How do you perform arithmetic calculations on symbols in Scheme/Lisp? - lisp

I need to perform calculations with a symbol. I need to convert the time which is of hh:mm form to the minutes passed.
;; (get-minutes symbol)->number
;; convert the time in hh:mm to minutes
;; (get-minutes 6:19)-> 6* 60 + 19
(define (get-minutes time)
(let* ((a-time (string->list (symbol->string time)))
(hour (first a-time))
(minutes (third a-time)))
(+ (* hour 60) minutes)))
This is an incorrect code, I get a character after all that conversion and cannot perform a correct calculation.
Do you guys have any suggestions? I cant change the input type.
Context: The input is a flight schedule so I cannot alter the data structure.
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Figured out an ugly solution. Please suggest something better.
(define (get-minutes time)
(let* ((a-time (symbol->string time))
(hour (string->number (substring a-time 0 1)))
(minutes (string->number (substring a-time 2 4))))
(+ (* hour 60) minutes)))

You can find a definition for string-split here. It will enable you to split a string at delimiters of your choice. Then you can define get-minutes like this:
(define (get-minutes time)
(let* ((fields (string-split (symbol->string time) '(#\:)))
(hour (string->number (first fields)))
(minutes (string->number (second fields))))
(+ (* hour 60) minutes)))

you need to convert to numerical values for your calculations to make sense. (hour (string->number (string (first a-time)))) same for minute


Application not a procedure error in Racket

I'm trying to write a function called dates_in_month that takes a list of dates and a month and returns a list holding the dates from the argument list of dates that are in the month. The returned list should contain dates in the order they were originally given. However I'm new to Racket and I'm getting the error "application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: 5"
Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? If anyone can point out my error that'd be much appreciated.
This is the code i am working on with my test case at the bottom.
#lang racket
(define (append lst1 lst2)
(if (null? lst1)
(cons (car lst1) (append (cdr lst1) lst2))))
(define (dates_in_month dates month)
(if (null? dates)
(let ((date (car dates)))
(if (= (month date) month)
(cons date (dates_in_month (cdr dates) month))
(dates_in_month (cdr dates) month)))))
(define test-dates '(#(1 1 2000) #(2 2 2000) #(3 3 2000) #(4 4
2000) #(5 5 2000) #(6 6 2000)))
(dates_in_month test-dates 5)
Your error is caused by calling (month date)- month should be some procedure, which you want to call with the argument date (date will be some vector), but month has value 5, that isn't a procedure.
That is the meaning of the error message:
"application: not a procedure; expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments given: 5"
I guess you need to get somehow the second element of the vector date and then compare it with the value of month. You should use the function vector-ref- example:
> (vector-ref #(5 5 2000) 1)
See also DrRacket docs for Vectors for other functions for working with vectors.
And if you can, you could also use filter instead of recursion. Here are both variants:
(define (dates-in-month dates month)
(if (null? dates)
(let ((date (car dates)))
(if (= (vector-ref date 1) month)
(cons date (dates-in-month (cdr dates) month))
(dates-in-month (cdr dates) month)))))
(define (dates-in-month2 dates month)
(filter (lambda (date) (= (vector-ref date 1) month))
(define test-dates '(#(1 1 2000) #(2 2 2000) #(3 3 2000) #(4 4 2000) #(5 5 2000) #(6 6 2000)))
(dates-in-month test-dates 5)
(dates-in-month2 test-dates 5)
And append is already part of the DrRacket language, so you don't have to reimplement it.

Day counter program (racket)

I need to do a program which can count all days that have been passed since 2000's until the date that the user enter in the input.
Current code.
#lang racket
(define (bisiesto year)
(cond (= (remainder year 4) 0) (void))
(define day 0)
(define month 0)
(define cyear 0)
(define (count)
(display "Enter day: ")
(set! day(read))
(display "Enter month: ")
(set! month(read))
(display "Enter year: ")
(set! cyear(read))
((and(> day 0)(>= 31))
I have no idea how to continue this program, I don't know very well racket language.
PD: Sorry if my English it's not good enough, thanks for your help.
You will need function find-seconds from racket/date library:
#lang racket
(require racket/date)
(define (day-count day month year)
(let ((diff (- (find-seconds 0 0 0 day month year)
(find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2000))))
(if (> 0 diff)
"Inserted date is before 1. 1. 2000."
(/ diff (* 60 60 24)))))
(define (read-with-prompt text)
(display text)
(define (run-program)
(read-with-prompt "Enter day (1-31): ")
(read-with-prompt "Enter month (1-12): ")
(read-with-prompt "Enter year: ")))
Start with (run-program) and enter some numbers.

How to list all the leap year from 1800 in LISP?

I have this code below which takes one parameter and prints all the list of leap year in reverse order. how can I make it take 1800 as default input and just run command (leap) to list all the leap years from 1800-2018?
(defun leap (q)
(if (< q 1800)
(RETURN-FROM leap nil)
(leap (- q 1))
(if (leapyear q)
(push q mylist)
(reverse(leap 2018))
I can't completely understand what you are trying to do, but:
(defun leapyearp (y)
;; is Y a leap year, as best we can tell?
(= (nth-value 3 (decode-universal-time
(+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 28 2 y)
(* 60 60 24))))
(defun leapyears (&key (start 1800) (end (nth-value 5 (get-decoded-time))))
;; all the leap years in a range
(loop for y from start to end
if (leapyearp y) collect y))

using date-time in emacs spreadsheets

I'm just starting to use ses-mode in emacs, and I plan to use it with timestamps, but I do not manage to have them parsed in a way that I can then use.
I'm taking measurements on three days of the week, so my distances between one measurement and the other is either 2 or 3 days. I chose to use ses-mode in emacs because it runs on all of my computers, including the phone.
my spreadsheet contains datestamp, conductivity, temperature, and gallon count, a couple of subsequent lines would look like this:
2014-10-03 2.95 33.4 4031070
2014-10-06 3.07 33.5 4086930
2014-10-08 2.97 33.6 4119590
I would add two more columns, the first with the difference of days between the readings, the second with the "gallon-per-day" value.
I do not manage to have the string timestamp parsed into a format where I can do computations, staying within a simple emacs spreadsheet (SES).
I've tried date-to-time, but it always returns the same value (14445 17280).
parse-time-string gives me a 9-tuple which I can't directly pass to format-time-string.
The function encode-time helps:
(let ((l (parse-time-string "2014-09-12")))
(format-time-string "%d %m %Y" (encode-time 0 0 0 (nth 3 l) (nth 4 l) (nth 5 l))))
The following version uses cl-flet to avoid doubling of code if the encoding is needed multiple times. If you need the encoding also in other functions you can use defun instead of cl-flet.
(eval-when (compile) (require 'cl)) ;; for cl-flet
(let ((A2 "2014-10-08") ;; just for testing
(A1 "2014-10-03")) ;; just for testing
(cl-flet ((encode (str)
(let ((l (parse-time-string str)))
(encode-time 0 0 0 (nth 3 l) (nth 4 l) (nth 5 l)))))
(let* ((t-prev (encode A1))
(t-this (encode A2)))
(/ (time-to-seconds (time-subtract t-this t-prev)) (* 24 60 60)))))
As a function:
(eval-when (compile) (require 'cl)) ;; for cl-flet
(defun day-diff (date1 date2)
"Calculate the difference of dates in days between DATE1-STR and DATE2-STR."
(interactive "sDate1:\nsDate2:")
(cl-flet ((encode (str)
(let ((l (parse-time-string str)))
(encode-time 0 0 0 (nth 3 l) (nth 4 l) (nth 5 l)))))
(setq date1 (encode date1)
date2 (encode date2))
(let ((ret (/ (time-to-seconds (time-subtract date1 date2)) (* 24 60 60))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "Day difference: %s" ret))
(put 'day-diff 'safe-function t)
An alternative using calc would be:
(require 'calc)
(defun day-diff (date1 date2)
"Calculate the difference of dates in days between DATE1-STR and DATE2-STR."
(interactive "sDate1:\nsDate2:")
(let ((ret (string-to-number (calc-eval (format "<%s>-<%s>" date1 date2)))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "Day difference: %s" ret))
If you omit the nice-to-have features this becomes almost a simple cell formula: (string-to-number (calc-eval (format "<%s>-<%s>" A1 A2))).
If you want to save the stuff in the spreadsheet you can put the defun in table cell A1. A more simple example:
(progn (defun day-diff (date1 date2) (string-to-number (calc-eval (format "<%s>-<%s>" date1 date2)))) (put 'day 'safe-function t) "Actual header")
To have a more convenient editing possibility you can switch to M-x lisp-mode.
There you find
(ses-cell A1 "Actual Header" (progn (defun day-diff (date1 date2) (string-to-number (calc-eval (format "<%s>-<%s>" date1 date2)))) (put 'day 'safe-function t) "Actual header") nil nil)
which you can edit. But do not insert linebreaks! ses identifies cell-positions with line numbers in that file!
Another nice alternative is to put the definition of your function into the file-local variable list.
Switch to lisp-interaction mode by M-x lisp-interaction-mode.
Go to the end of the file. There you find the lines:
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: ses
;; End:
Add your function definition as eval to this list:
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: ses
;; eval:
;; (progn
;; (defun day-diff (date1 date2)
;; (string-to-number (calc-eval (format "<%s>-<%s>" date1 date2))))
;; (put 'day-diff 'safe-function t))
;; End:
You can add the progn without the comment characters ;. In this case even indentation works. Afterwards you can call comment-region for the progn.
You can save the file and run M-x normal-mode. Afterwards the function is defined and you can use it in the spreadsheet.

How to count days excluding weekends and holidays in Emacs calendar

In Emacs calendar, one can count days between two dates (including both the start and the end date) using the M-= which runs the command calendar-count-days-region. How can I count days excluding the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if defined holidays coming from the variables: holiday-general-holidays and holiday-local-holidays?
I think this essentially breaks down into three parts:
Count the days in a region
subtract the weekend days
subtract the holidays
Emacs already has the first part covered with M-= (calendar-count-days-region), so let's take a look at that function.
Helpful, but unfortunately it reads the buffer and sends the output directly. Let's make a generalized version which takes start and end date parameters and returns the number of days instead of printing them:
(defun my-calendar-count-days(d1 d2)
(let* ((days (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d1)
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d2)))
(days (1+ (if (> days 0) days (- days)))))
This is pretty much just a copy of the calendar-count-days-region function, but without the buffer reading & writing stuff. Some tests:
(ert-deftest test-count-days ()
"Test my-calendar-count-days function"
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(5 1 2014) '(5 31 2014)) 31))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(12 29 2013) '(1 4 2014)) 7))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(2 28 2012) '(3 1 2012)) 3))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(2 28 2014) '(3 1 2014)) 2)))
Now, for step 2, I can't find any built-in function to calculate weekend days for a date range (surprisingly!). Luckily, this /might/ be pretty simple when working with absolute dates. Here's a very naive attempt which simply loops through all absolute dates in the range and looks for Saturdays & Sundays:
(defun my-calendar-count-weekend-days(date1 date2)
(let* ((tmp-date (if (< date1 date2) date1 date2))
(end-date (if (> date1 date2) date1 date2))
(weekend-days 0))
(while (<= tmp-date end-date)
(let ((day-of-week (calendar-day-of-week
(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute tmp-date))))
(if (or (= day-of-week 0)
(= day-of-week 6))
(incf weekend-days ))
(incf tmp-date)))
That function should be optimized since it does a bunch of unnecessary looping (e.g. we know that the 5 days after Sunday won't be weekend days, so there is no need to convert & test them), but for the purpose of this example I think it's pretty clear and simple. Good Enough for now, indeed. Some tests:
(ert-deftest test-count-weekend-days ()
"Test my-calendar-count-weekend-days function"
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 1 2014))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 31 2014))) 9))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(4 28 2014))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 2 2014))) 0))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(2 27 2004))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(2 29 2004))) 2)))
Lastly, we need to know the holidays in the range, and emacs provides this in the holiday-in-range function! Note that this function calls calendar-holiday-list to determine which holidays to include, so if you really want to search only holiday-general-holidays and holiday-local-holidays you would need to set your calendar-holidays variable appropriately. See C-h v calendar-holidays for the details.
Now we can wrap all this up in a new interactive function which does the three steps above. This is essentially another modified version of calendar-count-days-region that subtracts weekends and holidays before printing the results (see edit below before running):
(defun calendar-count-days-region2 ()
"Count the number of days (inclusive) between point and the mark
excluding weekends and holidays."
(let* ((d1 (calendar-cursor-to-date t))
(d2 (car calendar-mark-ring))
(date1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d1))
(date2 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d2))
(start-date (if (< date1 date2) date1 date2))
(end-date (if (> date1 date2) date1 date2))
(days (- (my-calendar-count-days d1 d2)
(+ (my-calendar-count-weekend-days start-date end-date)
start-date end-date)))))
(message "Region has %d workday%s (inclusive)"
days (if (> days 1) "s" ""))))
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable about lisp/elisp could simplify/improve these examples considerably, but I hope it at least serves as a starting point.
Actually, now that I've gone through it, I expect somebody to come along any minute and point out that there is an emacs package that already does this...
Edit: DOH!, Bug #001: If a holiday falls on a weekend, that day is removed twice...
Once solution would be to simply wrap holiday-in-range so we can eliminate holidays which were already removed for being on a weekend:
(defun my-calendar-count-holidays-on-weekdays-in-range (start end)
(let ((holidays (holiday-in-range start end))
(counter 0))
(dolist (element holidays)
(let ((day (calendar-day-of-week (car element))))
(if (and (> day 0)
(< day 6))
(incf counter))))
I've updated the calendar-count-days-region2 above to use this new function.