How do I add an edit mode to jEdit? - scala

While looking for a light-weight Scala development environment, I came upon an Scala edit mode for jEdit. I don't know how to put it to use, though. How does one put a new edit mode in jEdit?

All of this can be found inside jEdit's help, Using jEdit -> Writing Edit Modes -> Installing Edit Modes. But, if you are like me, and tried StackOverflow first, here's the short of it.
Place the mode file (in this case, scala.xml) inside the "modes" directory in jEdit home directory -- this can be found through the Utilities menu -- if you want it for all users, or the "modes" directory in user's jEdit's settings diretory -- which can also be found through the Utilities menu -- if the new mode is to be used by only one user.
After that, edit a file "catalog" inside that same directory. It contains a list of supported modes. If you are working on the settings directory, there won't be any examples to use as a reference, but the catalog inside the home directory has plenty.
A settings directory catalog would look like this, for the referenced mode:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE MODES SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">
<!-- Add lines like the following, one for each edit mode you add: -->
<!-- <MODE NAME="foo" FILE="foo.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.foo" /> -->
<MODE NAME="scala" FILE="scala.xml"
FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.scala" />

May be this JEdit Setup with Scala can help you ?
It refers to a JEdit fully configured to run Scala projects.

You can copy the scala.xml file to $JEDIT_HOME/modes


Can working_directory be user specific

I am on a project where they use launch files. Until now there was one developer, but it is the intention that we are going to work with more developers.
At the moment I see in the launch file:
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="/home/john/dev/projects/..."/>
But that is a hardwired user. Is there a way to substitute the home directory of the current user for '/home/john'?
Many values in a launch configuration can contain 'variables' to set the value.
For the working directory you could use ${system_property:user.home} to get the user.home system property:
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.WORKING_DIRECTORY"
The Run Configuration for the launch has a 'Variables' button next to the working directory setting on the 'Arguments' tab which will show you the main variables you can use.

js source maps disappears after modifying any file

I have a project with coffeescript and brunch.
There is following config for files concatenation:
'js/app.js': /^app(\/|\\)(?!templates)/
'js/vendor.js': /^vendor/
'js/templates.js': /^app\/templates/
When I just clone this project and build it, all works fine - I see all my source files in developer console.
Then I do some harmless modifications in any file in project (like adding a useless variable declaration or duplicating "return" statement), and strange things happens:
A builded code is valid and works fine, but there are no source maps available.
If I disable source maps at all, I still can see some wrong behaviour:
And in the same time, origin build file is absolutely valid (can't post third link, sorry): it has '//#' line in the end, without any trailing spaces or whatever else.
Any ideas what can this be and how to solve this problem?
I've found where I was wrong.
First. About broken files loaded by browser.
As I noticed in comment above, the problem was in environment. My files are served by nginx, running inside Vagrant VM - and it seems, that sync between local files and VM was broken.
My solution was following:
disable caching in VirtualBox (machine settings -> tab 'Storage' -> select controller -> uncheck 'Use Host I/O cache');
edit nginx config and set 'sendfile off' option in 'http' section.
Not sure this is absolutely right solution, but after this correct files was loaded by browser.
Second. About still absent maps for app.js in Chrome.
It's just my inattention. I'm using Webstorm, and periodically it proposes to enable watcher for coffeescript files I open. And if you agree (what I've accidentally did missing 'Agree' button instead of 'Dismiss'), it will compile that file at his own, creating .map and .js files alongside origin .coffee - of course, no matter to your brunch or whatever else settings. These additional files are displayed as subfolders of .coffee file, so it is very likely that you do not notice them. And exactly these files Chrome does not like. Until you remove them all, Chrome will not display any source maps, no matter to .map file created by brunch - while for FF it's not a problem.

NetBeans ANT: <zip> is not including hidden files?

At the end of my Clean/Build, I wanted to always automatically copy the project folder into a zip for easy transfer. So I added this to my post build <target> in build.xml:
<zip zipfile="../" basedir=".." includes="project-xyz/**" excludes="*/dir/lib/**"/>
This works great on Windows, but on Linux, it removes any .hidden folders and all their children. I even tried
<zip zipfile="../" basedir=".." includes="project-xyz/**,project-xyz/.hidden/**" excludes="*/dir/lib/**"/>
and it still doesn't work.
What can I do to bring those files into the zip?
I am not opposed to detecting non-Windows environments and using <exec> on the zip command, though I am not sure how I would do that, and I am not sure I really want to, especially if there is a better way!
You can see what gets excluded by default from the zip by adding the following line in ant
<defaultexcludes echo="true"/>
And then use
<defaultexcludes add=.../>
<defaultexcludes remove=.../>
to customize what gets excluded by default.
Reference: Ant docs for DefaultExcludes
You can also do
<zip defaultexcludes="no" .../>
Reference: Ant docs for Zip

How to generate phpDoc documentation for a specific folder in Netbeans IDE?

Due to the fact that we need to integrate the Zend Framework on our project root, and that generating that documentation will be useless and take long time, I would like to generate documentation for all files inside application folder only.
Does anyone know how I can generate documentation for a specific project folder, trough Netbeans 7.0 interface?
The best I've found so far was to:
Open the terminal window from netbeans, and type:
sudo phpdoc -d public_html/ -t public_html/
Update 2
Let's suppose our Zend library is inside projectrootname/library/Zend we also can try, by going to: Tools > Options > Php > PhpDoc and place the following:
/usr/bin/phpdoc -i library/Zend/ -o HTML:frames:earthli
At least for me, that doesn't seem to work, because, when I try to generate the documentation, I get permission error issues displayed on the output window.
The -d/--directory option [1] should be used to highlight the most high-level code directory that you want phpDocumentor to start reading from. If your Zend folder is at or above the level of your application directory, then just using --directory /path/to/application should help you document only your application code.
If your Zend folder is somewhere inside your application (e.g. in your app's ./lib folder), then you can use the -i/--ignore option [2] to tell phpDocumentor about any directories that it will see but should ignore, --ignore *zend*. Just be aware that formatting your ignore value can be tricky, so see the examples in the manual. Also, be aware that as phpDocumentor runs, you will see these ignored folders and files being listed in the output... phpDocumentor "ignores" them by not generating docs for those files. It does, however, still need to parse them, in case those objects are referenced in files that do get documented.
[1] --
[2] --

Howto set outputdirectory with google eclipse plugin?

I'm using the Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT development.
To do the configuration stuff there's a folder .settings with two files and
These files are a kind of propertie-files.
Now I'm trying to set two different directories for source and output files.
But I can't find any documentation about these files.
What I got till now is this.
But using this, at compilationtime it opens a filechooser-Dialog on myoutputdirectory every time, waiting for confirmation.
So I ask, is there a solution to setup a different outputdirectory or does anybody know where I can find more Information about the usage of these setting-files.
My version of that file has an absolute path to the lastWarOutDir.
Maybe it keeps prompting you because it can't find myoutputdirectory (or maybe you just changed it for privacy's sake here).
In any case, if you right-click on the project > Run As > Run Configurations, go to the (x)= Arguments tab and you will see the -war argument containing the value of lastWarOutDir.
If you want to be prompted so that you can change the directory, you could delete all of the arguments, forcing the Google plugin to reconfigure.
I hope that helps. If not, please let us know what you really want to do here.
Maybe I misunderstand your problem. But why don't you just tell the GWT compiler where to output the files using the -war (-workDir, -gen and -extra) command line option? Same thing works for the GWT development mode...