Can I use ido-completing-read instead of completing-read everywhere? - emacs

I'm a big fan of ido-mode, so much so that I would like to use it for things like describe-function or find-tag and so on, without having to write something like in "Can I get ido-mode-style completion for searching tags in Emacs?" for each one.
(defalias completing-read ido-completing-read)
(setf 'completing-read 'ido-completing-read)
don't work, at least partly because ido-completing-read calls completing-read in its body, so any simple redefinition would result in infinite recursion.
In theory, it should be possible, since the first line of the docstring for ido-completing-read is "Ido replacement for the built-in completing-read." I've looked around a bit and can't seem to find anyone else who has attempted or succeeded at it.
I realize that Icicles probably provides something like this, and I may end up going with that anyway, but it is a bit more of a plunge than I care to take right now.
Thanks for any help.

Edit: This is now an Emacs package available from MELPA. It has been expanded into a full-fledged minor mode. Development happens on GitHub.
Original post:
Here is my refinement of Jacobo's answer. Credit to him for the original magic. I've added an override variable, which you can use to prevent the use of ido-completing-read in specific functions. I have also added a check that uses the original completing-read if there are no completions (This happens occasionally, for example in org-remember-apply-template from org-mode, which breaks with Jacobo's original advice).
(defvar ido-enable-replace-completing-read t
"If t, use ido-completing-read instead of completing-read if possible.
Set it to nil using let in around-advice for functions where the
original completing-read is required. For example, if a function
foo absolutely must use the original completing-read, define some
advice like this:
(defadvice foo (around original-completing-read-only activate)
(let (ido-enable-replace-completing-read) ad-do-it))")
;; Replace completing-read wherever possible, unless directed otherwise
(defadvice completing-read
(around use-ido-when-possible activate)
(if (or (not ido-enable-replace-completing-read) ; Manual override disable ido
(boundp 'ido-cur-list)) ; Avoid infinite loop from ido calling this
(let ((allcomp (all-completions "" collection predicate)))
(if allcomp
(setq ad-return-value
(ido-completing-read prompt
nil require-match initial-input hist def))
Oh, and for using ido in M-x, use amx.

Hocus pocus, abracadabra, presto!
(defadvice completing-read
(around foo activate)
(if (boundp 'ido-cur-list)
(setq ad-return-value
(all-completions "" collection predicate)
nil require-match initial-input hist def))))
That works with everything but subr's, from which execute-extended-command is the one that matters (what is binded to M-x). But we can get what we want from M-x
(lambda ()
"M-x "
(all-completions "" obarray 'commandp))))))

I don't think ido-mode is ready for this quite yet. In particular, ido-completing-read currently only works with strings, while completing-read supports alists as well. This is very important once you want to have a different user-level description of the items you want to complete on.
Therefore I am not surprised that it doesn't work out of the box, yet. Short of modifying the code yourself your best bet is probably to just file a bug report/feature request.

Ido comes with a function that should do this, so just call it in your .emacs file:
(ido-everywhere t)

Using Emacs 24.3, ido-ubiquitous didn't work for me. So tried this and it is working fine so far:
(defun my-completing-read (prompt collection &optional predicate
require-match initial-input
hist def inherit-input-method)
(if (listp collection)
(ido-completing-read prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
(completing-read-default prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)))
(setq completing-read-function 'my-completing-read)

Just a thought: have you tried editing ido-completing-read to call original-completing-read instead of completing-read, defining original-completing-read to be the current completing-read and then doing your defalias or setf thing?


How to never expand yasnippets in comments and strings

I'd like to disable YASnippet expansion (for example, if) in comments and strings, but don't find how to do that in a generic way.
On The condition system, they say how to do it for Python, but I'd like to get it working for all prog-modes at once, and I'm not aware of any function which tests "in string/comment", independently of the language.
Is there still a way to do so?
Using lawlist's suggestion and adding it to prog-mode-hook:
(defun yas-no-expand-in-comment/string ()
(setq yas-buffer-local-condition
'(if (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) ;; non-nil if in a string or comment
'(require-snippet-condition . force-in-comment)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'yas-no-expand-in-comment/string)

Get list of interactive functions in Elisp/Emacs

I have a bunch of my interactive functions with a prefix, say *zb/" (e.g. "zb/create-temp-buffer"). I am a bit tired every time to type in M-x interaction this prefix of a command I like to run.
To automate this I'd like to retrieve a list of all my interactive functions and show them through ido-completing-read (btw, possibly there are other alternative and modern ways to create input with predefined items and autocompletion?). But I did not manage to find how to retrieve a such list. Could you please give me a cue how to achieve this?
List of all available interactive functions will be enough; to filter is not an issue.
You can use this function for selection
(defun eab/select-zb/ ()
(ido-completing-read "M-x zb/"
(mapcar 'symbol-name (apropos-internal "^zb/"))))))
Maybe give Smex a try?
Smex is a M-x enhancement for Emacs. Built on top of Ido, it provides a convenient interface to your recently and most frequently used commands. And to all the other commands, too.
You say "possibly there are other alternative and modern ways to create input with predefined items and autocompletion?".
Use Icicles and just bind icicle-must-match-regexp:
(defun zb/ ()
(let ((icicle-must-match-regexp "^zb/"))
(call-interactively (intern (completing-read "zb/ command: " obarray 'commandp t)))))
You can also do it with vanilla Emacs and without Ido:
(defun zb/ ()
(intern (completing-read
"zb/ command: "
(lambda (cmd)
(and (commandp cmd) (string-match-p "^zb/" (symbol-name cmd))))
Or do as #artscan suggested: use apropos-internal to match the regexp. IOW, either let completing-read do the matching or match first using apropos-internal. You can pass the commandp predicate to apropos-internal as well.

How to auto say Yes when run a command in Emacs?

I had to run the command revert-buffer many times recently and really frustrated to say yes whenever emacs prompts this message Revert buffer from file abc.txt? (yes or no).
Is there anyway to auto say yes in this case?
If it's just for interactive usage, I'd define an alternative function:
(defun my-revert-buffer-noconfirm ()
"Call `revert-buffer' with the NOCONFIRM argument set."
(revert-buffer nil t))
Alternatively, as the revert-buffer docstring tells you, take a look at the revert-without-query variable, in case that's a nicer solution for you.
On a related side note, many people have the following line in their .emacs that will make confirmations just a single keypress (just y or n):
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
I use this, similar to what #phils proposed, but with non-nil IGNORE-AUTO arg:
(defun revert-buffer-no-confirm ()
"Revert buffer without confirmation."
(interactive) (revert-buffer t t))
And I bind it to <f5>, since that's what that key does generally, in MS Windows.
In any case, I agree (strongly) with those who have advised to define a separate command for this. I would not bother with revert-without-query, unless you are very sure wrt certain files (always) etc. It's best to let revert-buffer continue to act normally, and provide (and perhaps bind) your own command for interactive use. You know best when to not be bothered by a confirmation prompt.
Customizing revert-without-query might be an option.
While it is, as pointed out by other answers, preferred to redefine the revert-buffer function or the key binding, it is possible to auto-reply "yes" to any function using yes-or-no-p or for that matter y-or-n-p by something like the following:
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p '(lambda (a &rest b) t))
This may be very destructive to your data, so use at your own discretion.
I use the following to turn all ‘yes/no’ confirmations to ‘y/n’ confirmations,
and default to yes for certain prompts. i add prompts to default-yes-sometimes as needed. note i don’t have to list the entire prompt, just a regexp that matches it.
(setq original-y-or-n-p 'y-or-n-p)
(defalias 'original-y-or-n-p (symbol-function 'y-or-n-p))
(defun default-yes-sometimes (prompt)
(if (or
(string-match "has a running process" prompt)
(string-match "does not exist; create" prompt)
(string-match "modified; kill anyway" prompt)
(string-match "Delete buffer using" prompt)
(string-match "Kill buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "Kill Dired buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "delete buffer using" prompt))
(original-y-or-n-p prompt)))
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'default-yes-sometimes)
(defalias 'y-or-n-p 'default-yes-sometimes)

how to modify a function's definition graciously

Assume there is a sample function defined in a library (this question's precondition is all definitions in this library cannot be modified, something like "read only"):
(defun sample ()
I want to use this library, but the function sample cannot match my request, what I want is:
(defun sample ()
(when condition
Someone told me to use defadvice, but I noticed that defadvice can only insert code before or after the invocations of sample, like:
(before-advice ...)
(after-advice ...)
it cannot modify the definition of sample itself. So, how can I achieve this graciously? Should I have to rewrite a sample myself, called my-sample or sample2?
sds's answer works, except that you presumably only want to be advising bar when sample is executing, so you'd need to advise sample as well in order to activate and deactivate the advice for bar. My with-temporary-advice macro facilitates this:
(defmacro with-temporary-advice (function class name &rest body)
"Enable the specified advice, evaluate BODY, then disable the advice."
(ad-enable-advice ,function ,class ,name)
(ad-activate ,function)
(ad-disable-advice ,function ,class ,name)
(ad-activate ,function)))
(defadvice bar (around my-conditional-bar disable)
;; This advice disabled by default, and enabled dynamically.
(when condition
(defadvice sample (around my-sample-advice activate)
"Make execution of `bar' conditional when running `sample'."
(with-temporary-advice 'bar 'around 'my-conditional-bar
Note that if bar is also called in other ways while sample is executing, the advice will apply for those calls as well, so you should account for that if it's a possibility.
Alternatively, you may prefer to use flet to redefine bar when required. This is subject to the same caveat as the first solution, of course.
(defadvice sample (around my-sample-advice activate)
"Make execution of `bar' conditional when running `sample'."
(if condition
(flet ((bar () nil))
That's much simpler to read, but for reasons I don't understand flet is, as of Emacs 24.3, no longer in favour. Its docstring suggests using cl-flet instead, but as cl-flet uses lexical binding, that won't actually work. As best I could tell, it sounded like flet isn't actually going away, however the current recommendation seems to be to use advice instead.
Also note that if, inside bar, the unwanted behaviour depended on some variable, then it would be preferable to use a let binding on that variable instead of the flet binding on the function.
These approaches do make it harder to see what is happening, of course. Depending upon the exact situation, it may well be preferable to simply redefine the sample function to do what you want (or to write a my-sample function to call in its place, as you suggested).
Others have already provided good answers, but since some complain about flet's disgrace, I'll show what I'd use:
(defvar my-inhibit-bar nil)
(defadvice bar (around my-condition activate)
(unless my-inhibit-bar ad-do-it))
(defadvice sample (around my-condition activate)
(let ((my-inhibit-bar (not condition)))
Look ma! No flet and no ugly activate/deactive! And when you C-h f bar it will clearly tell you that there's more than meets the eye. Also I'd actually use the new advice-add instead:
(defvar my-inhibit-bar nil)
(defun my-bar-advice (doit &rest args)
(unless my-inhibit-bar (apply doit args)))
(advice-add :around 'bar #'my-bar-advice)
(defun my-sample-advice (doit &rest args)
(let ((my-inhibit-bar (not condition)))
(apply doit args)))
(advice-add :around 'sample #'my-sample-advice)
You should advise function bar instead, using an around advice:
(defadvice bar (around my-condition)
(when condition

Disable ido-mode for specific commands?

I've been using ido-mode for a few months, with ido-everywhere turned on, and am generally pretty happy with it. There's one thing I wish I could change, though. When I type C-u M-x shell to create a new shell buffer with a specific name, ido offers me a completion list of all of my open buffers. If I choose one, a new shell is launched in that buffer and it's put into shell-mode, no matter what it contains. It's hard to imagine a useful use case for this.
Is there a way to deactivate ido-mode for the shell command only? (As well as any other similar commands I may stumble across in the future, of course.)
Heh, it turns out you'll get the same completion choices whether or not you have ido-everywhere enabled.
There's no built-in way to do what you want. ido-mode only provides hooks for you to be able to override whether or not the find-file behavior is taken over by ido or not. The read-buffer is currently always overridden by ido-everywhere.
Luckily, a little Emacs lisp can get what you want:
(put 'shell 'ido 'ignore)
(defadvice ido-read-buffer (around ido-read-buffer-possibly-ignore activate)
"Check to see if use wanted to avoid using ido"
(if (eq (get this-command 'ido) 'ignore)
(let ((read-buffer-function nil))
(run-hook-with-args 'ido-before-fallback-functions 'read-buffer)
(setq ad-return-value (apply 'read-buffer (ad-get-args 0))))
And for any other command you don't want following ido-everywhere for buffer selection can be customized by simply adding a new expression to your .emacs:
(put 'other-command-i-want-untouched 'ido 'ignore)