Get list of interactive functions in Elisp/Emacs - emacs

I have a bunch of my interactive functions with a prefix, say *zb/" (e.g. "zb/create-temp-buffer"). I am a bit tired every time to type in M-x interaction this prefix of a command I like to run.
To automate this I'd like to retrieve a list of all my interactive functions and show them through ido-completing-read (btw, possibly there are other alternative and modern ways to create input with predefined items and autocompletion?). But I did not manage to find how to retrieve a such list. Could you please give me a cue how to achieve this?
List of all available interactive functions will be enough; to filter is not an issue.

You can use this function for selection
(defun eab/select-zb/ ()
(ido-completing-read "M-x zb/"
(mapcar 'symbol-name (apropos-internal "^zb/"))))))

Maybe give Smex a try?
Smex is a M-x enhancement for Emacs. Built on top of Ido, it provides a convenient interface to your recently and most frequently used commands. And to all the other commands, too.

You say "possibly there are other alternative and modern ways to create input with predefined items and autocompletion?".
Use Icicles and just bind icicle-must-match-regexp:
(defun zb/ ()
(let ((icicle-must-match-regexp "^zb/"))
(call-interactively (intern (completing-read "zb/ command: " obarray 'commandp t)))))
You can also do it with vanilla Emacs and without Ido:
(defun zb/ ()
(intern (completing-read
"zb/ command: "
(lambda (cmd)
(and (commandp cmd) (string-match-p "^zb/" (symbol-name cmd))))
Or do as #artscan suggested: use apropos-internal to match the regexp. IOW, either let completing-read do the matching or match first using apropos-internal. You can pass the commandp predicate to apropos-internal as well.


Programatically insert text into command that normally blocks event loop

I'd like to implement a command that types the first few characters into an existing command and lets me type the rest.
For example, a variant of icicle-execute-extended-command that starts with "icicle-" already entered.
I have tried:
keyboard macros
fail (even on simple things like M-x i c i c l e s) for no apparent reason.
calling icicle-execute-extended-command block the command sequence
How would I go about doing this in a generalized manner?
Nice question.
Here's something generic you can try:
(defun no-mondays ()
(insert "monday"))
(call-interactively 'query-replace)))
And here's a refactoring:
(defun with-initial-minibuffer (str fun)
`(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(insert ,str))
(call-interactively ',fun))))
(defalias 'no-weekends
If you are calling completing-read yourself in your command definition, then just pass the text to insert as the INITIAL-INPUT argument. That's what it's for.
If you use icicle-define-command or icicle-define-file-command (so that your command will be a multi-command), then same thing: pass the INITIAL-INPUT arg.
If you use such a macro, be sure to put something like this in the file that defines the command, so the macro definition is available a byte-compilation time:
(or (condition-case nil
(load-library "icicles-mac") ; Use load-library to ensure latest .elc.
(error nil))
(require 'icicles-mac)))

Getting ido mode functionality similar to dired-at-point in emacs

I like using ido mode in emacs and the listing of directories with C-x C-d which runs ido-list-directory. Is there a command to enable ido-mode operation but at the current point like dired-at-point. I use this quite often but would prefer to use something like ido-dired-at-point.
Didn't know if this was already implemented and I just couldn't find it in the documentation or if it is easy to implement.
Looks like ido-list-directory is used for interactive completion of list-directory. So, if the thing at point is a filename, rather than use ido, using list-directory directly should achieve the same end result.
How about something like this:
(defun ido-ffap-list-directory ()
(let ((fap (ffap-guess-file-name-at-point)))
(if fap
(list-directory (file-name-directory fap))
or, if you want confirmation for the directory # point (only for a C-u prefix) replace the list-directory sexp above with something like this:
(defun ido-ffap-list-directory (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let ((fap (ffap-guess-file-name-at-point)))
(if (null fap)
(if arg
(ido-read-directory-name "Directory: "
(file-name-directory fap)))
(list-directory (file-name-directory fap))))))
(setq ido-use-filename-at-point 'guess)

Passing Emacs variables to minibuffer shell commands

I can run a shell command quickly by hitting M-!. One thing I'd like to do is perform shell quick operations on the current file. An example would be checking the file out through perforce:
M-! p4 edit buffer-file-name RET
(Yes there are perforce integrations, but I'm more interested in the minishell/variable problem rather than a specific workflow)
Of course, the buffer-file-name variable is not evaluated before the command is sent to the shell.
Is there an easy on-the-fly way to do this? Or will I have to roll a custom elisp function?
It seems current Emacs has something built-in to achieve the desired result, after M-! (shell-command) press <down>, you will get the file name you are currently visiting on the prompt. Now you can edit it to add the command you want to run on it.
In dired-mode it will give you the file your cursor is currently on.
Indeed using C-u M-: is almost right. I'm not so sure about using shell-quote-argument in eval-to-shell-argument since it only works on strings making it impossible to use eval-to-shell-argument to insert a number or a symbol. You could try something like:
(defun sm-minibuffer-insert-val (exp)
(list (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
(read-from-minibuffer "Insert: "
nil read-expression-map t
(let ((val (with-selected-window (minibuffer-selected-window)
(eval exp)))
(standard-output (current-buffer)))
(prin1 val)))
and then bind this function in your minibuffer with (define-key minibuffer-local-map [?\M-:] 'sm-minibuffer-insert-val).
Of course, if the only thing you ever want to insert is the buffer-file-name, then your execute-shell-command-on-buffer is simpler.
I did roll my own elisp function, and it looks like this:
(defun execute-shell-command-on-buffer (shell-command-text)
(interactive "MShell command:")
(shell-command (format shell-command-text (shell-quote-argument buffer-file-name)))
I bound it to M-", so now my example can be completed with:
M-"p4 edit %sRET
I won't accept this as the answer, because I did ask for solutions that don't require a function.
You can use C-u M-: (eval-expression with a universal prefix argument) to evaluate any Lisp expression and insert its value at point in the current buffer (including minibuffers, as long as you have enable-recursive-minibuffers set to a non-nil value).
In your example: C-u M-: buffer-file-name RET.
Note that the result of the expression is printed in Lisp form: that is, quoted in such a way that a subsequent call to read would construct an equal Lisp value. For strings, this means enclosing in double quotes, which will probably be interpreted as you expect by the inferior shell. However, you may run into problems with strings that contain special characters, which need different escaping by Elisp and the shell.
The more correct way uses shell-quote-argument, as in phils' solution. Here's a quick defun that reads a Lisp expression and inserts its value at point as a properly quoted shell word:
(defun eval-to-shell-argument (form)
(interactive "XEval: ")
(insert (shell-quote-argument form)))
The read-and-evaluate step happens automatically by using an "X" as the argument to interactive.
Edited to add: As #tenpn notes, the above solution doesn't work for inserting buffer-local variables like buffer-file-name in a minibuffer like the one M-! pops up (more precisely, it inserts the buffer-local value of the minibuffer, which is unlikely to be useful). Here is a revised version which seems to work. If the minibuffer is active, it makes the buffer of the previously-selected window temporarily active while reading and evaluating an expression.
Final edit: From #Stefan's answer I see that I should have used (minibuffer-selected-window) to find the previously-selected window. I've also added a (format "%s" ..) to allow inserting non-string values, while still quoting special characters in strings. Here's the final version:
(defun eval-to-shell-argument ()
(let* ((buffer
(if (minibufferp)
(window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(eval-minibuffer "Eval: "))))
(insert (shell-quote-argument (format "%s" result)))))
You can't do that with M-!, but you can evaluate arbitrary elisp from the minibuffer, so writing a function isn't strictly necessary:
M-: (shell-command (format "p4 edit %s" (shell-quote-argument buffer-file-name))) RET
In this case however, I think eshell is what you want to use:
M-x eshell-command RET p4 edit (eval buffer-file-name) RET
Edit: Except unfortunately that doesn't work, as the *eshell cmd* buffer is selected when that is evaluated. One solution would be:
M-x eshell-command RET p4 edit (eval buffer-file-name (other-buffer nil t)) RET
(Not quite as elegant, sorry.)
Everyone seems to be rolling their own version, so here's mine -- it will substitue the current filename or marked dired-files or current dired file wherever a % is in the shell command. It follows the same conventions as M-! so I bind it to that.
(defun my-shell-command (command &optional output-buffer error-buffer)
"Run a shell command with the current file (or marked dired files).
In the shell command, the file(s) will be substituted wherever a '%' is."
(interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Shell command: "
nil nil nil 'shell-command-history)
(cond ((buffer-file-name)
(setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "%" (buffer-file-name) command nil t)))
((and (equal major-mode 'dired-mode) (save-excursion (dired-move-to-filename)))
(setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "%" (mapconcat 'identity (dired-get-marked-files) " ") command nil t))))
(shell-command command output-buffer error-buffer))

How can I apply a hook to multiple Emacs modes at once?

I was reading an article about well-formatted Git commits, and I was wondering how I could apply some of the rules to the Magit log mode.
It seems to use 3 major modes simultaneously: Magit, Log, Edit.
So how would I get just those modes, when used together, to hard-wrap at 72 characters automatically?
In answer to the original stated question, if you have a single function to add to numerous hook variables, you could do it like this:
(defun my-add-to-multiple-hooks (function hooks)
(mapc (lambda (hook)
(add-hook hook function))
(defun my-turn-on-auto-fill ()
(setq fill-column 72)
Not the best example, perhaps, but I have something similar for some common behaviours I want enabled in programming modes, of which there are a great many more to list.
Emacs modes have "base modes" which is to say bade modes. For example python-mode extends prog-mode which itself extends fundamental-mode. All modes extend fundamental-mode. So to hook python-mode plus c-mode but not text-mode, you could hook prog-mode.
There can be only one major mode in Emacs buffer (unless you are using something like MMM or MuMaMo). In your case that one major mode is magit-log-edit-mode, whose name consists of three words ("Magit Log Edit"). You can just add to it whatever hook you like:
(defun my-turn-on-auto-fill ()
(setq fill-column 72)
(add-hook 'magit-log-edit-mode-hook 'my-turn-on-auto-fill)
In general, you could define your own function, say my-common-hook and add it to all the major modes, for example:
(defun my-common-hook ()
... do stuff ...
(add-hook 'one-mode-hook 'my-common-hook)
(add-hook 'another-mode-hook 'my-common-hook)
(add-hook 'a-third-mode-hook 'my-common-hook)
Just seeing this now, but here's what I've done. The end result is that i want to do the following:
(hook-up-modes my-lisps 'standard-lisp-environment).
To do this, i define the following defvars.
(defvar my-lisps "clojure lisp emacs-lisp cider-repl")
(defun standard-lisp-environment ()
(paredit-mode 1)
(rainbow-delimiters-mode 1)
(eldoc-mode 1))
I want to have lisp append -mode-hook to the lisps i use so i have the following:
(defun append-suffix (suffix phrases)
"take SUFFIX and append it to each of the PHRASES."
(mapcar #'(lambda (phrase) (concat phrase suffix)) phrases))
so that ("clojure" "lisp") => ("clojure-mode-hook" "lisp-mode-hook").
Now that we could easily have these, we need their reader symbols, which we easily get from
(defun symbols-from-strings (strings)
"Given a list of strings, get their symbol values"
(mapcar #'intern strings))
And then finally we have the similar form posted above:
(defun multiple-mode-add-hook (modes hook)
"Given a list of x-mode-hook symbols in MODE, add the HOOK to them."
(mapc (lambda (mode) (add-hook mode hook)) modes))
These all operate on the type that makes sense for them, list of strings, list of symbols 'blah-mode-hook, etc. So now we need a nice user facing function that we can work with.
(defun hook-up-modes (strings hook)
(let ((modes (symbols-from-strings
(append-suffix "-mode-hook" (split-string strings)))))
(multiple-mode-add-hook modes hook)))
Now this should be pretty legible: We create our modes from a space delimited list of strings and apply the hook to it. Also, since I've defined a standard-lisp-environment, all my lisps behave similarly, and I can easily remove the hook later if I like. Then the code that actually does work is the super simple phrase
(hook-up-modes my-lisps 'standard-lisp-environment).
(dolist (mode-hook '(org-mode-hook
(add-hook mode-hook (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0))))

Can I use ido-completing-read instead of completing-read everywhere?

I'm a big fan of ido-mode, so much so that I would like to use it for things like describe-function or find-tag and so on, without having to write something like in "Can I get ido-mode-style completion for searching tags in Emacs?" for each one.
(defalias completing-read ido-completing-read)
(setf 'completing-read 'ido-completing-read)
don't work, at least partly because ido-completing-read calls completing-read in its body, so any simple redefinition would result in infinite recursion.
In theory, it should be possible, since the first line of the docstring for ido-completing-read is "Ido replacement for the built-in completing-read." I've looked around a bit and can't seem to find anyone else who has attempted or succeeded at it.
I realize that Icicles probably provides something like this, and I may end up going with that anyway, but it is a bit more of a plunge than I care to take right now.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: This is now an Emacs package available from MELPA. It has been expanded into a full-fledged minor mode. Development happens on GitHub.
Original post:
Here is my refinement of Jacobo's answer. Credit to him for the original magic. I've added an override variable, which you can use to prevent the use of ido-completing-read in specific functions. I have also added a check that uses the original completing-read if there are no completions (This happens occasionally, for example in org-remember-apply-template from org-mode, which breaks with Jacobo's original advice).
(defvar ido-enable-replace-completing-read t
"If t, use ido-completing-read instead of completing-read if possible.
Set it to nil using let in around-advice for functions where the
original completing-read is required. For example, if a function
foo absolutely must use the original completing-read, define some
advice like this:
(defadvice foo (around original-completing-read-only activate)
(let (ido-enable-replace-completing-read) ad-do-it))")
;; Replace completing-read wherever possible, unless directed otherwise
(defadvice completing-read
(around use-ido-when-possible activate)
(if (or (not ido-enable-replace-completing-read) ; Manual override disable ido
(boundp 'ido-cur-list)) ; Avoid infinite loop from ido calling this
(let ((allcomp (all-completions "" collection predicate)))
(if allcomp
(setq ad-return-value
(ido-completing-read prompt
nil require-match initial-input hist def))
Oh, and for using ido in M-x, use amx.
Hocus pocus, abracadabra, presto!
(defadvice completing-read
(around foo activate)
(if (boundp 'ido-cur-list)
(setq ad-return-value
(all-completions "" collection predicate)
nil require-match initial-input hist def))))
That works with everything but subr's, from which execute-extended-command is the one that matters (what is binded to M-x). But we can get what we want from M-x
(lambda ()
"M-x "
(all-completions "" obarray 'commandp))))))
I don't think ido-mode is ready for this quite yet. In particular, ido-completing-read currently only works with strings, while completing-read supports alists as well. This is very important once you want to have a different user-level description of the items you want to complete on.
Therefore I am not surprised that it doesn't work out of the box, yet. Short of modifying the code yourself your best bet is probably to just file a bug report/feature request.
Ido comes with a function that should do this, so just call it in your .emacs file:
(ido-everywhere t)
Using Emacs 24.3, ido-ubiquitous didn't work for me. So tried this and it is working fine so far:
(defun my-completing-read (prompt collection &optional predicate
require-match initial-input
hist def inherit-input-method)
(if (listp collection)
(ido-completing-read prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
(completing-read-default prompt collection predicate require-match
initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)))
(setq completing-read-function 'my-completing-read)
Just a thought: have you tried editing ido-completing-read to call original-completing-read instead of completing-read, defining original-completing-read to be the current completing-read and then doing your defalias or setf thing?