Howto set outputdirectory with google eclipse plugin? - gwt

I'm using the Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT development.
To do the configuration stuff there's a folder .settings with two files and
These files are a kind of propertie-files.
Now I'm trying to set two different directories for source and output files.
But I can't find any documentation about these files.
What I got till now is this.
But using this, at compilationtime it opens a filechooser-Dialog on myoutputdirectory every time, waiting for confirmation.
So I ask, is there a solution to setup a different outputdirectory or does anybody know where I can find more Information about the usage of these setting-files.

My version of that file has an absolute path to the lastWarOutDir.
Maybe it keeps prompting you because it can't find myoutputdirectory (or maybe you just changed it for privacy's sake here).
In any case, if you right-click on the project > Run As > Run Configurations, go to the (x)= Arguments tab and you will see the -war argument containing the value of lastWarOutDir.
If you want to be prompted so that you can change the directory, you could delete all of the arguments, forcing the Google plugin to reconfigure.
I hope that helps. If not, please let us know what you really want to do here.

Maybe I misunderstand your problem. But why don't you just tell the GWT compiler where to output the files using the -war (-workDir, -gen and -extra) command line option? Same thing works for the GWT development mode...


PhpStorm Formatter failed to format the document

Similar questions have been asked, but what makes mine different is that I seem to have the configuration correct. Here is my configuration (my name has been redacted, for privacy reasons).
What I know is that my PhpStorm IDE has not been activated yet; is that required or is my configuration incorrect, despite the folder and file being at these places?
So you're trying to use PhpStorm from within VSCode to format your files. Which means: calling PhpStorm as a command-line app.
I'm pretty sure that PhpStorm has to have a valid active licence or be in the evaluation period (so it has be "activated" in some way). I remember seeing tickets with similar issue when using PhpStorm for code inspections in Continuous Integration tools.
In any case:
Check what command VSCode is trying to execute here, then open your OS console and try to run it there -- will you see any errors/warnings in the output?
If you do not see any such messages there then check the idea.log file -- the IDE will write everything there for sure.
On Windows it would normally be in the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\JetBrains\PhpStorm2022.2\log folder (for the current 2022.2 version). Other OS / cusom location -- check
...or is my configuration incorrect, despite the folder and file being at these places?
As per docs the Code Style settings file can be located anywhere: it can be in the default place as well as any other as it can be passed as an argument in the command line (-s parameter). So keeping the file with Code Style settings in the VSCode extension folder is OK as long as that parameter is used.

How to generate the plugin of "Li2018" in Halide on windows and exploit "load_plugin" in other project?

reccently, I want to test how does the autoscheduler "Li2018" work on GPU. Firstly, I need to load the plugin of this autoscheduler into my project with function "load_plugin("gradient_autoscheduler")" like the example: but the biggest problem is, that I cannot generate the plugin on Windows. I have tried to add the "generate_autoscheduler" into the CMakeList.txt in the /apps folder, but it can not work. To compare with autoscheduler "Admas2019" which in the folder /apps/autoscheduler, "Li2018" need a CMakeList.txt to generate the dll plugin, Does some one know how to generate the plugin of "Li2018" on windows? Thanks in advance!
As you have noticed, we don't have a CMake configuration for Li's autoscheduler, so Windows is not supported yet. I'll put this in my TODO list, but contributions are always welcome. It shouldn't be hard to come up with a CMakeLists.txt based on the Makefile content.

How to distribute my Java program so that it is runnable by double-clicking a single file?

I have a Java rich client desktop app. that I want to distribute on some computers at work, but I've never done something like this before. People aren't too computer-savy at my workplace and since it is a student job, I won't be there for much longer and I'd like it if I could make my program easy to run by making it runnable when people double-click on it.
I also don't want to have to manually install a JRE to have it run. Basically, what I'd like to know is how to make my java application runnable easily by double-clicking (even if it's only on windows, it's okay). I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to package the correct JRE version alongside, but I don't know what's the correct way of doing this.
I read on some sites that you should not package a JRE along with your program because it makes people have multiple different versions, some of which are outdated, and it causes security issues, but this is not a problem in this case since the computers that are going to run my application are not connected to the internet and are only used to run this program anyway.
Somewhat related question: Since my application is currently an Eclipse project, I get my resources such as icons, images, SQLite database (for read and write), etc. using relative paths (e.g.: img/test.png).
Am I going to have to change any of those paths to have them keep working even while packaged?
What you're looking for is a JAR file. In eclipse, it's quite easy to make a Jar file. Specifically, you'll want to right click on your project, go to Export, and then select "Runnable Jar." Be careful with paths to folders. You may need to keep a resources folder next to the Jar file. You may need to provide some more specifics to get an exact answer on that. Typically, a Resources folder is located in the same spot as the JAR file (in the same folder on your computer).
A better option for easy install of a Java app. with a GUI is to launch it using Java Web Start. For the user, JWS is the 'one click' installation option that can (install & launch the app. then) add desktop shortcuts and menu items. A JWS launch would mean some more work for you, but it is a breeze for the end user.
To ensure a suitable JRE is present to run the app., use deployJava.js (see the JWS link for more details). The script would need to be reconfigured to get the JRE installer from your local network - the default is to get it from Oracle.
Most of the resources should be packaged in Jar files and supplied along with the app., but for the DB, use the JNLP ExtensionInstallerService to call the DB installer.
..Java Web Start is kind of a link (or I can make it a shortcut on the desktop) that the users will click to either install the JRE and run the program if the JRE isn't installed, or just run the program if the JRE is present on the computer.
The way it would work is to have a web page on the local intranet. When the user visits the page, the script checks for a suitable JRE.
If it is present, it writes the link to the launch file.
If there is no JRE, or the version is too low, it will guide the user through installing it (just a matter of them clicking 'OK' when prompted). Then it will put the link to the app.
I can then configure the link to grab the JRE from the server on our network.
That's the part where you need to reconfigure the script. AFAIR the script exposes an URL at which to look for JREs - that can be changed to point to a place on the intranet.
..So "Web" is only just in the name, the computers don't have to be connected to the internet to have this work, right?
Yes. JWS is a great launch technology for Java rich clients, but is a poorly chosen name.
To make the problem run by double clicking it you can distribute it as a jar file or a batch file to call the jar file.
For the installation part you can make a batch file that checks if java is present and then call the installer if it isn't.
The batch code:
GOTO end
If you are finding it tough to implement the above mentioned methods. You can proceed with this simple approach.
Create a folder lib at a location. Place all the jars that your application uses into this. If you are able to create a jar for your application, you can very well place your application.jar into the lib folder too. Create a batch file at the same location that will contain the java command for your main class in it. The text within your batch might look something similiar to this :
set path="\lib\"
java -cp %path% package1.package2.MainClass
If you have any other dependencies, for ex: if you use images in your code under img/icon.jpg. Then you just have to shift the img folder to this location too.
Just zip these files using winrar and share it across. Running the batch file after extracting the zip would launch your java MainClass irrespective of the location in which it is placed in the client system.
PS : If you are unable to create a jar for your application and placing it in lib folder, just copy your bin folder with class files and paste it in the location and change the batch file accordingly to look for classes inside bin.

How to combine all the packages of the eclipse?

As I need to develop java, php, c++, I use several eclipse packages.
so I try to simple to copy several packages into one, and then I use these option to start the eclipse:
1. -clean
2. osgi.checkConfiguration=true
but it doesn't work, I only find the last copied packages after the IDE start.
Get one of the packages from their site and use the Install new software... feature under the help menu.
I think the most straightforward way to get the modules for all of the languages to play nicely together, though I admire your DIY spirit.
Try to use Yoxos for building your custom Eclipse distribution.
From luxsie:
How to merge several setup packages of Eclipse?
Whom this is for?
The ones that can not hold back their temper any longer when trying to install another Eclipse function package. Right the installation speed from some countries is too slow to bear, also the Equinox P2 always try to connect the Much to damn.. when your Internet connection closed or reset all of a sudden and got all downloaded files broken. Also OSGi based Eclipse plugins is chaos -- always have some conflict errors.
Oh that is another problem..
Do the following steps:
1 Download the Install Packages that you need from Also please remember verify to see if that is correct package. I choosed J2EE with C/C++.
2 Unpack one package with uncompress softwares, such as 7-zip and WinRAR. unzip all the files to a directory you wanna install to. for example "D:\Eclipse\".
3 open Configurations. Files "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.source\" and "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\" in the installation directory is the ones that need to be merged. also you need "\configuration\org.eclipse.update\platform.xml".
4 open the other packages and fetch their configuration files, and merge files.
Open the with any Functional Text Editor, copy all text begin from the line after "#version={Number}" and paste it to another. [{Number} means any Integer number.]
Similiar with what you did with the If not modified, that line should be the 3rd line in the text file.
to Platform.xml:
Open the file, then find where "feature id=" starts just after the "site" node. Find the "/site" tag and copy all the text between them, paste to another file just before the "/site" tag.
[You can do the similiar also marked feature tags with artifacts.xml]
5 when merging i suggest you to make a new directory and when finished please remember copy the merged file to the one where should it be and overwrite. [I mean where it comes from]
Although not merge "platform.xml" will not cause any functional errors, it will make the About dialog with no button -- to ugly yeah?
[= =|||]Ugly is caused by the artifacts.xml in the installation directory...
6 Open all the package, find "plugins" and "features" extract!
first extract the one you want most. I extracted JEE package.
then extract the other ones. I don't see any problem whether Overwrite the ones or not.
7 do open a console window, and locale in the installation directory, and then execute "eclipse.exe".
Well, somebody ask me why i paid no attention to the Artifacts.xml in the installation directory. That's because Eclipse will never check the file. It seems to be when you want to update using zip files -- however this way is blocked for lacking site.xml file now.
Then guys, wait a several minutes for eclipse to do some sorting and cleaning job for the merged configurations.. and install your plugins!
INFO: if you face some problems after install a new plugin and restart.. that is because you haven't finish a complete artifacts.xml merging.
You may delete all the artifacts.xml 's header [document start to the "artifacts size = '{Number}'"] and its bottom [from "/artifacts" to document end]. just merge the left content. and make one file just contains the header and bottom, paste the merged one in.
Eh..maybe you can calculate the {Number}s' sum and correct the one in the final document.

How to generate phpDoc documentation for a specific folder in Netbeans IDE?

Due to the fact that we need to integrate the Zend Framework on our project root, and that generating that documentation will be useless and take long time, I would like to generate documentation for all files inside application folder only.
Does anyone know how I can generate documentation for a specific project folder, trough Netbeans 7.0 interface?
The best I've found so far was to:
Open the terminal window from netbeans, and type:
sudo phpdoc -d public_html/ -t public_html/
Update 2
Let's suppose our Zend library is inside projectrootname/library/Zend we also can try, by going to: Tools > Options > Php > PhpDoc and place the following:
/usr/bin/phpdoc -i library/Zend/ -o HTML:frames:earthli
At least for me, that doesn't seem to work, because, when I try to generate the documentation, I get permission error issues displayed on the output window.
The -d/--directory option [1] should be used to highlight the most high-level code directory that you want phpDocumentor to start reading from. If your Zend folder is at or above the level of your application directory, then just using --directory /path/to/application should help you document only your application code.
If your Zend folder is somewhere inside your application (e.g. in your app's ./lib folder), then you can use the -i/--ignore option [2] to tell phpDocumentor about any directories that it will see but should ignore, --ignore *zend*. Just be aware that formatting your ignore value can be tricky, so see the examples in the manual. Also, be aware that as phpDocumentor runs, you will see these ignored folders and files being listed in the output... phpDocumentor "ignores" them by not generating docs for those files. It does, however, still need to parse them, in case those objects are referenced in files that do get documented.
[1] --
[2] --