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic --save \
--variable APP_ID="[myappid]" \
--variable CHANNEL_NAME="Production" \
--variable UPDATE_METHOD="background"
Execute the command you already showed but set UPDATE_METHOD to "auto"
If you wand more control over your updating methods have a look at this:
In my case, live deploy worked correctly on a "blank" Ionic project. Live deploy also worked correctly on "my" app on iOS but not on Android.
I followed the follow steps and successfully fixed Android. However, during this process iOS suddenly had the same problem (would apply update on app install/close/open).
Set versions as per Ionic support. IonicPro live deploy currently requires these versions. Ionic are in the process of fixing this dependency:
"cordova-plugin-ionic-webview": "1.1.19",
"cordova-plugin-ionic": "4.1.7",
Install a new version of "blank" project. Update my app to use the same npm plugin versions (some of my app plugins were old).
Remove/add android platform. My hunch is this is what ultimately resolved the issue.
I wanted to try a remove/add ios platform to see if that also resolved the issue on iOS. But it was less work to ultimately switch over to IonicPro rather than re-config the local build setup.
Live deploy worked correctly on both iOS and Android after creating binaries in IonicPro.

How do I build my JavaFX Gluon app for iOS now that RoboVM is not available?

As of April 17th, RoboVM licenses are no longer available. Is there an official production-ready replacement for RoboVM? I have not seen any changes in the documentation on Gluon's web site for handling iOS. If there's no replacement from Gluon, is there a clear solution to this issue?
Gluon Mobile and the underlying JavaFXPorts project never relied on a commercial license of RoboVM. On the contrary, both relied on the latest open source release: 1.8.0, which you can find here.
Obviously, it is not maintained anymore, and new changes in the iOS SDK are not taken care of.
Based on this release, there are several forks, some of which are trying to include the latest iOS changes and keep it up to the date.
Actually, JavaFXPorts depends on one of those forks: Mobidevelop, source code, and now uses its 2.3.0 version.
So you shouldn't have any issues of building an iOS solution with Gluon Mobile.

Angulars with ionic2 working tutorial

We have planned to start our new mobile app using the cordova+ ionic2 framework. its saying that the angular2 in now in bet release and it will be released to production after 2 month. But the team itself saying that even though the reease is i beta we can start the project. But i don't see much tutorial how can integrate the ionic frameork should integrate in my linux machine. Also please guide me the appropriate editor in linux to work in ionic2 with angular2.
Follow the steps in the Ionic2 tutorial http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/getting-started/installation/. I just upgraded my project to work with the latest version of Ionic2. They are using the Release Candidate 1 of Angular2 (as of this writing), and they are continuously upgrading. It is fairly easy to get a project up and running following the instructions on their site.
I am using WebStorm on my computer (they also have a version for Linux).

Using Firebase with tvOS

When I try to use the Firebase framework with tvOS (via cocoapods) I get the following error:
Target 'Pods-Portal TV' of project 'Pods' was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'Pods_Portal_TV.framework' because it doesn't contain platform 'appletvsimulator' in its SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS 'iphonesimulator, iphoneos'
I 'tricked' cocoapods to install the framework due to it not recognizing tvOS as a supported platform, by declaring the target as :ios.
So it's easy to see what the problem is. My question: Is it possible to work around this until Firebase officially supports tvOS?
EDIT (8/5/17): tvOS support is being added to the open source Firebase SDK in issue #10. Please follow along there and contribute!
Firebase developer here.
I've built a beta version of the Firebase framework for tvOS, and I'm happy to share with folks so they can give feedback. Please email me at mcdonald firebase com for access.
EDIT (7/28/16): Given the date on this post and the huge Firebase release at Google I/O 2016, there are a few extra caveats I should add to what this library does.
This is a version of the 2.x client and will work with the database on all projects. Authentication however, will not work with projects created after 5/18/2016.
This client is not compatible with Nest, as Nest only supports the 1.x Firebase clients.
EDIT (8/27/16): Please fill out this form to let us know you'd like support for Firebase on other platforms (macOS, tvOS, watchOS).
EDIT (10/29/21): Firebase 8.9.0 introduces official beta support for macOS, tvOS, and Catalyst. watchOS continues to be community supported.
Ok, so I got it working, albeit, a bit flaky.
This is a very quick guide as to how, at the time of writing.
First you need to setup CocoaPods to use unreleased features and get the master branch of cocoapods / cocoapods-core
Then you need to create a private spec repo or use mine
Remember to set your xcode path to your beta version of xcode sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-Beta.app/Contents/Developer otherwise the spec won't build.
Then set your source to your spec file, and set the platform to platform :tvos, '9.0' in your Podfile, then pod install.
Your Project should then build and run, but with about 155 warnings:
ld: warning: URGENT: building for tvOS simulator, but linking in object file (/Users/..../..../.... /tvOS/Pods/Firebase/Firebase.framework/Firebase(FPendingPut.o)) built for iOS. Note: This will be an error in the future.
So obviously not a solid solution. Definately not a production solution. But hopefully Firebase will add support in the future. I spoke to Frank from the Firebase team who said that he will take it up at the next feature discussion to see if they want to include it. Here's to hoping they will :)
Also, I had to Comment out the Accounts/Accounts.h import statement in the FAuthData.h for some reason? I don't know if anyone can elaborate on that
Getting some progress from the open source community lately, I just got auth/database working after one or two hours, mostly fighting with the podfile. Seems to work, check out https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk#community-supported-efforts