How to auto say Yes when run a command in Emacs? - emacs

I had to run the command revert-buffer many times recently and really frustrated to say yes whenever emacs prompts this message Revert buffer from file abc.txt? (yes or no).
Is there anyway to auto say yes in this case?

If it's just for interactive usage, I'd define an alternative function:
(defun my-revert-buffer-noconfirm ()
"Call `revert-buffer' with the NOCONFIRM argument set."
(revert-buffer nil t))
Alternatively, as the revert-buffer docstring tells you, take a look at the revert-without-query variable, in case that's a nicer solution for you.

On a related side note, many people have the following line in their .emacs that will make confirmations just a single keypress (just y or n):
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

I use this, similar to what #phils proposed, but with non-nil IGNORE-AUTO arg:
(defun revert-buffer-no-confirm ()
"Revert buffer without confirmation."
(interactive) (revert-buffer t t))
And I bind it to <f5>, since that's what that key does generally, in MS Windows.
In any case, I agree (strongly) with those who have advised to define a separate command for this. I would not bother with revert-without-query, unless you are very sure wrt certain files (always) etc. It's best to let revert-buffer continue to act normally, and provide (and perhaps bind) your own command for interactive use. You know best when to not be bothered by a confirmation prompt.

Customizing revert-without-query might be an option.

While it is, as pointed out by other answers, preferred to redefine the revert-buffer function or the key binding, it is possible to auto-reply "yes" to any function using yes-or-no-p or for that matter y-or-n-p by something like the following:
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p '(lambda (a &rest b) t))
This may be very destructive to your data, so use at your own discretion.

I use the following to turn all ‘yes/no’ confirmations to ‘y/n’ confirmations,
and default to yes for certain prompts. i add prompts to default-yes-sometimes as needed. note i don’t have to list the entire prompt, just a regexp that matches it.
(setq original-y-or-n-p 'y-or-n-p)
(defalias 'original-y-or-n-p (symbol-function 'y-or-n-p))
(defun default-yes-sometimes (prompt)
(if (or
(string-match "has a running process" prompt)
(string-match "does not exist; create" prompt)
(string-match "modified; kill anyway" prompt)
(string-match "Delete buffer using" prompt)
(string-match "Kill buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "Kill Dired buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "delete buffer using" prompt))
(original-y-or-n-p prompt)))
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'default-yes-sometimes)
(defalias 'y-or-n-p 'default-yes-sometimes)


Run function before exit emacs

I want such feature in org-mode: before exiting emacs (while org-mode is running) it asks me: "Do you want to run function vc-dir before exit?"
I tried this:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'vc-dir)
But it errors: "wrong number of arguments"
also tried as found here:
(defadvice save-buffers-kill-emacs (before update-mod-flag activate)
The same error.
So how to make it work in easy way: vc-dir runs always on exit.
Or how to make it work with warning message (the best way)?
vc-dir takes an argument (the "dir").
So you can do:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook (lambda () (vc-dir "your-dir-here")))
Of course this won't stop emacs from exiting: vc-dir opens a buffer but does not "wait" for user input. For the interactive approach you want you can do this:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions
(lambda ()
(if (y-or-n-p "Do you want to run function vc-dir before exit?")
(vc-dir "your-directory")
Change "your-directory" by default-directory if you want to use the last visited buffer as vc-directory.
How about trying that function, which asks for confirmation before running vc-dir:
(defun my-vc-check-onexit ()
(let ((doquit (read-from-minibuffer "Do you want to run vcs? ")))
(if (string-equal doquit "y") (vc-dir "~/my/dir"))
and bound it to the hook.
note: it may not be good elisp ;)

How to avoid pop-up of *Async Shell Command* buffer in Emacs?

My ~/.emacs contains the following settings for opening certain files with certain applications (Ubuntu 12.10; Emacs 24):
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'(("\\.pdf\\'" "okular ? &")
("\\.djvu\\'" "okular ? &")
("\\.mp3\\'" "vlc ? &")
("\\.mp4\\'" "vlc ? &")
When I navigate to a .pdf in dired-mode and hit !, it opens the .pdf in Okular, but the dired-buffer is split into two parts, the second one now being a useless *Async Shell Command* buffer containing content like
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
How can I prevent this buffer from being opened? (except for, maybe, if there was an error and this information is useful).
I found related questions here and here, but they seem to deal with specific commands executed asynchronously, instead of the *Async Shell Command* in general (if possible, I would like to change the behaviour in general for asynchronous processes, not only for certain file types)
Found this here:
(call-process-shell-command "okular&" nil 0)
Works for me. No stderr gobbledygook.
The question was asked in 2012, and at the time of my writing, the most recent answer is dated 2015. Now, in 2017, I can say that the answer is simple:
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(cons "\\*Async Shell Command\\*.*" (cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))
I am piggybacking off of user1404316's answer, but here is another generic way to achieve the desired outcome.
(defun async-shell-command-no-window
"\\*Async Shell Command\\*.*"
(cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))))
I'm not entirely sure about doing it for asynchronous processes in general, but for anything that goes through async-shell-command, this should work:
(defadvice async-shell-command (around hide-async-windows activate)
Sadly there is no good way to avoid this buffer as it's called directly by 'shell-command' function ('async-shell-command' is just a wrapper).
So, a much better way is to replace 'async-shell-command' with 'start-process'.
You should start process with 'set-process-sentinel' to detect the moment when process emits 'exit signal. Then kill process.
A slightly more complicated incantation should get you what you want. Just use a shell command like: (okular ? >& /dev/null &).
I haven't tested this with okular, but I can do M-! ((echo foo; sleep 10; echo bar) >& /dev/null &) and Emacs returns immediately without creating a new buffer.
I solved the problem, using this method:
;list of programs, corresponding to extensions
(setq alist-programs
'(("pdf" ."okular")
("djvu" . "okular")
("mp3" . "xmms")))
(defun my-run-async-command (command file)
"Run a command COMMAND on the file asynchronously.
No buffers are created"
(let ((file (car (dired-get-marked-files t current-prefix-arg))))
;last element of alist-programs, contains COMMAND
(file-name-extension file)
;begin of function body
(if command ;command if not nil?
(start-process "command" nil command file)
;attach function to <f2> key
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<f2>") 'my-run-async-command)))
The suggestions to use start-process are ok if he is running a distinct program on the path of course. But if you want run some shell command in a specific directory (eg your project directory) then simply quell the popup - you frequently want the buffer but just dont want it jumping up in your face. eg I run a webserver and I want to see the output, just not now...
(use-package php-mode
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(cons "\\*Symfony Web Server\\*.*" (cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))
(defun php-mode-webserver-hook ()
(if (projectile-project-root) (let ((default-directory (projectile-project-root)))
(unless (get-buffer "*Symfony Web Server*" )
(async-shell-command "bin/console server:run" "*Symfony Web Server*")))))
:hook (php-mode . php-mode-webserver-hook))

How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?

In Emacs - how do I kill buffers matching regexp?
How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?
Something like this?
(defun bk-kill-buffers (bfrRgxp)
(kill-matching-buffers bfrRgxp)
How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?
kill-matching-buffers calls kill-buffer-ask which calls yes-or-no-p. You could temporarily redefine the latter, but for safety reasons I am inclined not to do that -- killing a given buffer could trigger other functionality which needs to ask a yes-or-no question.
Redefining kill-buffer-ask seems a safer bet (or simply copying and modifying the kill-matching-buffers function itself).
(require 'cl)
(defun bk-kill-buffers (regexp)
"Kill buffers matching REGEXP without asking for confirmation."
(interactive "sKill buffers matching this regular expression: ")
(flet ((kill-buffer-ask (buffer) (kill-buffer buffer)))
(kill-matching-buffers regexp)))
For Emacs version >=24, the kmb.el library from ELPA repository
does exactly that with the command kmb-kill-matching-buffers-no-ask.
It also provides the command kmb-delete-process-and-kill-buffer-no-ask,
which kills the current buffer (without confirmation).
I bind the latter command as follows:
(global-set-key (kbd "H-M-<delete>") 'kmb-delete-process-and-kill-buffer-no-ask)
so that i don't call it accidentaly, just when i need it.
You can use kill-matching-buffers. Below code effectively behaves as if kill-buffer (which does not ask before killing) was called instead of kill-buffer-ask:
(defun kill-matching-buffers-just-do-it ()
"Kill buffers whose names match REGEXP, without asking."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'kill-buffer-ask) #'kill-buffer))
(call-interactively #'kill-matching-buffers)))
M-x kill-matching-buffers
This will prompt for a regex, check the documentation for details.

before defadvice not executing before the function?

[I apologize for the poor title, but couldn't come up with a better one.]
bin chen asked on Google+:
How to input relative path of (buffer-file-name) in minibuffer after M-! in #emacs?
I thought if the buffer-file-name is saved in a register, it should be accessible by invoking insert-register (C-x r i) while at the shell-command prompt.
(defun save-buffer-file-name-in-register ()
(set-register ?F (buffer-file-name))
(set-register ?D (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))
(defadvice shell-command (before save-buffer-file-name)
"Save buffer-file-name to register F before running shell-command"
(ad-activate 'shell-command)
When I invoke shell-command (M-!) followed by insert-register (C-x r i), I get the error message: Register does not contain any text.
But when I run list-registers I do see that the registers F and D are set with the appropriate values. If I run the shell-command again, I can access the values from the registers previously saved.
Is it possible that the registers are being set too late for the first time? How can I fix the code to do what I want?
Edit: Changed around to before (Thanks to #phils)
n.b. You have defined around advice, not before advice.
Around advice acts as a wrapper, and must include the token ad-do-it to execute the code of the function it is wrapping.
You have effectively replaced the body of the shell-command function with a call to save-buffer-file-name-in-register
As to your main question, I'd need to check the documentation, but I suspect that because the arguments to the advised function are available to advice, the original function's interactive declaration probably executes before the advice does, which would explain why your register values are not visible at the interactive shell-command prompt.
(If the around in the above code is indeed what you were using, the fact that you were still being prompted for a shell command would seem to verify this sequence.)
When the interactive form runs, your advice hasn't executed yet. See: this question
You need to specify an interactive form in your advice that redefines the original if you want to stick with this approach. However, this approach is a little fancy-pants for the sake of fancy-pants-ness.
Just define your own interactive function which does what you want without registers.
(defun insert-cur-dir ()
(let ((dir-name (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))))))
(insert (or dir-name ""))))
(define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd "C-c i") 'insert-cur-dir)
An alternative, but way awesomer approach is to use yasnippet.

Emacs Modes: "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"

I start to type M-x to type a command
I switch to another emacs window/buffer because I realise I'm executing the command in the wrong window
I start to type M-x again to execute the command in the correct window
Result: I get the dreaded "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"
This happens to me multiple times a day while using emacs, and not just in this scenario. This behaviour is highly user-hostile (ref. Modes and Pseudo-modes in The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin)
Is there a way to customize emacs behaviour so that instead of giving this error, it just cancels the first minibuffer and replaces it with a new one?
You can set the variable enable-recursive-minibuffers, which will prevent that error message from coming up. But it just enables multiple calls to the minibuffer - it doesn't redirect the current minibuffer's command to the new buffer. You can give this a try, but I think it'll be more confusing because the original action is still pending...
M-x is bound to 'execute-extended-command, and re-hosting (changing the original buffer) for that command is kind of like programming with continuation. i.e. you call a subroutine from location X, but instead of returning to X when done, you return to Y. I personally think it'd open up more confusion than it'd solve. But I understand the frustration (and know others who have the same frustration).
Indeed this emacs "feature" is aggressive and annoying.
I found this to be the right answer to the problem .Most likely you lost focus of the minibuffer because you switched windows with the mouse and NOT a minibuffer command. So whenever you lose focus using the mouse, the minibuffer will be cleared. Check this post. It works for me and it's way better than recursive minibuffers which will cause a headache
I'm not sure if there is such a customization, but the way I avoid this is hitting ctrl-g to cancel the command I was in the middle of writing in the minibuffer.
Since my first answer doesn't directly give you what you want, I thought I'd come up with a real solution. This is what I have:
(defvar my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer nil
"var holding the buffer to which the extended-execute-command should apply")
(defvar in-my-execute-extended-command nil
"internal use - indicates whether we're in a 'recursive edit' of sorts")
(defun my-execute-extended-command (command)
"home-grown version of execute-extended-command that supports re-hosting the buffer"
(interactive (list (if in-my-execute-extended-command
(let ((in-my-execute-extended-command t))
(setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil)))))
(if in-my-execute-extended-command
(progn (setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(select-window (minibuffer-window)))
(switch-to-buffer my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer)
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command)))))
I've tested it this way. I bound it to a key (F10 in my case b/c I didn't want to lose M-x). Then, with two windows open, each showing a different buffer (say A and B):
From window showing buffer A: F10 isearch-for
Switch from minibuffer to window showing A: C-x o
Switch from window showing A to that showing B: C-x o
"re-host" the command from buffer B: F10
Now back in the minibuffer, finish the command ward RET
When I started typing a search term, the search applied to buffer B.
This only replaces the M-x functionality, not the commands invoked from M-x. Also, this version does not support the prefix argument.
Hopefully this is what you want.
Here you go:
;; automatically cancel the minibuffer when you switch to it, to avoid
;; "attempted to use minibuffer" error.
;; cy was here
(provide 'cancel-minibuffer)
(defun cancel-minibuffer-first (sub-read &rest args)
(let ((active (active-minibuffer-window)))
(if active
;; we have to trampoline, since we're IN the minibuffer right now.
(apply 'run-at-time 0 nil sub-read args)
(apply sub-read args))))
(advice-add 'read-from-minibuffer :around #'cancel-minibuffer-first)
Can anyone improve on the following?
I've given up and just want to set \C-w to cancel any previous minibuffer before opening a new one (like doing \C-g\C-w)
So far thanks to Trey I've got:
(defun cancel-completing-read ()
(if (> (minibuffer-depth) 0) (exit-minibuffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil))
(defun cancel-and-execute-command (command)
(interactive (list (cancel-completing-read)))
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command))))
(global-set-key "\M-x" 'cancel-and-execute-command)
What command should I use in the place of exit-minibuffer above?
I've tried