Calculate the perimeter of a shape specified with a cloud of points - matlab

I have a shape which you can imagine as a lake in a field observed from the top (2D). I determined the border pixels of the shape after an image processing, so that I have the coordinates of each border point.
Now I want to calculate the perimeter of this shape. My problem is that I have the points not in following order that would give a closed loop, but unordered.
How can a problem like this be solved in Matlab? (including Curve-Fitting-Toolbox etc.)
Thank you for any suggestions!

You can use the function regionprops for this.
Turn your image into a binary image with 1 inside your 'lake' and 0 outside (which you should be easily able to do, as you mention you extracted the boundaries).
Then use:
props=regionprops(YourBinaryImage, 'Perimeter');
You can then access the perimeter as follows: props.Perimeter

If you have set of 3D points with (x,y,z) coordinates, you may set z to zero and use the 2D (x,y) points to find the convex hull using convhull regardless of their order .


Calculating area on N points

Im trying to calculate numerically an area of different shapes where the only thing I know about them is the (x,y) of each corner.
For example the shapes are:
P.s. The points inside the shape are for other calculation, I only need the area of the most outer shape.
Thank you.
Create polygon, and use polyarea function.
Given x,y location of corners than:

Crop an image using multiple coordinates in Matlab

I used the "imfreehand" to crop an irregular shape and save its positions into a variable. This position variable is a 85*2 double matrix (85 points, X and Y coordinates). Now, I want to use the same position to crop another image (different layer of the image, but the location of the objects is the same). The functions I can find all requires rectangle positions (X1,X2,Y1,Y2). In my situation, I have 82 different (X,Y) coordinates, how can I use the position information to crop a new image?
From what I understand, you want to take the coordinates created by imfreehand(...) to create a cropable object on another image. You can use the function impoly(hparent,position) for this purpose.
The MathWorks page provides an example to guide you on its usage.

Measure circularity or ellipticality

I have some binary images that want to classify them base on shape of them in MATLAB. If they have circular or elliptical shape they belong to class one,if they have elliptical shape with dent in their boundary they belong to class two. I dont know how can I use this feature. Can any body help me with this?
You can use the eccentricity property in regionprops. From MATLAB documentation of eccentricity:
The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the foci of the ellipse and its major axis length. The value is between 0 and 1. (0 and 1 are degenerate cases. An ellipse whose eccentricity is 0 is actually a circle, while an ellipse whose eccentricity is 1 is a line segment.)
So as the value of eccentricity increases , the ellipse starts becoming flatter. Hence, at its maximum value = 1, it is a line segment.
To check if there is a dent in the ellipse, you can use check for convexity. Whenever there is a dent in an ellipse, it will be non-convex. In other words, if you try to fit a convex polygon, it won't be able to approximate the shape well enough. You can use convexArea property to check the same. From MATLAB documentation of convexArea:
Returns a p-by-2 matrix that specifies the smallest convex polygon that can contain the region. Each row of the matrix contains the x- and y-coordinates of one vertex of the polygon. Only supported for 2-D label matrices.
So you use bwlabel to create a 2-D label matrix from your binary image and then check the difference between the area of your binary image and the area of the fitted convex polygon. Measuring area could be as simple as counting pixels. You already know that the number pixels of your fitted convex polygon = p. Just take the absolute difference between p and the number of pixels in your original binary image. You should be able to easily set a threshold to classify into one of the two classes.
I think you can write the code for this. Hope this helps.

Binary mask in image space from point cloud data

I have a point cloud representing walls and the floor of an indoor scene.
I projected the points of the floor on a plane. That means it's a "2d point cloud" now.
All z-coordinates are zero.
I have to deal with missing parts. My idea now is to fill the holes.
Is there a way to transform the points into the image space to create a
binary mask? I would like to use techniques like: "imfill" in Matlab...
To make it more clear, I will explain an simple example. I have points in 2D. After I made a triangulation, I can access each triangle. For each triangle I create a binary mask with poly2mask(), and each mask I write to an final image.
Here is an example:
Now I can use morphological operations on the image.
E.G: Here is an more complex example, where the triangulation gives me bad results:
To fill the hole on the right side, I could use morphological operation.
My problem: The points can be negative, and the distance between the triangles can be very small (E.g.: x coordinates of triangle: (1.12 1.14 1.12), will give me the point 1 in the image space

matlab: how do create a projection

I want to create a perspective projection of a 3D image onto the x,y plane with a focal length of 10 and a principal point (-1, -5).
I found:
But I do not get how to tell matlab that I want to use the x,y plane nor how to set the focal length? Can someone explain me how to do that?
I'm afraid you are not looking for the right functions.
The view function does only change the point of view on the current axis, while viewmtxreturn a transformation matrix.
You may want to do something similar to what it is discussed on this post How do I draw a texture-mapped triangle in MATLAB?, where maketform and imtransform are the key functions to get a plane image reprojected into another certain 3d plane.