Testng - Ant - windows terminal how to deal with errant input - powershell

I have a java selenium QA project where we use ant and testng via the powershell terminal. What I would like help with is creating a redirect if a tester enters a typo in the terminal.
If I am in the run directory and I simply type ant, it will run the default.xml file listed in the build.xml file which is what I expect.
If I enter an actual ant command with a typo though:
ant -Dtestdir= c:\dev\qa\src\tests -Dtestxml=blablabla
it will attempt to run every test.xml file in the test directory. This is especially problematic because most of the those test.xml files call java classes that contain #Factory and #Dataprovider(s) and they allocate everything at once which just causes everything to fail.
What I would like is a way to tell ant if the input is erroneous, then run the default.xml file(which I have configured to populate an html error page). I've been reviewing both testng and ant docs and I'm not finding a solution, so your guidance would be appreciated.
Other than this one issue, the system works very well.

After digging around a bit more and learning how to ask the question properly, I found 2 great examples here on SO.
1) Create an additional ant target that checks for the existence of the file the user has typed. And add it to the depends attribute of the main target , and also adding the if attribute.
2) Use the Ant fail task and fail the build (with a message) if the file is not available. I prefer this one because the tester can get some feedback.
Example 2


Problem while trying to execute ant file in java

I'm trying to compile a service using a java ant file as appears below:
and my buid-jar.xml looks like this:
the problem i have is that eclipse is not recognizing the enviroment variables and it takes the names literally causing an error on building time:
Both, paths and ant files does exists in these routes in my user folder, but i don't know why this error is happening. I'm using jdk 1.8.0_45.
Any idea? Sorry i had to attach screenshots instead code, but the proxy of the company network that i work for doesn't allow me to navigate on stackoverflow.

How to debug soap UI scripts using Eclipse

I have written some libraries which is in groovy.
My SOAP UI scripts which is currently used for API automation is using these libraries. As there is no debug option in SOAP UI Pro It is very hard to find the failures. Can someone help to debug the groovy script from eclipse. Which is called internally by a SOAP UI Script
Here is the way I get it done:
Instead of writing the logic in a groovy script using soapUI script editor, create groovy/java (user choice) class and its methods for the same logic. Here I assume that the script would have relative lots of lines code than fewer lines.
This has couple of advantages:
Intelli sense (which is not available if you write the same in soapUI tool)
Formatting of code
Easy debug
Maintenance of the code would be simple
Have a groovy/java project in the IDE of your choice (Intellij suits better for groovy projects, personal view only). Have the logic in the form of classes / methods. Compile those classes and create a jar file. Place it under SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory.
Edit the soapui invoking script(SOAPUI_HOME/bin/soapui.sh on unix or .bat on windows) and add the debug parameters in JAVA_OPTS say
In the groovy script, just instantiate the above created class and call the appropriate method. Use arguments to your methods, that are available in groovy script context, log, testRunner etc variables. Even the script is done with fewer lines.
Debugging In Action:
In your IDE, configure remote debugging and add your debug points where it is needed. And start debug.
Now, just run the groovy script. Go to IDE, it should stop at the point where you added the debug point. You should be to do run through it normally like how you do with java projects in your IDE.
This works best for me.
Of course, this requires programming knowledge, know working in IDE (assuming that user knows as per the question) configuring build/class path etc.
Can't be done. SmartBear has been talking about this since at least 2007 (when SoapUI was still owned by Eviware), but still has not delivered. Here is one source: http://community.smartbear.com/t5/SoapUI-NG/Debugging-Groovy-scripts/td-p/33995

How can I in ant wait until a file is usable?

I'm trying to fix a build file where a part of it runs a bash script to generate a file. This file generation takes under a second and wasn't a problem until we moved to eclipse.
The issue is that if I save any file in eclipse with a change and then run ant to build. I get a "class not found" error on the generated file. Seems like eclipse is doing something to the newly generated file (it even shows it with an error check box)
If I wait a few seconds more and run the build again, it works fine.
What I have been trying to use is this.
<waitfor maxwait="30" maxwaitunit="second">
<available file="${src}/thefile.java"/>
It does not work. I also tried to look at something called <readable> under the selectors set which by the documentation could be used in junction with some other waitfor methods.
How can I fix this problem or is there another way around it?
Found the issue. Eclipse was locking the generated file while it was building the workspace so the bash script that generated it would mess up.
The building of the workspace took 4-5 seconds so that was the delay.
I was able to speed up the building of the workspace by disabling the XML and DTD validation. (Window > Preferences > Validation)

Test projects not reading app.config in TeamCity -> NUnit phase

Well we are facing a strange problem with JetBrains TeamCity induced unit tests on our main project where tests from few library projects are failing regularly. Apparently, it's not reading the config file (coming from app.config and nicely stored in project -> bin -> debug -> projectName.dll.config).
Hints or tips on what could be the real issue would be highly appreciated.
I've got the same problem and wasted a couple of hours to figure out what the problem is.
In our case, the NUnit plugin was configured to run the tests from:
Though this sounds to be OK, it has turned out that this pattern will not only match to the MyTests.dll in the bin\Debug folder but also to the obj\Debug\MyTests.dll. The obj folder is used internally for the compilation and does not contain the config file.
Finally the solution was to change the plugin configuration to
Actually we use a system variable for the build configuration so we did not have the "Debug" hard-coded. Using bin* might be also dangerous when the workspace is also used for Debug/Release builds and you don't have a full cleanup specified.
You might wonder why I did not realize the test count mismatch (actually it was doubled, because they were running once from bin and once from obj), but this is typical: while everything is green, you don't care about the count. When we have introduced the first test depending on the config, we had only one failure (because the one from bin was passing), so the duplication was not outstanding.
In addition to Gaspar Nagy's accepted answer, check to see if your project has multiple test dlls and one of them is referencing another.
This causes the referenced dll to be run twice, and the copy that was in the other dll's folder to not have the proper app.config entries. The proper fix is to remove any and all references from the other test project.
TeamCity (v6.5.4) has its own NUnit Test Runner and there seems to be an inconsistency between it and the NUnit GUI test runner (2.5.10). The NUnit GUI Test Runner follows the long standing convention of expecting the configuration file name to be of the format .config. You can see this in NUnit by looking at Project -> Edit...
TeamCity on the other hand is looking for an app.config.
Your options are to either:
Set the NUnit GUI to point to app.config and include the resultant
nunit project in your source control.
Have both an app.config and a .config - syncing both
Add a step to your build process to copy .config to
app.config (or vice versa).
I had similar woes
This may help; additionally we had issues where this still would not work - we ended up copying the relevant config sections into the highest level config file. (i.e. if it was a web app copy it into the Web.Config) - fairly kludgy but we had wasted a few days on the issue
I learned recently that app.config files are not read for a class library... Maybe this link could help :)
app.config for a class library
If you need a config file for your "unit" tests then you are doing it wrong. Proper unit testing never needs configuration or access to the database, file system etc. You should change your testing strategy.
Good point to start is mark your tests that need configuration with the[Category("Integration")] annotation and set the Teamcity test runner to ignore this category. Then you should focus on refactoring these test.

How to change Eclipse run script in QNX6?

Related to another question, we want to change the eclipse run command.
I found that eclipse can run executing the script:
But the startup configuration is not written there. The only thing the script does is executing the file:
This file is a binary which ends calling another one with all the startup parameters for Eclipse.
So my question is: where can I find and change those parameters?
Thank you for your time.
I would first look at the eclipse.ini file to check if your startup configuration is not better expressed there.
(that is one element for having a quicker eclipse)
In your case, it should be at:
If it is not there, you could create it. It would be detected by eclipse during launch.