In a system for moderating offensive user content, how do you decide on a threshold for automatic removal? [closed] - ugc

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm writing a forum application and want to automatically moderate offensive posts using a flagging system similar to the one on StackOverflow in which users are given the ability to report problematic posts as falling into one of three categories:
* Abusive speech
* Off topic
* Spam
If a particular post receives a certain number of flags, I would like the system to automatically delete the post.
How should I decide what this threshold should be?

By 'delete', I would assume you mean 'deactivate and make invisible to normal users', so that you can still access the post and make determinations as to whether the flagging system is being used appropriately.
I would say, decide what the threshold should be by picking a number between three and five depending on how large and active a user base you have, and adjusting the number upward or downward based on how you see it playing out in practice.

I'd make it some percentage of the views after a certain number of views.
Views > 5
Greater than 1/5 ratio of offensive
flags to views


Best way to handle multiple screen aspects on mobile [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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So, I have been been looking a lot into this topic and the internet seems to be rather vague and divided. I have found that a lot of people handle different screen sizes and aspect ratios by using certain scripts to scale and anchor game objects.
Some people say that you should have assets of different sizes, and enable/disable them based on the screen size. While this method (to me) seems more efficient, it feels like this is suggested less than the other method.
So I would like to ask what the best method is. (Or if there is such a thing as the "best")
The best way is by using a Canvas Scaler and making good use of the anchor-point of the UI elements in your scene and using Layout Groups, this way they will fit nicely into almost all of the aspect ratios.
A few videos covering these topics:
Jimmy Vegas
Unity 3D With Scott
Cat Trap Studios

Spotify: How is a track's popularity value determined? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been working with the spotify meta data api, and I was trying to figure out exactly what the popularity field of a track meant (represented as a float, 1 being popular, 0 not). I checked if there was a linear correlation between the float value and total plays as listed in spotify, but there definitely is not. I found three tracks by the same artist whose popularity values were all 0.61, one had 1.7 million plays, one had 1.6 million and another had ~140,000. Unfortunately playcounts are not part of their meta data api.
Does anybody know how they determine this value for each track? I'm guessing it might be a relative fraction of (plays/time on spotify) compared to the track with the most plays/time but I can't prove that. If you know I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks
Spotify's popularity is indeed based on the number of streams, but instead of total plays, it's based on a short timeframe.
This is why you'll often see a more popular number on #1 on an artist profile that has less plays than the #2.
We have used the API number as a percentage in our [Stream Popularity][1], giving people insight in the current popularity of their track. So keep in mind this is a number the can increase, but just as easily decrease.
Good luck!
link above has been removed because it was pointing to a phishing website. For reference here is a link from webarchive

negative user feedback warning : any way to narrow down specific posts? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We've received an automated message "Our systems have flagged your app <> for receiving a high amount of negative user feedback. Accordingly, we might be forced to place a temporary restriction on your app in order to protect the user experience on Platform. We ask you to promptly address this issue within 48 hours of the sending of this notice, after which our automated systems will evaluate your app once again. Please note we reserve the right to take action against your app even before the end of this 48 hour period.
Specifically, users are responding negatively to Stream stories from their friends using your app."
We're struggling to triage and rectify this ASAP. We're not aware of any engineering change that would introduce an issue and we manage a news-style website from which a user can share any number of stories. BUT we can't find anything in insight that gives us an idea if a specific story was shared and is the root cause of being reported as spam.
IS anybody aware of how one might "drill down" within insight and get down to the metadata regarding the specific posts being flagged/reported?

*NOT* grouping photos on Timeline [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When we post several single photos within a short period of time via the API, the fanpage timeline groups these images together automatically.
Is there a certain length of time that you need to wait to ensure that the images appear separately within the page?
This is intentional behavior to enhance the user experience on the Facebook Newsfeed. The photos are automatically grouped together to a nice album view rather than making multiple entries in the user's newsfeed which can appear spammy.
If you want to have the photos appear separately then you need to wait some time between posts. It is recommended that you do not post too frequently to a page otherwise users may mark the posts a spam which has a negative affect on visibility of your future posts.
i would wait 1 hr in between each post.

How much time does it take for an app to be available in the App Store [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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After submiting a new application, will it be instantly available for purchasing, or does it take some dealy?
The answer I give to clients and is generally the case for apps we have submitted from the UK (over 75 apps and hundreds of updates) is "between 1 and 4 weeks".
This is usually the scenario but there is a lot left up to chance.
You can also apply for extenuating circumstances (say for instance if your app needs to be released for a specific event ie. the World Cup) when I have seen apps get reviewed in a matter of days. You will not always be successful in receiving this benefit.
It won't be instantly available, since Apple has to look at your app first. They will check your app and accept it or reject it accordingly. It depends of course, on how long it takes until your app is reviewed. It has to be done by humans so I believe the time it'll take differs per app.