I have a table with thousands of addresses as points.
Is there a function in postgis that will allow me to get a bounding polygon around these points and return it as a polygon?
update I am looking for a more complex polygon than just a bounding rectangle
It may be not 100% clear from your question what you mean as more bounding polygon. It may be understood as
minimum bounding rectangle (also known as MBR or envelope) for which you can use ST_Envelope, ST_Box2D or ST_Extent,
as s a minimum geometry which encloses all points within given geometry, a convex envelope and in this case you can use ST_ConvexHull or even ST_ExteriorRing if your input would be a polygon,
As Pimin pointed in the comments below, ST_ConcaveHull is another option worth to consider, available since PostGIS 2.0.0.
ST_Extent provides an aggregate function that returns a bounding box that bounds a set of geometries.
I have a set of polygons and I want to draw the smallest possible polygon around them (it has to be a rectangular shape, all inner angles 90 degrees).
To achieve this I used the bboxPolygon function from turf.js and it works okay, but it does not take in account rotation of the polygons.
For example take a look at the image bellow, the purple line is the bboxPolygon result but there is too much space at the sides, what I ultimately try to achieve is the corners should be near the topmost points of polygon 101 and bottom most of 202. Is there some other method to use to achieve this? I tried envelope but I still get the same results...
By definition, a bbox is always aligned north/south/east/west.
In this particular case, a convex hull is probably what you want. Turf supports that with the convex method.
I am working on image segmentation and I thought the convex hull can provide me with a simple solution to my problem. Currently I have polygons with for sides (see image below). Due to image processing issues, the shape does not have clean straight sides and hence when I use the standard convex hull (in Matlab) I may get more than the four main corners to define it.
My goal is to force the convex hull algorithm to find the best 4 vertices that will enclose my polygons (i.e. 4 best enclosing vertices per polygon). Is this possible? An example code will be appreciated.
The problem of the minimum area bounding polygon is briefly mentioned in "Geometric applications of a matrix-searching algorithm" (see Applications section). It is not simple and is probably not the way for you.
For an easier (but approximate) answer to your question, you can consider the four cardinal directions and find the farthest points in these, which define a quadrilateral. (Also consider the four intermediate directions, which are more appropriate for an axis-aligned rectangle.)
If you insist having an enclosing quadrilateral, you can translate the four edges to the farthest points in the respective perpendicular directions, and find the pairwise intersections.
If you insist having a rectangle, compute the convex hull and find the minimum area or minimum perimeter bounding rectangle by the Rotating Calipers method. https://geidav.wordpress.com/tag/rotating-calipers/
Is there a way in Turfjs to determine the co-ordinates at which a LineString intersects with the border of a polygon?
There's a number of ways to find out if a point is within a polygon and a number of ways to find out if a point is on a line and so on, but I can't seem to figure out a way to ask "at what point does this line intersect this polygon's border".
I could enumerate the points in the polygon using a line intersection algorithm to find that point but I was wondering if there's a more "turf" way of doing this.
For context, I've loaded a GPX track and want to estimate the location/time at which the track enters/exits a defined area.
Because a GPX track only records locations at specific intervals it usually the case that pN recorded at time tN is outside the area and pN+1 recorded at time tN+1 is inside the area.
If I can get the point at which line (pN, pN+1) intersects the polygon's border I can estimate the exact time the track crosses into the polygon.
Ultimately, turfjs does not seem to have an API for doing this.
I was able to get the answer I wanted by enumerating the points in the polygon from the GeoJSON object to construct a sequence of line segments and then I used maxogden/geojson-js-utils linesIntersect function to test for intersection points.
I don't see a Turf function that does exactly that, but there is intersect, which finds the area of intersection between two polygons.
You could:
Construct a polygon by joining the line to itself reversed (so ABC becomes ABCBA)
Find the intersection of ABCBA and P, the original polygon using Intersect.
The intersection should be a zero-area polygon that is the part of ABCBA inside P. Somehow compute the length of it (strangely there's no perimeter function).
Subtract that length from the original length of ABC.
Not exactly elegant, true. :)
Tried this. Turns out Turf-intersect doesn't return intersections if one of the polygons is zero-area.
I have a shape which you can imagine as a lake in a field observed from the top (2D). I determined the border pixels of the shape after an image processing, so that I have the coordinates of each border point.
Now I want to calculate the perimeter of this shape. My problem is that I have the points not in following order that would give a closed loop, but unordered.
How can a problem like this be solved in Matlab? (including Curve-Fitting-Toolbox etc.)
Thank you for any suggestions!
You can use the function regionprops for this.
Turn your image into a binary image with 1 inside your 'lake' and 0 outside (which you should be easily able to do, as you mention you extracted the boundaries).
Then use:
props=regionprops(YourBinaryImage, 'Perimeter');
You can then access the perimeter as follows: props.Perimeter
If you have set of 3D points with (x,y,z) coordinates, you may set z to zero and use the 2D (x,y) points to find the convex hull using convhull regardless of their order .
Can I have a polygon-column in Postgres?
Is there a function to calculate the area of the polygon or at least the area of the bounding box?
(without postgis)
area(path(w.poly)) works. Is it the same?
As you say area(path(w.poly)) works.
It calculates the area of a polygon or other geometric figure. It is correct.