How to change Eclipse run script in QNX6? - eclipse

Related to another question, we want to change the eclipse run command.
I found that eclipse can run executing the script:
But the startup configuration is not written there. The only thing the script does is executing the file:
This file is a binary which ends calling another one with all the startup parameters for Eclipse.
So my question is: where can I find and change those parameters?
Thank you for your time.

I would first look at the eclipse.ini file to check if your startup configuration is not better expressed there.
(that is one element for having a quicker eclipse)
In your case, it should be at:
If it is not there, you could create it. It would be detected by eclipse during launch.


provide wrong classpath for netbeans [duplicate]

I need to make a GUI Application for my class , so I want to make sure I can transfer a netbeans project using the GUI Builder (I know how to make it without it, but that's more time consuming and I think it would look neater without me guessing coordinates etc. and I was use to the netbeans GUI builder) from netbeans onto unix and compile it. So here's what I did I made a new JFrame form (using netbeans GUI Builder) called and another called (keep in mind that it ran with no errors in netbeans) StartFrame creates a new instance of MenuFrame and opens it on it's first run. So I transferred all of it onto the unix system. So at first I tried compiling it, but of course it got errors, saying that org.jdesktop... isn't found.
Okay so I've already searched stackoverflow and the web for this. So I ended up getting the swing-layout-1.0.4.jar from the libraries in netbeans.
I'm kind of new at compiling from command line, but I put them all in the same folder, and while I was in that directory.
I did
javac -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
and I got the error that NoClassDefFoundException: MenuFrame even though it is in the same folder. So then I tried
javac -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
and it compiled fine with no errors. So then It created 6 files StartFrame.class StartFrame$1.class StartFrame$2.class StartFrame$3.class StartFrame$4.class MenuFrame.class
I tried running it with
java -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar StartFrame
and it had a NoClassDefFoundException: StartFrame. I searched the web for fixes for this and stack overflow and found similar (not exact though) problems like this, but none of those fixed it.
The file dist/README.TXT will tell you how to proceed. Type ant -p at the command line to see that available commands: ant run is usually good.
The machine doesn't have ant installed
That would be unusual, so you should certainly verify it. You may need to add the current directory to the path, e.g.
java -cp .:swing-layout-1.0.4.jar StartFrame

Testng - Ant - windows terminal how to deal with errant input

I have a java selenium QA project where we use ant and testng via the powershell terminal. What I would like help with is creating a redirect if a tester enters a typo in the terminal.
If I am in the run directory and I simply type ant, it will run the default.xml file listed in the build.xml file which is what I expect.
If I enter an actual ant command with a typo though:
ant -Dtestdir= c:\dev\qa\src\tests -Dtestxml=blablabla
it will attempt to run every test.xml file in the test directory. This is especially problematic because most of the those test.xml files call java classes that contain #Factory and #Dataprovider(s) and they allocate everything at once which just causes everything to fail.
What I would like is a way to tell ant if the input is erroneous, then run the default.xml file(which I have configured to populate an html error page). I've been reviewing both testng and ant docs and I'm not finding a solution, so your guidance would be appreciated.
Other than this one issue, the system works very well.
After digging around a bit more and learning how to ask the question properly, I found 2 great examples here on SO.
1) Create an additional ant target that checks for the existence of the file the user has typed. And add it to the depends attribute of the main target , and also adding the if attribute.
2) Use the Ant fail task and fail the build (with a message) if the file is not available. I prefer this one because the tester can get some feedback.
Example 2

Convenient way to run eclipse plugin

I have recently started developing an Eclipse plugin (which is basic stuff for now) and I am struggling with "default" way to run Eclipse plugin ("Run as Eclipse application").
The Eclipse is starting another instance with my plugin already installed in it (this is default behaviour).
The problem is that when I want to re-run my plugin project and I press "run" button again (or Ctrl + F11) (and the another Eclipse instance still running) I get following message:
"Could not launch the application because the associated workspace is currently in use by another Eclipse application".
The error makes sense, and when I close "testing" Eclipse instance I am able to run my plugin again.
The question is - "is it normal routine for plugin development?". Maybe I am missing something, e.g. special arguments for Eclipse?
This seems all pretty normal. The error message is since the run configuration is specifing a workspace and when you start a second instance using the same workspace it is locked and considered in use.
What I usually do when testing a plugin is to create a run configuration (click "Run...") where I disable all the plugins I wont need when testing. This makes sure that the test starts up a couple of seconds quicker. Make sure you save that run configuration as a *.launch file aswell, that makes it quicker to test the next time. Or it can be used to share the configuration.
There's a lot you can configure in the run configuration, such as eclipse arguments, vm argument, if you want environment variables set, etc. So be sure to experiment a little.
In your run configuration. Main tab->Workspace Data ->Location text box add this:
Note the suffix ${current_date:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss} by this every time you launch your application new workspace will be created. So you will not get any error message saying workspace is locked.
But be careful as the folder .metadata will be different for different instances as their work-spaces are different. Thus preferences stored/retrieved by different instances are NOT in sync.
You are probably missing one important point: Eclipse supports the Java hot code replacement. Therefore in many cases you can modify your Java code while your application Eclipse instance is running, save the code and continue without restarting.
If hot code replacement is not possible, Eclipse will tell you, so you always know whether the editing changes are applied to the running instance.
This works best with more recent versions of the JVM, so consider upgrading to the latest Java 7 version, even if you write code to be compliant with Java 1.5 or 6.

How can I in ant wait until a file is usable?

I'm trying to fix a build file where a part of it runs a bash script to generate a file. This file generation takes under a second and wasn't a problem until we moved to eclipse.
The issue is that if I save any file in eclipse with a change and then run ant to build. I get a "class not found" error on the generated file. Seems like eclipse is doing something to the newly generated file (it even shows it with an error check box)
If I wait a few seconds more and run the build again, it works fine.
What I have been trying to use is this.
<waitfor maxwait="30" maxwaitunit="second">
<available file="${src}/"/>
It does not work. I also tried to look at something called <readable> under the selectors set which by the documentation could be used in junction with some other waitfor methods.
How can I fix this problem or is there another way around it?
Found the issue. Eclipse was locking the generated file while it was building the workspace so the bash script that generated it would mess up.
The building of the workspace took 4-5 seconds so that was the delay.
I was able to speed up the building of the workspace by disabling the XML and DTD validation. (Window > Preferences > Validation)

Command line builds for VC 6?

I have been used to working with VS2005 and 2008 - using msbuild, etc, but I have inherited a set of projects that have to remain in vc6.0 for now. I don't like opening each project in the developer studio and building. I prefer to build form command line (I am automating the builds). Is this possible?
I have tried the nmake utility, but I still need to open up the projects and save/export the make file. This is tedious if the project changes - each time I have to save the make file. nmake seems to work, but it had a problem when I changed the location of the project in my directory tree (I checked out of svn into a new clean dir to try the build). It seemed to have hard coded paths in it, but I will have to check on that - it might have been a different problem.
Any alternatives out there?
Eventually I will migrate these to 2008, but for now that is not an option.
I'm recording the most important part of your link here - Microsoft has a bad habit of moving stuff around and leaving dead links. Not only is this the most important bit, but it gives enough information to do a search if/when they move it.
Building a Project from the Command Line
You can build a Visual C++ project from the command line without first exporting a makefile (MAKEFILE, or filename.mak) and using the NMAKE utility.
The basic command syntax is
msdev FileName [/MAKE "ProjectName – ConfigName | ALL"] [/REBUILD /CLEAN /NORECURSE /OUT LogFile /USEENV]
where FileName is the name of your project (.dsp) or workspace (.dsw) file.
I think I found m answer here:
thanks all
of course you can automate. I haven't used vc in years, but I think the compiler is called c8.exe or wow, I can't remember silly little tidbits like that anymore, but look in your vc\bin directory at all the exes and it will be obvious by name.
you can write a batch file worst case. But I also remember the UI having a "create makefile" function. So you do that once, and then just run make from the command line and voila. or maybe it's nmake. Again, been a long long time.
Microsoft provides a command line driver for building Visual Studio projects. In VC6 it's called "msdev" (do msdev /? for a list of options).
At some point (probably VS.NET/VS 2002) they started calling the command line build driver "devenv" for some reason. It has a somewhat different syntax, but for driving builds the options are the same or similar.
We use automated builds at my work place. Essentially just a batch file i fire off from the command line. Let me make sure i am allowed to post some sample code before i go ahead and post it. But yes, it IS possible to automate the build.
Sample Code:
:::::::: CompileSolution :::::::::::::::::::::::::
call X:\BuildTools\bin\BuildVbProj.bat
goto BuildErrors
goto Cleanup
EDIT: The BuildVbProj.bat file ultimately calls VB6.exe in the Program Files\MS Visual Studio\VB98\ folder. Try calling it with "VB6.exe /?" or "VB6.exe -?" and it will show you a list of options. You can basically automate your process using those options.
There should be a similar exe for VC in the VC98 folder as well.
Another option which is less labor intensive is
Pulldown Menu (BUILD)
Push Button (REBUILDALL)